
20-20 VISION


As a child growing up with blurred vision I use to wonder…

could anything be worse?

But the older I grew I began to see my blurry vision

as a blessing…not a curse.


When other children called me four-eyes…

I knew that wasn’t right….

but it made me hate to wear the very thing

that would improve my sight.


Looking back…I’d like to thank those kids for calling me that cruel name…

because without my glasses…with my blurry vision 

everybody looked the same.


Without my glasses I couldn’t make out details…

who was tall, short, fat or thin…

with all the colors burred together 

I could not distinguish the color of ones’s skin.


Which, when it came to meeting people

gave me an advantage right from the start.

I had to watch more closely what a person said or did

which allowed me to see into their heart.


This is why for some people with 20-20 vision

my surprise I cannot hide…

when they concentrate on the details…on the differences in others

and don’t take the time to see inside.


Which makes me wonder who was blessed more in life

those with blurry vision…just like me…

Or those who, despite their perfect vision,

are still unable to see?

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