At A Roman Shop On A Black Friday

[after Revelation 18]


Blessed with such wealth, they act so petulant.

Each need well satisfied, yet still they want

a little more.  And when they cannot take

or purchase their desire, their manners break.

But we, working in shops they patronize,

are told to use all sorts of flattery---

(sometimes even the owners tell them lies)---

even against observed reality

(this, customers believe, more stupidly).

This keeps the businesses profitably

thriving, that---to the brims---coffers are full

of many coins (and some are Roman gold).

But counted wealth is not yet wealth untold

(and that has always been the tacit goal).

Shopkeepers wake up hours before the dawn

pursuing sales, even into midnight.

Their lamps burn long, but do not shed much light.

No wonder:  Rome has been called Babylon

by our erstwhile elder, Apostle John.

This city and its commerce cries, "Engage

"the world," but underneath that is the rage

of souls that seethe in fear of sure damnation

because they loved their business, not Salvation.





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The nerve is struck

But they refuse to cry.


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I never thanked you for this

I never thanked you for this comment.  Please forgive me for unintentional negligence; no disrespect intended.
