Lines 1 and 2: Those of my past have the ability to kill me.
Lines 3 and 4: They kill me with what they've done, and with that they are a part of me.
Lines 6 to 8: Scince I am the thoughts that kill me, I hold the guns that are pointed at myself. I question my own path of life and what I do is find that I try to feel better for her, because that's what I thought the concept of life was.
Lines 9 to 12: I question why I don't do things for myself, and I see that what I thought was life, wasn't really life. I died and never truly came back. I spoke and acted for the wrong reasons.
Lines 13 and 14: I have to find the strength inside myself to kill the parts of me that are taking over.
Lines 15 and 16: If I don't kill those parts, that's all I'll ever be. I wil never truly live beacause I will not exist.