Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Sharkbait No More 22 years ago
They used to go trolling for new agent sharks dangling the bait of gentle cows' hearts.
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Sea Biscuit 22 years ago
Was the flesh of Sea Biscuit made into briscuit Have you seen a terrified horse hang upside down in a slaughterhouse Such a place is calle...
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vilbe's picture
vilbe posted a new Poem titled drowning 22 years ago
have i tried to hard or not enough i'm never awake i'm up all the time spongeup the emotions of the room count down just a little too soon n...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled * 13 Poems To Nonharming, Nonviolence, Noninjury 22 years ago
ROSE NEED NOT DO The rose neath dew need not do.. Rose only need be By her fragrance she does attract sweet bees. (to B Rose and W Whitak...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Ivy Covers Elephant Graveyard, Trees Long For Birds, Massed Thunder, Rosenthal 22 years ago
IVY COVERS ELEPHANT GRAVEYARD Slaughtered elephants' graveyard ivory is covered by forgetful ivy TREES LONG FOR BIRDS Every mature tree...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Random Poems 42: From Eight To Zero And Other Poems 22 years ago
RANDOM POEMS 42 -saiom shriver- FROM EIGHT TO ZERO She turned the rubber band 8 from the mars desire of duality into the 0 of nondesire by...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Hazrat: Love 22 years ago
Writer dreamt she was in Djakarta and asked a traffic policeman standing in a busy intersection directions to a place. He immediately hailed...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Ramallah Ram-Allah 22 years ago
Palestine's Ramallah is Ram-Allah .. names for God in Hinduism and Islam .. the God who answers to all names ..
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] الصمت ابلغ 22 years ago
الصمت ابلغ عندما يكمن في غير خير من الكلام و النطق جهادا ورجولة ترفع شأنه لكن في حضرة متسلط جائر وطئ المقام وكأنه أسمى من سكوت على الدن...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] مــــــــــــــــــــتى 22 years ago
مــــتى يذوب بين ثنايا حرفك توجعي تلتهم الثواني ساعات شارعي ويتوه في غمره الغيوم تطلعي ويرنو إلى ملتقى السواحل أمواج مدامعي ويسخن م...
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emmenay's picture
emmenay posted a new Poem titled THE BEST 22 years ago
Her spirit was fresh like a mountain stream, Sparkling down like a smooth cascade, Her smile a reflection of an eternal beam, Casting on my...
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emmenay's picture
emmenay posted a new Poem titled WHEN WE MEET 22 years ago
Friend of my past days, you are in another world, how much you are missed here. With whom can I share, anything? There is no harmony, anywhe...
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emmenay's picture
emmenay posted a new Poem titled WHERE ARE YOU ALL? 22 years ago
Summer sun shines spring has come where are my true friends?
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emmenay's picture
emmenay posted a new Poem titled A MEMORY OF MY SCHOOL DAYS 22 years ago
Sand drifts far away stoned trees stand A friend nowhere. The lone boulder shakes The Cypress tree swirls But she's nowhere. Teardrops flow...
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emmenay's picture
emmenay posted a new Poem titled RESPONSES TO OMAR KHAYYAM'S RUBAIYATS-2 22 years ago
Omar Khayyam-5 They say the Lion and the Lizard keep The Courts where Jamshyd gloried and drank deep: And Bahram, that great Hunter--the Wil...
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