There is no Distance

Worlds apart in distance,

Bound together by our hearts,

Tied together with divine promise,

Wrapped in the arms of our souls.

I wish I were the sun, shedding let upon your fair complexion,

Awakening your day, staring, smiling back into loving eyes,

Shining the spotlight upon your beauty in Earth’s pageant.

I wish I were the grass, tickling your precious skin,

Softening your gentle step, gracing your path,

Always there to support you with a never ending presence.

I wish I were the tree, shadowing your eyes on hot summer afternoons,

Waiting for you in the coolness of the evening, holding your perfection,

Forever growing closer to you; forever and always.

Inches apart in distance,

Bound together with our warmth,

Tied together with our love,

Wrapped in the arms of each other.

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Michelle Duvall's picture

This poem had to make "her" melt! It did to me!!! and the best part is, it's not sappy and cheezy, it's sounds from the heart, that's when you write youor best poems. Keep it up.

Jennifer Heads's picture

Wow, that was so sweet. That's what I hope my soul mate is thinking about me right now, though we're separated by much more than physical distance. somehow, for a second, I felt like that was for me, by him, you know?

Analyn Lacaron's picture

i like your poem! i can relate to it! how i wish i was your gal!

Sara Knowlton's picture

Okay... that gave me goosebumps. In all seriousness.. whoever that was written about is a lucky girl because that's one of the most amazing things I have ever read. Definitely good.

Moniqué  R's picture

Your imagery is magnificent... There is so much passion in this piece... I love it :) ~Monique

Helen Charlotte's picture

this is a beautiful poem, its classic in its imagery and language, youve hit the nail on the head with this one!

helen x