Trusted with personal thoughts
Personal doings
I thought I knew you
Thought I could cry in your arms
Believed that I could do the
stupidest thing and never tell a soul
Thought that an argument would go away
Believed that we would be
hand in hand against our enemies
I thought you knew me
Thought that you would never betray me
Believed you could never hurt me
I thought we would be friends forever
Guess I was wrong
Wish you the best
Remember that I won't let you
hurt me anymore
Remember all the good times
which has now turned to memories
Hiya hun.What a sad tone this poem has.It's true betrayal is the worst stinger of a slap!I totally enjoyed this as the words tripped of your tongue beautifully arranging them into a dancing formation.A very bittersweet poem.
Thankyou also for your kind comments on my work! :-) You are too kind!!!