Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled THE RIANL THE WIND AND THE SUN 23 weeks ago
  The rain that showered us all evening had stopped. although many drops were still clinging to the trees… As I walked a few of those d...
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pamschwetz's picture
pamschwetz posted a new Poem titled WHISPERS FROM THE PAST 23 weeks ago
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weepingwoman's picture
weepingwoman posted a new Poem titled Bardo 23 weeks ago
    waiting held aloft, in suspension  a state of Grace the out-breath vacuum      
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satishverma's picture
satishverma posted a new Poem titled Near the Walls 23 weeks ago
I think, again I think, nota cheat to make a better, anotherworld. God, will you oversee?My assets are truths,existence and pain. A talented...
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weepingwoman's picture
weepingwoman posted a new Poem titled Being Human 23 weeks ago
    Being Human, no longer an option What else is there a dog, a cat, a bird While they have qualities I admire,   ...
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weepingwoman's picture
weepingwoman posted a new Poem titled POV 23 weeks ago
    "Seeing the mind as an open wound,    Why would I not strive to keep it clean" come out, come out, oh you little bea...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled Caroline and Carolyn 23 weeks ago
A tale of Caroline and Carolyn Good friends they had always been They were different as day and night Caroline was very sweet and bright Car...
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ramonathompsont's picture
ramonathompsont posted a new Poem titled O.J. Simpson 23 weeks ago
Oh such a tragic life Judged, followed and found to be guilty   Simply a lost and tortured soul Innocent but never forgiven Made some m...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled He doesn’t rue a thing 23 weeks ago
There once was a man named Paul Who used to sit in the corner and bawl One day Paul said ''l'll stop the boo hoo' Changed his name, added Ru...
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humanfruit's picture
humanfruit posted a new Poem titled Upper Management 23 weeks ago
  A decent defuser of his own emotions Or stabilizer of some vague status quo And though nobody can totally know The scope in which we...
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Teytonon's picture
Teytonon posted a new Poem titled A story of Mike and Gloria 23 weeks ago
This is a story of Mike and Gloria Who lived in the borough of Queens, in Astoria  Their marriage didn't work Because Mike was a jerk G...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled THANKFUL FOR THE AIR 23 weeks ago
  Today I’m thankful for the air around us for two simple reasons why… How it is there to receive our first breath As well as our last...
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joy's picture
joy posted a new Poem titled ON THE WIND 23 weeks ago
  Even at 71 years old I still think of nature as my mentor…her lessons are everywhere… For instance…on my walk this morning…I felt a s...
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rays_no_poet's picture
rays_no_poet posted a new Poem titled Building Bridges 23 weeks ago
Strumming strings sing songs; cadence professing unrequited love. A hope, a dream, a desire to be seen; by the angel up above.   Bridge...
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rays_no_poet's picture
rays_no_poet posted a new Poem titled Thirsty Flowers Root For Water 23 weeks ago
ty    ht      is  rf                  sl     ...
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