Sunday Afternoon Regret, Sad You See

(after TomBank's poem, "Sunday Regret")


The same day came . . . Sadducees,

which say that there is no resurrection.

---Matthew 22:23


All my senses seem to fail

as if an impending gloom

is rolling nearer to assail

me---staring at that empty tomb.

People whisper "Resurrection,"

and I feel a disconnection:

a misery, not mirth.

Does cancelled death, perhaps, cancel my birth?





Author's Notes/Comments: 

The speaker is not myself; these words are meant to represent a lost person.

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Finsmojo's picture

This is great! I'm glad you

This is great! I'm honored that you were inspired to write something(:

C03ru135c3n7's picture

Thank you, sir.

Thank you, sir.
