


A salute to our every day heroes…

Any person who works hard for a minimum wage…trying to get ahead.

The single parent who works two jobs to keep a family clothed and fed.


The teachers who teach…the doctors and nurses who do their best to heal the sick.

The first responders, soldiers, truck drivers, linesmen and women, firemen and women

policemen and women

There are so many…take your pick.


We are surrounded by these every day heroes…of this I have no doubt

and after a natural disaster…that’s when these heroes all venture out.


That’s when the heroes become angels who, in a crisis, suddenly spread their wings.

Who fly around donating their time, money, clothing, food and water…

to those who’ve lost everything.


The angels who never ask your politics, your religion, if you’re straight of if your gay.

The angels who only want to help those in need…make it through another day.


In the wake of a hurricane that left so much death, devastation, and sadness behind 

We are reminded of the every day angels who are good and generous…and kind.


Which makes me wonder why it takes a catastrophic act of weather

To remind us why we were put upon this earth…

to bring us all together?


When the worst of the tragedy is over…

the angels will fold up their wings and go back to being every day heroes…

like they were before.

I only wish….when there isn’t a natural disaster

we’d all unfold our angels wings a little more.


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