saiom posted a new Poem titled Olivebranched Dove Over Arrow Grasping Eagle 23 years ago They chose the Dove with her olive branched beak, hope made tangible, rather than the eagle's arrow- holding claws, the mistletoe of love ov... [read more] |
saiom posted a new Poem titled Short Peace Poems 23 years ago * Oh God to You we give thanks... that in time Polish horses... defeat Nazi tanks (to Alex Hershaft) * How many have been frozen bombed star... [read more] |
saiom posted a new Poem titled Dreams Come True Only If You Want Them To 23 years ago BLUEPRINTS AND FIGS Imagination's figments are by sun woven into figs Spirit conceives blueprints for quince princess and quince pr... [read more] |
emmenay posted a new Poem titled O GHALIB!!!! 23 years ago Your views on mysticism are quite unique, O Ghalib, A saint most likely had you not been drunk so often. Even a verse or two by you has wisd... [read more] |
emmenay posted a new Poem titled LET US TRY 23 years ago Who says that everybody would get the same response, Come friends let us gather atop Mount Sinai. Who thinks that some things just can't hap... [read more] |
emmenay posted a new Poem titled SOMEBODY? 23 years ago Can someone be like Christ, son of Mary, No God-blessed soul that can heal me? O, how Khidr walked away from Alexander! O, how can I trust m... [read more] |
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] قصة وفاء 23 years ago مهما يقولوا من حكي و كـلمات و مهما جرى يا سيدة السيدات مهما يصكوا أبوب و يحطوا حرس ما أحــيد والله عـن قـمر النجمــات عهــــد عليّ بـقـلب... [read more] |
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] تراءت أمم 23 years ago تراءت أمم إن أحيت مكارمها وغابت إن تركوا حسن المزكي للصفات يارب أكمل انقطاع قلب واوصله مواردها وأنر مصابيح الفؤاد بنور أجمل مافي الصفات لت... [read more] |
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] في ساعة 23 years ago في ساعة عند المغيب والكون في حمرته البهية راودت نفسي نفسها وطلبت منها قصيدة تدخل في الدنيا السرور وبعدما غابت الشمس وتغيرت ملامح الكون... [read more] |
iceblocker2003 posted a new Poem titled I cant be your buddy cause your hair is too long 23 years ago I can't be your buddy cause your hair is too long You look like my chinese neighbor Chun Fu Wong. If you got a haircut then maybe I'll consi... [read more] |
starlite_angel posted a new Poem titled Broken Down Soul 23 years ago The way I see it, it's me not you I begin to believe the thing you said were true All my thoughts of being something Should have been ones o... [read more] |
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] تعبير آخر 23 years ago أشعر بالسلام أسال عن الحبة وأن تعطني الوردة أحب أن أزرعها أسقيها وأراها تنمو ببطء ثم أجعلها بسرعة تنمو ثم لا تكون حلاقاً لما كنت أتوقع ،،،،... [read more] |
thomas posted a new Poem titled THE MESSENGER 23 years ago Listen to my heart, please don't try to make it beat again. I like it here in limbo where the telephone never rings. You are not a messenger... [read more] |
thomas posted a new Poem titled SLIPPED 23 years ago Alone in the dark, crying out loud for a heart. Begging, praying, as always failing. How can I hold on when my grip keeps slipping? Pouring... [read more] |
thomas posted a new Poem titled REVOLVING 23 years ago Dreaming of a place once real, my soul she would steal. The heart doesn't heal, memories deepen the wound. What can I do when all of my regr... [read more] |