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heistness's picture
heistness posted a new Poem titled Sometimes' 21 years ago
Skies open up clear sometimes, you see to me sometimes only sometimes Clouds appear pretty sometimes, you see to me sometimes only sometimes...
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heistness's picture
heistness posted a new Poem titled Smile' 21 years ago
Smiles bring tears to eyes so joyous, reminders of what you bring Seldom are the ages encountered twice, as I have found you You think of li...
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heistness's picture
heistness posted a new Poem titled Reminders' 21 years ago
I gather my thoughts of terrible stories unfolding within my mentals I gather my spirit of agonizing pain destroying my inner being I gather...
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heistness's picture
heistness posted a new Poem titled Our Time' 21 years ago
Time takes from us what we cherish so dear, the best of what we had I remember how we could not speak a word without wanting more Times we...
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heistness's picture
heistness posted a new Poem titled Other Half' 21 years ago
No good bye! No I’ll see you later in life, all shattered dreams gone at one time. I felt you there the times we spoke, I saw you there when...
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heistness's picture
heistness posted a new Poem titled Only One' 21 years ago
My love is all I have to give to share my soul and all my dreams To give you the stars and all that shines, honor you with all that is mine...
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heistness's picture
heistness posted a new Poem titled Once Was' 21 years ago
I Need to see the light again, enter into a new style of living. There has to be a place where I can go to hide, and run from all that I hav...
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heistness's picture
heistness posted a new Poem titled No Place' 21 years ago
Flying within the emptiness of dark shadows, making way to her swiftly. Gathering energy found deep within the soul, to try once more with l...
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heistness's picture
heistness posted a new Poem titled No More' 21 years ago
You see this grill?  The cat staring back at you! With a soul reaped of fire! Me the man ripped from within a life so tired, I cal...
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heistness's picture
heistness posted a new Poem titled Loves Anger' 21 years ago
Built up anger strangling me from within, torturous hate of all around Seeing that which I know is not the best, but knowing the worst shall...
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heistness's picture
heistness posted a new Poem titled Love Isnt' 21 years ago
Its not the shivering felt when you see her, it’s the warmth when you feel her Not the beauty she possess on her face and bosom, but within...
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heistness's picture
heistness posted a new Poem titled Love Displaced' 21 years ago
I find myself hearing you; in my soul saying what I want to hear. Stories of how you find truth in all we are, honesty in how your heart tre...
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heistness's picture
heistness posted a new Poem titled Lonely Nights' 21 years ago
Sleepless with eyes open and hearts listening, words exchanged in delight Remarks made to shake ones soul, trembling of tenderness felt with...
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heistness's picture
heistness posted a new Poem titled Lonely Heart' 21 years ago
I sit and wonder of words spoken, not knowing why reality such a bitter taste it has Listening to what was said and hurting from within, wor...
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heistness's picture
heistness posted a new Poem titled I Only Ask' 21 years ago
Ask and you shall receive, retrieve words mistaken for caring and just cause. Knock and it shall be opened, a door that leads to no where th...
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