#painted rocks



Before we left this morning on the next leg of our journey 

there was one more place in Spokane I felt we had to see.


It’s called the Indian Painted Rocks Trail…so before we left for Idaho

we drove to see these rocks…painted over 250 years ago.


Since Deborah is a rock painter…

(she loves to paint messages on those little spheres)

we wanted to see how the art of rock painting has changed in all these years.


It was amazing to see the reds and yellows painted over 2 centuries ago.

What they depict have been lost with time…as no one seems to know.


The artists are no longer with us…having long ago expired…

but sometimes art doesn’t need to be explained…only to be admired


Because there remains an inherent beauty 

in how these colors still bright and strong

absorbed into rocks so many years ago…have survived so long.


Next to these ancient paintings we noticed a trail…

It’s path shining in the sun

so before we left for Idaho…we thought a short hike would be fun.


To our amazement this little path…before we even had time to think

guided us through a rainbow of flowers, 

purples, yellows, greens, blues, whites and pinks.


Walking through these colors brought us joy and pure elation 

and it made me wonder if these same colors…

didn’t give those Spokane artists inspiration.


And if this wasn’t enough to leave the two of us without words

as we walked we were serenaded by a multitude of birds.


Which also made me wonder the more we walked along

if this was where the Spokane people got the inspiration for their songs.


We made it into beautiful Sandpoint Idaho…still talking about our walk…

where…at this wonderful little cabin we spent the night…

Deborah left a painted rock.

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