To free your soul.

This genre of music will blow up. and when it does I will be a part of it. Ambient music will get recognition someday.

Muisc is all about emotion. Not about how hard your music is to play. Or how fast you can play. Music comes from the soul not the instrument. Ambient is pure soul. It burns bright and shows all sides and colors of your true self. All these fake feelings bestowed in music that sells will soon dwindle out. Realism Is finally catching on. Its making a name for its self again. we live in drug using and drug abusing society. The world is a crowded society its stripping us of our animistic nature. we are animals just like everything else. we are forgetting how to enjoy the simple sides of life witch is just plain living. These drugs many of us struggle with abusing and just the struggle of staying focused is not a disorder or a disease. Its because we are forgetting what is real and what matters. we slave away to claim materials and technology that did not exist 20 years ago. We are stuck in places that our soul cannot understand. society says its wrong to just pack up and move away from everything you ever owned to tell your own story when you grow older. when all our bedtime stories folk tales and history tells us to leave right now and make a name for ourselves. We struggle because us as humans are lost. confused. abused by the feeling that the imprisoned state they are in is freedom.

We seek out technology and drugs to try and get away from the prisoned lives we live. I am one of them. I will take anything to alter my state of consciousnesses to forget the state of life I am living in. Everything we build and try to conquer in life to determine if we live well is completely wrong. The wrongdoing is only going to get worse. The only way we can free ourselves from our confinement is to free our soul. What I mean by a trapped soul is, Have you ever sat in your room staring at the wall when you got off of work that you don't enjoy by any means. you must work so you can afford to sit in that room to stare at the wall wondering what would happen if you just moved and went on a life long journey. So you slave yourself away to just build your own cage. You feel desperation but you cannot aim it at anything because you don't know why its there. so you just sit and wallow in it. watching television that you don't necessarily enjoy so you can forget about that feeling of desperation. so you drown it out with another substance being t.v. drugs music. needless sleep you fall into the,

well That desperate feeling is your soul crying out saying its in pain and confused at the reason why you are doing whatever you are doing to make a name for yourself. once again we are all animals. everyone wonders what it would be like to be birds. rabbits or any other living thing. Its because we wish we had the freedom they have. The freedom to just go. run as fast as you can and never go back to the place you are currently residing. we are caged birds. when a caged bird runs it never comes back to the cage it once was a prisoner too. we are a prisoner to society. society as being a government that gives us the rules on how we live our life. How we guide our paths if its wrong or right. working just to afford to stay in one place. Living in lines and columns in hospital delivery rooms. to class rooms. Roads. offices and then to lines and column in graveyards. we all want to travel and break the patterns of repetitive bland living. we should all have the ability to travel. The only way we have to travel now is to abuse drugs. get lost in technology or drown out our sorrows or go away for a weekend once a year, and lie saying everything we are doing as an animal race is all right.

the worst part of this whole spiel on society and addiction and imprisonment is its never going to change.... Never.
The chances are slim to none. I wont be a person to try and get your hopes up.
But the part that is important is knowing its wrong.
understanding why its wrong and fighting to try to be a free soul even tho its close to impossible.
My goal is to try and spread this message to as many lost souls as I can find.
I am a lost soul my self it took way too many nights deciphering my emotions
to understand the motive to the desperation I was feeling
took being dead once and just not really understand the meaning of life at all.
Nobody really knows the meaning of life.
My meaning is to try and be free.
free and real. So I consider myself a free thought realist.
a dreamer in hopes of achieving free all together

The soul has been lost the only way it really shines is through art.
But as much as art can shine art can lie.
Art has lied to us much more than it has really showed us the truth.
art has showed us its ok to disregard everything around us for obtaining a higher financial status
art has shown us its ok to live in rows and collumns
art has taught us to abuse the looks of beauty and scar it and destroy it
as we try to keep notches on our bed posts to how many you have captured with your charm
Its not the arts fault. It was the confusion of the soul of a person who fell into society standards
who decided to create art and guide us to the wrong path of living and we just kept making the same left turn
over the course of our existence.

art also can show us the truth. I found it in many sound wave frequencies I never knew existed until recently.
Through pictures of places I wish were possible for me to see.
The art of dreaming and wishing with the hope you can achieve those dreams or wishes.
art can show us not just love witch is its only common truth it tells.
But how to live without feeling confined and desperate.
Art shows us how to be abstract and personable and accept differences.
Fall in love with the nature of the world rather than the destruction our confusion has caused.
and more than anything else in the world.
art can show us how to free your soul.

This is the sound of freeing your soul....

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Listen to the video it adds to the writing.

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Consider me inspired! Hugss

Consider me inspired! Hugss :D

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."