Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

S74RW4RD's picture
S74RW4RD posted a new Poem titled Sovietology 101, 1 16 weeks ago
The Soviet Union was a massive reflection of the contours and terrain of Lenin's twisted soul: its degradation, dereliction, and dejection--...
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weepingwoman's picture
weepingwoman posted a new Poem titled Signed, Sealed, Delivered 16 weeks ago
    "Write it down, carry it around"  How about I buy a tattoo gun    and set about turning myself into...
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DaztheDruid's picture
DaztheDruid posted a new Poem titled PS TO NEED FRIENDS OF DAZ 16 weeks ago
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uninvited_1's picture
uninvited_1 posted a new Poem titled If You Only Knew 16 weeks ago
    The tears are real, the smile is fake This pain I feel is no mistake    Embrace the fear, erase the grey  I'll...
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uninvited_1's picture
uninvited_1 posted a new Poem titled Midnight Goddess 16 weeks ago
  Hey beautiful, Come on over, let me get a good look at you Let's get closer, tell me you want me inside you   You sweet angel, C...
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DaztheDruid's picture
DaztheDruid posted a new Poem titled Hello snake 16 weeks ago
Hello snake Full of hate For the human race German elite You are a disgrace Sooooo going down For the Diana hit Your in the shit   Send...
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georgeschaefer's picture
georgeschaefer posted a new Poem titled ROAD TO CHAMBLY 16 weeks ago
    Fending off Confederate insurrection in St. Albans and trying to find a road to Chambly   family entrenched in the fort;...
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georgeschaefer's picture
georgeschaefer posted a new Poem titled GIVE A DAMN 16 weeks ago
    I feel lonely sipping a semi warm beer and listening to an alarm clock tick knowing I have work tomorrow and I don’t really...
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cynosure's picture
cynosure posted a new Prose titled Genuine curiousity 16 weeks ago
This is a question for the writers who type in all caps.    Why do you do this?   To be clear, I write in all caps due to a b...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled MEMORIAL DAY 2024 16 weeks ago
  On this Memorial Day (as on all Memorial Days) as we pray for wars to forever cease…  may we thank all those who died in war so...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled THE GREATEST MEMORIAL 16 weeks ago
When I was a young boy I knew Memorial Day meant people came together to remember…to commemorate…to pray… but back then I did not understand...
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DaztheDruid's picture
DaztheDruid posted a new Poem titled FRIENDS OF DAZ REQUIRED 16 weeks ago
Need friends of daz Rodent crews stash Of dirty deeds  Done by AI For 12 weeks sadly You know too I’ll look after any crew Shiiiiit on...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled The tax taxes Max 16 weeks ago
There was a young man named Max Who didn't like paying his tax He said 'I'm not jolly I'll pay it tamale  Today I just wanna relax'...
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satishverma's picture
satishverma posted a new Poem titled Existential Risk 16 weeks ago
Why did you igniteyour hidden love? The swallowalways surrenders to the snake.When a lie ruptures,the flagellation begins. You willnosedive...
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unspokenvoice's picture
unspokenvoice posted a new Poem titled unseen 16 weeks ago
many eyes have wondered my face, though myself has never been seen,  looked at by many, whos hearts will always leave, always the atten...
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