St. Valentines Kiss

Silent tongues sway to the beat of two hearts

Whispering of love, closely entwined

Souls joined in embrace dance in eternity

Arms caress as a gentle breeze

Feelings deepen into bottomless seas

Each swell, each wave, brings hymns of the heavens

Under vast open skies; jeweled nights

Staring into forever; knowing eternity lies within her eyes

Lost for days in feelings words could never touch

Every breath leading into each other’s arms

A kiss, a quiet romance

Wrapped in the folds of passion’s curtain

Love; for her; for him; forever.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Tells of the incredible feelings that kissing that special someone can give you.

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Nicole.J.Burgess's picture

I can now say surely that you do obviously have a great talent, the way that you seem to capture the moment and hold it in place, like a photo, in all of it's vivid color, is not something I have seen from any writer in a long while. I can almost see it, and it is completely beautiful.
Thankyou for this, I haven't felt this way since I stopped writing songs.


Jere''s picture

The line about eternity in her eyes places you with the greatest of love poets, including Dante; but the poem, as a whole, confirms that placement. You have a way with words that, though unlike what I have usually preferred (I normally stick to strict rhyme and meter), is so overwhelmingly impressive that one forgets any minor questions of form in order to bask in the effect of the poem. Again, this reminds me very much of the early Claudel; and, moreso, of the great Irish poet and diplomat, Denis Devlin. (And I urge you to run, don't just walk, to the nearest library or bookstore, and begin reading his stuff. Ambassador Devlin will make you work in his poems, but he will pay you back for the effort.)

Anna Dufour's picture

You have captured my exact feelings in a kiss in this poem. It made my heart fluttered and my knees weak! To know someone else feels the same about a kiss, especially the opposite sex, is a great releif and joy to me! Have fun

Lina Grant's picture

Hey, I really really liked this poem. I liked the part where you say, "Staring into forever; knowing eternity lies within her eyes"....that's really cute! You're a pretty good poet...seriously. I like all of your poems.:)

Catriana Jellyfish's picture

Hey there,
I have read all six of your pieces on the site, but this one touched me the most. I was just captivated in the beauty of your words, and how you aren't afraid to express your deepest feelings with such honesty. You do truly have a gift and I'd be very interested in any more work you may post in the future.
Also thankyou for the kind critique on my poem.
Keep in touch,
~* Catriana *~

Michelle Duvall's picture

I've never written or read a poem about kissing that special someone, but I know exactly the feeling. Your words capture that indescribable feeling so well. Great poetry...hey, are some of your poems meant to be songs??

Kasey Renee's picture

Wow! Once again, what a great poem. E-mail me when you put new poems up. I will be sure to come back!

Allison's picture

hey~ wow, that poem you wrote was absoluetly astonishing.. you have a real talent for capturing the moment and keeping the romance involved even when written down on paper..keep it up.. i love your poems ~*~Allison~*~

Katie Saulnier's picture

Hey! I hevn't exactly experienced that in awhile, but it was so right!!! Excellent work. If you get a chance, check out mine...

Andrea Henson's picture

You think you're a smooth talker huh? Nah, I'm just kidding! You are a very talented writer! I almost felt like I was the one doing all the kissing!!! I would really appreciate it if you would check out my bio, photo, and my poems! THANX!

reco/debersharack's picture

great poem!!!!!! kinda freaky alota romanticness (i hope that's a word) I loved the word play and rhyming. keep up the great work

Stevi Speights's picture

wow.....this made butterfly's in my tummy! i havn't read a poem that has done that to me in a long time! keep writing this well! you're a great poet! i have to give you props because i am also a musician and it rocks that you are too. but anyways if you get the time please stop by my site and read my new poem "ugly girl" thank you! and jeezy creezy boy! keep up that writing ur great at it! stevi (girl)

April Knapp's picture

Indeed the right kiss can do a lot. I'm one to write more sorrow or depressive poems...wising I could write about love, but it doesnt strike on paper as powerful as it does with I leave it to people who can do it...and you are one of those people. I love romance. Thank you writing it...

Sara Knowlton's picture

Thanks for the awesome critique on my poem. You, too, have a really amazing way of capturing that moment.. that emotion. A guy that find beauty.. is truly beautiful :)

Sarah Hill's picture

Man, this poem rules! I've never heard nething like it! HeHe Its just awesome, great job! Ps. Your hot!