Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

canuckster's picture
canuckster posted a new Poem titled A Legacy in the Making 22 years ago
A Legacy in the Making Behind the walls of secrecy Far from the view of you and me Bill Clinton works sagaciously To craft a final legacy...
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canuckster's picture
canuckster posted a new Poem titled A Bridge Never Seen - Revisited 22 years ago
we meet minutes before sunset dragging our clinging pasts plastered to our heels from our privy place yoked inseparably.... .....pulled in t...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] أوتار القلب 22 years ago
أوتار القلب, لماذا ترفر  فيّ كلما اقتربت منك, لتكوني قلبي و مني؟؟؟ تمنيت أن لا تكون, لانها لو سمعت رنين قلبي لربما لم يتغير شع...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled ذكرى[] 22 years ago
أنا لا أتريد السعادة منك ولكني أريدك أن تكوني أنت السعادة *** أنا لأتريد النصر منك ولا عنك و لكني وضعتك في الريادة *** راودني في الب...
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pangan_l_l's picture
pangan_l_l posted a new Poem titled SUNSET, SUNRISE 22 years ago
sparkle of morning brings sunny yellow the eyes wander through the greenery petals of red budding in heap so beautiful what sights can hav...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled Never Again 22 years ago
I've missed so many things in life because I feared to fail, Shunning rejection, avoiding the pain, I stayed in my pitiful shell. As I grow...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled Dream of Love 22 years ago
Dream Of Love She looked into his eyes and melted Clear down to her toes. She thought, "I hope he doesn...
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adamrice's picture
adamrice posted a new Poem titled Pt. 2 - Lasting Moment 22 years ago
Her fingers' subtle touch, Her tender flesh against mine, But only for a moment; a second that devoured eternity, A caress like that of moo...
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krnrana's picture
krnrana posted a new Poem titled My Valentine? 22 years ago
So cute, lovely, nice and great though you are not in my fate Owing to your goodness I like and wish you be my mate Now you repose in my hea...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Thou Art Not Dust 22 years ago
Jesus did not say that thou art dust.. but that thy body will be dust while thy soul is made of eternal starfire
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled No Palm Napalm 22 years ago
Napalm is no palm for it burns away birds and bees and many trees including coconut and date palms
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imager's picture
imager posted a new Poem titled The Past is Dead 22 years ago
Cuts and scraps, from times ago, Tracks from walking, into the snow, Letters I wrote, from my past, Fun times in life, I wanted to last Drea...
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imager's picture
imager posted a new Poem titled Alone for Christmas 22 years ago
I have only one wish this year The wish is to have you be right here Holding my close by the fire side I wish that I could just decide All I...
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jewlzz2's picture
jewlzz2 posted a new Poem titled Take Charge 22 years ago
I know you love him dearly, He hits you all day and night, Runaway and save your life, Sometimes you’re barely alive. Your hospitalized yea...
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techpoet's picture
techpoet posted a new Poem titled The Glare of the Flame 22 years ago
You dance I stand to watch you flicker and flutter with every abruption of the wind. The hues you cast fills the room  swirl wit...
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