


May we all be blessed to understand 

how love and happiness go hand in hand


And hands connected by love and happiness

contain a strength that is so great…

as long as we walk hand in hand

there is no room for hate.

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It’s palpable wherever I go…I can feel it as I view it…

how love and happiness form a magnet…attracting more love and happiness to it.


And the wonder of this magnet is how the two forces interplay…

how, while it attracts more love and happiness, it pushes hate away.


I find the more I choose love and happiness…the more I begin to see 

how more love and happiness finds their way to me.


And I find the more love and happiness I’m trying to create

keeps me pretty busy and I don’t have time to hate.


That’s not to say choosing love and happiness is always easy.

It can be difficult finding time to love and dance and sing….

but I do my best to keep them in my life…

and let the magnet do it’s thing.


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