How Momma's DRUG Habit Changed My Life

How Momma's DRUG Habit Changed My Life

She DRUG me to church on Sunday,

And told me God was real.

She DRUG me then to Wednesday night

Prayer meeting where she’d kneel,

And pray for all her children

To be whole and pure and good.

Then DRUG me back to Sunday School,

Taught to live the life I should.

I NEVER sassed a teacher

Cause I knew that I’d be DRUG

Into my Momma’s bedroom

To be beaten like a rug.

DRUG to church three times a week

Then DRUG to Bible School.

DRUG inside and chastised well

When I acted like a fool.

She DRUG me to the market,

Where she showed me how to shop

For food requiring cooking,

The “fast” kind we knew not.

She DRUG me to the doctor

Any time that I grew ill,

But DRUG me to the woodshed

When I had a stubborn will.

I’m all grown up today, it’s true,

And I teach to make a living.

I see kids every single day,

No DRUGS their momma’s giving.

I think back to the lessons learned

When I was at her knee,

And thank God for the DRUGS

My little Momma gave to me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wish the kids I teach could have been raised in my home.  They would know they were loved even when they were poor.

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Ernest Bevans's picture

My parents were missionaries...
and I got those drugs too -
the truth is J, is that if
parents would spend less money
on Riddilin and and 'drug' them
with some quality time and old
fashion religion - maybe...

I love this poem - I relate to
it and I agree.... Keep it up!
(Hey, too bad you can't 'drug' the
kids in your class, eh?)

The Voice's picture

Oh how I pray daily for the home given DRUGS for the kids of today. I was raised in a home like yours. Thank you for posting it and for directing me to it. Also thank you so much for the comments on my work. It means so much to know they are being read and liked.

God Bless,
The Voice

kat's picture


I don't know what amazes me more...your talent, your humor, or the way you take life's occurances and turn it into wonderful poetry! You are amazing! Obviously, I enjoyed this one VERY much!


Butch Lesley's picture

This is great Jessica. I love it and I can identify with it. and it is so true. Thanks for sharing.

michael's picture

wonderful poem Jessica. I always thought of my mother in the same way except she was pusher. Thanks for sharing.