My Last Goodbye

I dig your grave keeping the tears from entering my eyes

Deeper in the ground I go with shovel and ick

Knowing these are the last things I can ever do for you

I love you and dont want you to go

So I dig as deep as I can unable to get very far

I'm trying to hurry and dig deep

But the ground is hard and the roots are around

I'm hurting inside and now out

In a frustration Im hit in the head hard

Swearing blood will come forth

But I ignore the pain

Hold back from crying out and crying for you

I dig as far as I can before I hit rock bottom

Wrapping you up to keep the dirt from getting in your eyes

Hoping to preserve you before the insects get to you

I lay you facing the west towards the land of the dead

Covering you with dirt and watching you fade away

I gather rocks to cover your grave

To be sure the scavengers cant dig up your body

Cant pick at your bones

A pyramid I build above you

So you can be with those you deserve

A flower I place across the top

Leaning back I look at where you now reside

Where you will never walk away from

An oncomer would see a person

Muddy and tired, full of despair

Blood on their hands and blood flowing down the side of their face

I fight back from what I wish to do

From bringing you back and holding you

But I will not move you

You'll sleep now and forever in this place

And i will walk on and away

Live as long as I can

My love will forever belong to you

And memories will not be forgotten

So I fade away from the picture

And no longer wait

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