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We Were Flawed

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

At first, I was going to post an old poem based on another person I know -- but I didn't like that one, so here you go. This is about the United States' revolution against Britain. As a bigot, I don't very much like either of those governments. As an Scotsman, rebellious blood literally runs in the family. I have nothing against the people, but I have trouble enjoying politics. Sometimes I think I'd be happy with anarchy, but I know better. Anyway, back to the point! This is about the American revolution and the breaking away from Britain. We broke away because of the massacres going on and the many camps for 'useless' people in the colonies (these are oddly not mentioned it history textbooks). The most famous reason for the revolution was ridiculous taxing, which set fire to the whole rebellion. The point in the poem was that we shed so much blood for our freedom from Britain, to get away from those conditions, and then became what we broke away from. Almost immediately, we started making our money by conquering and expanding and riding the backs of poorer men. Needless to say, I'm happy now that we no longer conquer countries.
No, we just start wars now.