What Our Love Is

This is so cliche'

I'm ashamed to say

Our love is like a red, red rose...

Or mayhap not.

In my lifes travels

I've heard it said

That red roses are passion

White roses are love

But if they ever come together

Death is to come,

And takes it all

Six feet under-ground.

So I have concluded

That our love is pink

Not red for passion, not white for love

And deffinately not a combination

That brings death to our door

But pink, for some love

Some passion, that creates

Hugs and cuddles, as well as our sweet kisses.

But ours is not a garden rose

All tame and domestified

Our love didn't grow, all nice and slow

It burst out of nowhere,

All wild and scraggly, and spread all about

Rather rapidly.

Our love isn't perfect, like a little granny's

Garden rose, but with faults

That makes a unique, and beautiful love

Just as beautiful, and rare

As a pink, wild rose...

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