


We have so much wisdom at our fingertips…passed down throughout the ages

written by wise men…wise women…by philosophers and sages.


Simple words they shared with us on the art of living.

They wrote of love, acceptance, compassion…to have a heart that’s giving.


They told us to be humble…to hold our words back when we are mad…

never to flaunt our happiness on to someone who is sad.


Treating our family and friends with kindness is easy…they believed

but treating everyone with kindness is how true kindness is achieved.


All these wise women and wise men…all these philosophers and sages…

I wonder…did they know…

their words would be as true today… 

as when they wrote them long ago?


They gave us these words as a gift…

hoping first that everyone would read them…

and, I imagine, hoping back then…

as we still hope today….

that, one day…

everyone will heed them.

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