


When certain people poison the words diversity, equity and inclusion

and I see all the progress this country is about to loose…

is it any wonder why, for a while now, I have had the blues.


But when I think about it…it’s appropriate I have attached the color blue to me… 

because blue is the epitome, the embodiment…the essence of diversity.


Walk around and begin to notice all the different shades of blue.

Navy, aqua, royal, midnight, azure and cerulean to name a few.


And while’e you’re at it here is something else for you to do…

think of all the things in nature that come in different shades of blue.


Notice the 10% of people in the world who look at you through blue eyes…

the array of blue birds, the blue whale, blue flowers, blueberries…and blue butterflies.


The blue jeans I am wearing, sapphires, 

from the Blue Ridge Mountains to the blue grotto of Capri.

Why there’s even a blue fish who makes its home in the warmth of the deep blue sea.


It’s amazing the variety of tints and tones and tinges all across our universe…

all included in the family blue…all equal and diverse.


Any person with an open mind and open heart should find it easy enough to see

how the world is made more beautiful…by it’s blue diversity.


Which makes me wonder when it comes to diversity, equity and inclusion…

perhaps certain people would be less confused…

If they took a little more time…to experience the blues.


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