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owlcrkbrg's picture
owlcrkbrg posted a new Poem titled Something Seismic 22 years ago
~Infidel~   She wants an earthquake to come make the sun appear to swing in a car-blue sky.   Dinner plates will hit the floor;cra...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled *23 Short Poems 22 years ago
For every beloved is a belover. * Love's quiet triumphs over hate's loud trumpets * Some prefer greenwoods fringed sky... others the sky of...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled 3 poems: Into the Breach, Bird Nest, Hear The Sea 22 years ago
  INTO THE BREACH Into the breach.. near the rocky beach the seed of birch the seed of beech and the hardstoned seed of peach * BIRD N...
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saiom's picture
saiom posted a new Poem titled Korean Persimmons 22 years ago
Buddhists come to the Korean graveyard on ancestor day to leave prayers and food for foremothers and forefathers.. but the persimmon tree ab...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] يا أخي المنصور 22 years ago
يــــــااخـــــي الـمنصور مـن حكم السماء انـني بالحب ارتشف العطاء وحد الحرف ووجه في النداء مَـهد الـخط الا يـوم اللقاء عش طويلا سيدي وهنا س...
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kenneth_ameigh's picture
kenneth_ameigh posted a new Poem titled Heavens' Bell Tolled 22 years ago
The angels hear Heavens’ bell toll as God welcomes each gentle soul, to eternities’ kingdom above, embraced to the realm of his love. His r...
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kenneth_ameigh's picture
kenneth_ameigh posted a new Poem titled Dust Of The Stars 22 years ago
Tonight.... Look up with me into heavens teeming womb where stars and dreams are born in majestic splendor. Was this endless void created...
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kenneth_ameigh's picture
kenneth_ameigh posted a new Poem titled Diary Of Nineteen-sixty-five 22 years ago
Twas a strange time indeed, of protest and song, those years of your youth, a time of no wrong, invincible, immortal, life ever long. The d...
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kenneth_ameigh's picture
kenneth_ameigh posted a new Poem titled Death's Knocking At The Door 22 years ago
‘Twas somewhere ‘tween the eve and light, when darkness cloaked the mid of night, and tortured dreams bore dismal fright, a  ghost...
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kenneth_ameigh's picture
kenneth_ameigh posted a new Poem titled An Angles Image 22 years ago
I’ve gazed at the image of an angel taunting my spirit and soul. A fantasy draped in gossamer silk her captured heart’s my goal. Sensuous f...
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arecreed's picture
arecreed posted a new Poem titled surviving 22 years ago
and i think that it is human will that bring's survivor's to survive.
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled How Momma's DRUG Habit Changed My Life 22 years ago

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Nicole.J.Burgess's picture
Nicole.J.Burgess posted a new Poem titled Why Should I 22 years ago
All my tears do turn to dust as they fall from my cheeks my life is drained, my soul is gone I feel my heart grow weak. Want nothing more t...
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Nicole.J.Burgess's picture
Nicole.J.Burgess posted a new Poem titled I Won't Play 22 years ago
Eveybody says i'm wrong and that's just fine with me I won't give up on my beliefs nearly so easily. I cherish all the things I think becaus...
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onelilartist's picture
onelilartist posted a new Poem titled Letters 22 years ago
Had I a genie in a jar, who’d give to me a wish, Bad choices I once made would be undone. Thoughts and dreams and lovers’ schemes--no specia...
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