Imprecation On Henry Tudor, Styled Henry VIII, 1

Henry the eighth?---a first rate bastard too;

Henry the pervert (yes toward Katherine Howard):

for murdering both her and Ann Askew,

you should be damned to Hell, you churlish coward;

to torments roasting your soul through and through.

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allets's picture

Henry Ex-Communicate

created his own religion

and protestantism was born

to create a mechanism

for divorces in multiples.


He married for love and estates

and wealth and prominence

but mostly in search of fertility.


Cursed or blessed, he gave

us Elizabeth, our joy and pride

and coins for poets.


Dante had Henry in mind

when he created

all those Hell levels.



oops - not supposed to be writing or posting

but H Tudor was nice as Rhys Meyers in the

series. :D




S74rd4rd157's picture

Thanks for that

Interesting interpretation, and I would question only the final reference to Dante.  He died eighty years (minus two months, seventeen days) before Henry's birth.
