After The Piper

The searing dagger penetrates him still

a bleeding ache hurts to hold

digs at his heart and hijacks his will

a darkness settled lonely cold

Flying feathers now broken stumps

a twisted neck held down by comparison

Outcast by friends and lovers of cunts

hid in the dark through fear of embarrassment

following drunkly pied piper of misters

lovers spurned but still cannot hate

led by the moonlight and fed full of whispers

a rat cannot know the plunge to its fate

Letting out feelings locked up by a pill

to continue this world and his kind

giving the piper the keys to his will

and locking them into her shrine

a lesser man can want to be more

empty sands in a glass of rotation

each grain felt and wound rubbed raw

a shadow of his love in weak quotation

hands on a face pull out daggers

no more blood will envision and spill

a sword can protect to shine and preserve

but she hacks down the mountains and chooses to kill

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Naomi Rose's picture

i really like this, its different in a good way