Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

weepingwoman's picture
weepingwoman posted a new Prose titled Circular File #2 13 weeks ago
    until further notice... all Dailies should be sent over to... or else you can imagine your naked body floating upon the surfa...
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S74RW4RD's picture
S74RW4RD posted a new Poem titled Trooping THe Colors {Repost] 13 weeks ago
At one of London's palaces, on a high balcony: we saw Bonnie Prince Charlie and, with him, the Merry Wives of Windsor, waving.  Please:...
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S74RW4RD's picture
S74RW4RD posted a new Poem titled Footnote: Extraterrestrial Communications 13 weeks ago
They say we cannot communicate with the stars themselves.  But really, do we have anything that significant to tell them? Kyakuchuu
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weepingwoman's picture
weepingwoman posted a new Prose titled Scene XYZ 13 weeks ago
  still waiting for my number to be called...    
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weepingwoman's picture
weepingwoman posted a new Prose titled Scene 12367 13 weeks ago
    hey D how'd you learn to glow in the dark like that... hey Lenny how'd you get to Carnegie Hall...    
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled NOT AN ILLUSION 13 weeks ago
  May we be blessed to understand true love need not be an illusion…a fantasy…a myth… It’s as simple as knowing that forever is a long...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled A SIMPLE RECIPE 13 weeks ago
  Year’s ago I was reading through Deborah’s mom’s old recipe book… I hadn’t read very far when I realized…if it was a recipe she loved...
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S74RW4RD's picture
S74RW4RD posted a new Poem titled Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Some Final Measures; A College Memory 13 weeks ago
During my college  years, my small bookshelf contained three volumes explicating "self help."  But I learned only one book was vit...
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Savvart's picture
Savvart posted a new Poem titled My Secret Dance For You 13 weeks ago
In chambers of my heart, a dance unknown, A secret waltz of feelings, all alone, Where none but I can witness and partake, A hidden ballet i...
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satishverma's picture
satishverma posted a new Poem titled Condemned to Laugh 13 weeks ago
Entailing you, apain bites a song of suffering,sleeping on a pyre.I react to each fall.The hurts were my biggest mentorsin past, present and...
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orangejumpsuit's picture
orangejumpsuit posted a new Poem titled audience 13 weeks ago
Every long poem composed to the space in an empty car etheral fragile snowflake like demands to be expressed crumpled and thrown away into a...
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ramonathompsont's picture
ramonathompsont posted a new Poem titled Pride Is The Name of Love 13 weeks ago
Rewrite of U 2's Pride In The Name of Love   Pride is the name of love   Every man Every woman Pride is the name of their love Eve...
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pamschwetz's picture
pamschwetz posted a new Poem titled WHO DOESN'T LIKE RHYME 13 weeks ago
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weepingwoman's picture
weepingwoman posted a new Prose titled The Circular File 13 weeks ago
    until further notice...  all of The Dailies should be... sent over to... it's says it right here on the bottle... when in...
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djtj's picture
djtj posted a new Poem titled Freshly Brewed Poems June 19 13 weeks ago
When They Say No Thank you.  When you tell a guy that he’s not your type  Make sure a hair is not hanging from your chin.  Wh...
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