Why did I choose to love you?
Why did I give away my heart so soon,
so soon, and why of all the people
was it you, my dear and restless wanderer?
I gave my heart to your sweet smile
and lived to gain our future - all the while
the days were fair, you had my joy
in simple things like evening walks
down a lakeside path
and through the woods.
We danced together.
Hand in hand,
and heart to heart,
we fought, we shared,
we loved, we tried.
I fought to clear our path, my dear,
but in the end, our love died.
I treasured all the times you thought of me,
and looked at you with heartstruck eyes,
watching for a spark of recognition,
hoping to see the same fire burning
hoping to see you in love with me.
Maybe you were -
Like this. Makes me ponder a
Like this. Makes me ponder a special friendship. Oh the love we shared... I was so in love
Copyright © JessterStarshine