
I knew you still loved her

That much you told me

I knew she was having your baby

That she left you

And not you her

At least you were honest about that much

You told me your problems

And I would have done anything to help

I believed you cared about me

Especially when you told me you did

Maybe you did

Maybe you cared for us both

I may never know

All I know is what she told me

About the breaking up

About the "I'm sorry"

About the getting back together

Maybe shes right

Maybe you are back together

She said it with such sincerity

Such truth and certainty

I remember now the times when you said you'd call

But never did

The nights I couldnt find you

When you went to a friend's house and then her brother's

In a way you hinted it to me

Letting me know he was her brother

Even then I'd wondered if she'd been there

Instead of seeing me as planned

You saw her

The day I called and asked what you did that day

How you had such a guilty conscience

You told me you still loved her

I knew that was to be expected

Considering she was the only one you've ever loved

The fact you have such a past together

The existance of a child you share

I knew from the beginning I wouldn't be able to keep you

But over time I thought it changed

You always said you weren't together anymore

You had a child together

But that was it

The only reason I proceeded with you

Is because of what you said

When you told me how you felt

When you asked me to be yours

The way you assured me

Others knew we were together

But none bothered to say anything

Not to me anyway

Maybe she's wrong

Maybe you aren't back together

She's just doing it out of spite

Revenge for losing her baby's father for herself

Regret for ever letting you go

Finding another now in her place

Another in your embrace

You told me you were over

You're a straight-up type of person

You would have told me

Told me to spare my feelings

Woudnt have told others

But kept us quiet

They would have told me

Let me know what's going on

You say every word so honestly

You told me the truth

Told me of your love not yet forgotten

You told me that we were together

Told me you two were over

Another problem has risen for you

This time it deals more directly with me than before

This one I will not be able to fight off for you

This one is personal

I need the truth

Maybe she's right

Maybe she's wrong

I wont know until I've talked to you

Until I've confronted you

If you say she's wrong

I must hear it from her lips too

Hear her say she lied

That she did it out of spite

For revenge because she lost her baby's father for herself

For regret because she ever let you go

If I dont hear it from her lips

I wont know for sure

I'll always wonder

But if you tell me the truth

Tell me you are back together

I'll understand

You have every reason to want to be with her

I won't be angry

The only reason I'd be angry is if you continuously lied

If I didnt hear it from her lips

If I found you hid it from me

Asking me to care, to surrender my heart

While I believed you weren't together

But in fact you were

All I want is the truth

Thing's not hidden but put out in the open

For the truth to be plainly known for all

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Kris Hoffman's picture

such beauty resonates throughout this...with your words, you paint such a portrait in my eyes...