We have done the state a service, & they know it.
We told of what we could in our home-letters;
but we couldn’t tell it all: hearts not in our deeds.
Speak not of us as you thought we were, as THAT is lies! ;
but let Truth speak the truth, & be kind to us who died.
And we have all served well, we ever-dead,
‘though not wisely, be truth told of our stead.
We were not easily jealous, yet we wrought
in perplexis extremisis : for WHICH cause have we fought?
Could we’ve destroyed Death with more death?
Have we destroyed the one & only Pearl of Life?
We only did as we were taught, done with averred eyes & minds,
we only went where we were sent,
& fought for Peace….
& thought of peace…
----yes, WE!, we are the ones----
some of us cried, ‘though carrying our machine-guns.
((added, not per Othello:
What buried us beneath this ground?
What drives us beyond those clouds?
If there were not fury in our words,
There would BE no more words!!
We did not “die”, we “expired”; our times ran out!
Yes, we are “here”, yet we haven’t come home!
Memory rises & it falls, but what of us & our dreams?
Can you accept us home now, after all these years?
Where in Hell do you think we’ve BEEN!!!???
Where in Hell HAVE we been?
Where in Hell ARE we?
Where IS hell?? ))