

So the wheels on the bus;

went round and round.

Around roundabouts we cruise.

Through countryside we are bound.

The buses are new and clean.

All plastic  and leather covering.

Luggauge, pushchairs and wheelchairs can be seen.

A ramp too; for the disabled to board or when alighting.

Fairly prompt is the service.

With cheerful drivers generally.

A.M. and P.M. the rush hour driving is fierce!

A customary "thanks driver" as you alight carefully.

Here arrives the bus at our street.

The ticket machine all new.

No more paper receipt.

Valid passes are due.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

As I am not a car driver or have a car; I am as optimistic as can be regarding the local bus service, which could still be improved.

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No Buses Here

Transportation issues in S.E. Michigan - city of cars, who needs buses running on time? Buy a car. Learn to drive or walk. I use cabs infrequently - family provides transport as needed. Nice write - Reminds me of the good old days that I am glad are gone - not clean, the smell of homeless living on the buses in winter, the bumpy ride - Allets