Your Only Fan

You need to love every aspect and inch of who you truly are regardess of what others think and even if that means you yourself are your Only Fan!

Keep in mind that gutt feelings are instinctly directing you to avoid negative vibes from certain people with every chance you can!

Go ahead, Let the world see the comfort and pride you have in your skin.

Represent your unique mental and physical beauty everywhere with all your family, strangers and friends.

Don't let self-doubt become your companion regardless of the circumstance.

You were only given one life to live this is literally your only chance.

Be your own best cheerleader on all days good and bad.

Live every moment to the fullest without hesistation or the need to regret not taken advantage of any past moments you had!

Don't let those critics convice you that you shoulda, woulda, coulda need to "Just do!"

Remind yourself every day that the only opinion that matters outside of GOD's is the one that comes from YOU!

Don't let strange looks or whispers stop any daring stances you decide to take.

The only regrets you should have should be that you did not decide to exercise abundant self love due to previously chasing exterior mutual love that was fake!

You and I know that you can truly feel and see love and you will never have to second guess it.

It is ok if in your past you neglected to make youself a priority, we all make mistakes, move forward with any future self care act, knowing GOD will always bless it!

The world is yours  to conquer with or without a verbally supportive exterior fan.

Quiet as kept I can tell by all the things I have heart about you, that you are never truly your only fan....even your daily haters can't ignore you for reasons they will never understand.


By Bryant Mosley


Author's Notes/Comments: 

It is super important to be your own best cheerleader and always practice relentless self love,even when you make mistakes.

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