Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

TREXPATTON's picture
TREXPATTON posted a new Poem titled on "OTHELLO", act V, sc. ii, lines 326~338 ( in progress) 22 years ago
We have done the state a service, & they know it. We told of what we could in our home-letters; but we couldn’t tell it all: hearts not...
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TREXPATTON's picture
TREXPATTON posted a new Poem titled SOLILOQUY 22 years ago
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seepy's picture
seepy posted a new Poem titled STAR FLUTE. 22 years ago
Thin wind heaps      Cloud leaves           Against the   ...
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seepy's picture
seepy posted a new Poem titled FOR OLD LANG SYNE. 22 years ago
He stood in the ward and raised his bow, Then he softly touched the strings. Turning,all the aged stared at him And their eyes were dim-lit...
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poetatheart's picture
poetatheart posted a new Poem titled Normal 22 years ago
Everyone has an image of what is normal in their heads, But is anyone actually right? Is there such a thing as “normal”? If so, I don’t und...
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DaddyO's picture
DaddyO posted a new Poem titled "Cynicism vs Sentiment at the Golden Globes" 22 years ago
by Jeph Johnson   my friend John is proud to admit to his cynicism he calls it "realistic fatalism" or "fatalistic realism" or somethin...
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DaddyO's picture
DaddyO posted a new Poem titled "Unrequited" 22 years ago
by Jeph Johnson   If good poets need unrequited love good lovers should need unrequited poetry so I sent her a good poem and when n...
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ontheverge's picture
ontheverge posted a new Poem titled "Understood" ~ 22 years ago
Lanterns casting dark shadows, All around the room. Wraiths flow through closed windows, Whispers from an empty tomb. Silhouettes of monster...
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zippo's picture
zippo posted a new Poem titled ohh how i long for you once again 22 years ago
the wave of happiness flows over me like water over the falls tumbling down down deep getting inside every crevice getting into every nook a...
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tweety_32's picture
tweety_32 posted a new Poem titled In the dark 22 years ago
I see the kids  laughin and playing i see the people around me  smiling but yet here i sit in such a dark tunnel no way...
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tweety_32's picture
tweety_32 posted a new Poem titled Pms 22 years ago
The tears  come for no reason the  pain is  almost unbearable but  give me chocolate an i am in heav...
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oh_so_odd's picture
oh_so_odd posted a new Poem titled !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 22 years ago
Somewhere along the line i met you Thought i found a new friend in you You were sweet and becomming Caring and almost loving After a while...
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michael's picture
michael posted a new Poem titled I Can Only Imagine 22 years ago
I hold my wondrous lady tenderly She kisses me with passion In our affair there’s always two And we both have one fashion Of loving We’ve f...
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michael's picture
michael posted a new Poem titled In Comfort 22 years ago
They stand each before the other Naked in the fog of life Comfortable with who the other is And know that all is as it should be. Slowly at...
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michael's picture
michael posted a new Poem titled In Another's Garden 22 years ago
We cannot enter another’s garden And rearrange the flowers to suit our tastes We cannot move the furniture Inside the place they live The...
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