asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] صحو الرؤى 23 years ago أريدك صفو الوهاج يتوقد ويصير سربك سربي صحو الرؤى تغدوا بموجها آه ت قلبي من داخل الموجه تزهوا ماسكا قربك قربي ولجوهر الكون نسير من عتمه ال... [read more] |
gwennalockafer posted a new Poem titled Just an Existence 23 years ago What a joke My life that is Different from this world No one understands I need something Someone Where are you? Have you forgotten me? Or... [read more] |
gentle posted a new Poem titled La Nuit, LAmour (en francais) 23 years ago Cher amour, dors cette nuit en sommeil doux. Cours loin aux forets vertes, avecs les loups courageux. Laisse tous tes soucis rencontres ce j... [read more] |
rosebudblooming posted a new Poem titled SUNDAY 23 years ago Sunday is so lonely, Sunday is so cold. Saturday,i'm young again, But Sunday,I grow old. Monday is so boring, Tuesday is so strange. By Wed... [read more] |
saiom posted a new Poem titled Cannon Fodder No More, Peaceful Master And 3 Other Poems 23 years ago PEACEFUL MASTER In the holiest of cl... [read more] |
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] باب العتب 23 years ago منهو حبيبك يا مضيع عروق المحبه ساعه الزفه ماهو حبيبك لو يصير البحر ناشف متى و الله ما فكر بشوفتك ساعه و لا صدفه تزين لي ظلام الليل و ت... [read more] |
saiom posted a new Poem titled Snowman Melting 23 years ago Women who do not love themselves love men who are cold but when snowmen melt they don't necessarily need the money and cars of old .. [read more] |
saiom posted a new Poem titled Snail Trail 23 years ago The shining trail of the snail's trail crawling oer lid of the holy grail has removed its shrouding veil OBSOLETE SCARECROW The anachro... [read more] |
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] ما هي 23 years ago ما هي عندما تصبح الشمعة أضواء ضخمة وتصبح النجوم هي الهادية إلى الماء والأماكن الرطبة آتي برأسك إلى القمة أنت التي تضيئين الطرقات تقطعين ال... [read more] |
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] إطلالتك 23 years ago إطلالتك لم تبارحني خذي عيني وأسأليها من الذي حول جفوني وأساليهين من الذي صب عليهن القيم من الذي يهز الأمواج أساليهن؟ من الذي أنشأ التيارات... [read more] |
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] أضواء 23 years ago خطوات مـُـتنأثرة مـُـتعرجات من ما إختطه قلمي عندما تذكرتك بحروف من الضوء ليس قلمي، أنت تحسبين النجوم تحت رجليك ومتعبتي فنهضتي كالعابد فض... [read more] |
haylz posted a new Poem titled Where My Shoulder Blades Are 23 years ago A rope to heaven when you've got no wings to fly and the ropes made out of paper falling...? [read more] |
haylz posted a new Poem titled Child Protesting 23 years ago My pictures and words Seem to make up for the ugliness of this world So dont tell me the world is not cute dont tell me to grow up when ag... [read more] |
haylz posted a new Poem titled Thin-skinned 23 years ago It seems when I scratch myself I bleed so easily And it seems when you look at me You can see right through me To the ugly core It seems th... [read more] |
Bazoora posted a new Poem titled Rephrasing An Old Memory... 23 years ago reason grins with a sarcastic scream straight to my face a painful shock of "you cant own me" rattles the peaceful depth im my mind i said... [read more] |