Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

tweety_32's picture
tweety_32 posted a new Poem titled Storming 22 years ago
The thunder crashed Lightning flashed All alone was she In the corner she coward Afraid to move Not sure what to do She heard a knock The...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] لغز الماء 22 years ago
سهم يرتشق من بركان يتغلغل في عمق الليل يزمجر ثاائرا يحوي حمم يصهر صمتا ويدوي غضباً ادمته الاحزان *** غرس الحيرة في قلبي نزف يلفض اغ...
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pendersnatch's picture
pendersnatch posted a new Poem titled Flowering Youth 22 years ago
Curtains draped from a sickle-shaped rod Throw shadows on an otherwise stunning room. Behind the shades hides the face of a scarlet plume...
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Irockpoker's picture
Irockpoker posted a new Poem titled Ghost in the Ashes 22 years ago
I put it out Waiting The cold glow burn had no answers Empty bottles and lack of forethought More often than not my glance went askew Blew...
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hushbaby's picture
hushbaby posted a new Poem titled Untitled 6 22 years ago
I depend on you too much I'm always hoping to find in you what I need to find in me I need to love myself and I don't
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hushbaby's picture
hushbaby posted a new Poem titled Untitled 5 22 years ago
I look at myself in pictures Happy and smiling but am I really? I know there's something hidden that won't go away I try to suppress it and...
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hushbaby's picture
hushbaby posted a new Poem titled Unspoken Retort 22 years ago
Nothing Don't do a fucking thing You never wanted to so don't ask I don't want to be your fucking obligation I hate being dependent Funny ho...
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hushbaby's picture
hushbaby posted a new Poem titled Untitled 3 22 years ago
letdown such a fucking disappointment why did i make it more than i knew it was ever going to be i thought maybe for once but no i'm fucking...
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hushbaby's picture
hushbaby posted a new Poem titled Dissect Me 22 years ago
Peel off the mask the facade that everyone sees Peel back the layers of skin Piece by piece Look deep Past all that stuff Prod around...
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hushbaby's picture
hushbaby posted a new Poem titled Jacob's Ladder 22 years ago
Hard time Keep going Plodding along but to no avail I'm nowhere Constantly struggling for I don't know what An answer maybe for why it's lik...
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raina_3's picture
raina_3 posted a new Poem titled perfect in my head 22 years ago
can't i tell you how i feel without being a million miles away? i talk to you in my head. we love each other. despite confusion or misunders...
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raina_3's picture
raina_3 posted a new Poem titled this is me. 22 years ago
selfish spoiled arrogant proud mean rude inconsiderate evil dispicable mind detestable mouth ugly everywhere deserves to die unfaithful fick...
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raina_3's picture
raina_3 posted a new Poem titled too much to ask for 22 years ago
something new but i know it all too well it's different this time is he too much to ask for? there's something about him drawing me maybe he...
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raina_3's picture
raina_3 posted a new Poem titled your hair 22 years ago
your hair runs like a flood flowing into my veins blackest of black sensual lips wanting to be kissed... don't lie. you want it. i'll make a...
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pangan_l_l's picture
pangan_l_l posted a new Poem titled FLASH FLOODS 22 years ago
Suddenly I can see it clearly Questions have now answers You can no longer bury me You need a sound tactic Or money to buy you a pig
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