


It’s something generations have come to understand…

The beauty and the magic within a mother’s hands.


I think about the magic…so wonderful and grand

every time I see a child say, “Mommy, hold my hand.”


A newborn senses…can feel the magic linger

when, unable to hold her mother’s entire hand…she grabs on to her finger.


Anytime her mother holds her child’s hand…to comfort…to reassure

the magic makes them feel safe…protected and secure.


As her children grow, they begin to understand the magic too…

As with her hands she shows them…all their hands can do.


All the fun their hands can have…all the pain they can help alleviate.

All the things their hands can build…all the love they can create.


When her children are no longer children…they still understand

When they need it…sometimes without asking, 

Mom will be there to hold their hand.


And even when it’s mom’s time to go…they feel the magic linger

when they touch their hand to hers…and she grabs on to their finger.


What makes the magic special is how the magic lingers on

passed from mother to the child…long after she is gone.


It’s what bring a smile to my face…because I understand…

every time I see a child run to her mother and say,

“Mommy, hold my hand.”

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