Most of the stars and galaxies are dead.
What stars remain gather to no pattern,
glowing (in darkest distance) rusted red
like splatter on the gown of a murdered slattern.
This is the universal destiny
of physics: the unreversed fatality;
all entourage dissolved to entropy---
a process that cannot be steered or stayed,
and bookends both the early and the late.
All lattices of structure dissipate;
time stalls, while space becomes attenuated:
the sum of all things, summarily violated . . .
like those sad, desperate whores so grimly preyed
upon in London, England, Autumn, 1888.
Never let any fool convince
Never let any fool convince you – that our existence, is not a miracle, within a miracle, within a miracle... enfolded within a billion miracles.
And never forget – we are but the primitive dust of dead stars. So do not put your faith – in mere dust, as most men place their faith. But place your faith – in The One Who Assembles The Dust. For He is the True Master of All
The nearest galaxy is 2.5
The nearest galaxy is 2.5 million light years away. Taken into perspective, the state we currently observe in most galaxies – pre-dates the dinosaurs. That said, there is still very much, a fine-grained pattern. The closest thing it resembles – is a neurological system. Have a look for yourself.
Laniakea: Our home supercluster
Thank you for those
Thank you for those comments. I will indeed give a look to the you tube link.
And if you have not seen
And if you have not seen these two documentaries, they are beyond essential – to understanding our place in the universe. Yes – it is not so popular in the collective conscience today – to believe in an almighty and infinite power. And I understand why that is. We live in a society and culture – that has been brainwashed – and lied to. I myself, believed as my father did – for many years, in the whole Darwinian explanation of life. That is – until I started to reason and question (in a state of humility – because you cannot approach true knowledge without humility, and actually come out the winner – because it always hides itself away from anything, resembling an ego), and see things clearly... and all the impossibilities that must align just perfectly (many hundreds of equations – some of which, must align to the finality of one hundred and twenty decimal points) [and these are by no means – a coincidence, but speak of a creator beyond our comprehension] just to arrive at the simplicity of an Amoeba-like existence. And to think that the entire universe – evolved from nothing, and that life itself – in all of it's multidimensional complexity, arose without a divine intelligence... is the height of absurdity – for any thinking man.
I agree, of course, but I
I agree, of course, but I certainly cannot state the case as eloquently as you do. Thank you for summarizing all that in such an inspiring way.