We walk in the footsteps of our ancestors who walked before us…
Whether we realize it or not their footsteps have a profound effect…
If we’re blessed
They walked with a sense of humility, kindness, compassion, wonder and respect.
If we’re blessed
They walked together with family, friends and strangers…
hand-in-hand looking out for one another.
If we’re blessed
They treated the mountains, the rivers, the trees…the flowers
like their sisters and their brothers.
If they did
If makes our walk an easy one…a blessed on indeed
as we walk within their footprints…following their lead.
If they didn’t
It’s up to us…knowing as future ancestors
our footprints will have a profound effect…
to walk with a sense of humility, kindness, compassion, wonder and respect.
To walk together with family, friends and strangers
hand-in-hand looking out for one another.
treating the mountains, the rivers, the trees…the flowers
like our sisters and our brothers.
If…on whatever path we choose…
we walk with humility, wonder and respect…
If our footsteps are compassionate and kind
It will make the walk a little easier…a little more blessed
for those who choose to walk in the footsteps we leave behind.