Our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in the United States and Europe. Around half of those who die have taken their drugs correctly; the other half die because of errors, such as too high a dose or use of a drug despite contraindications.


 A whistle blower once said they won't even put a drug on the market unless it has at least four side effects.

How often have you been told you had to take a drug for life like for high blood pressure or diabets or so many other things. Was changing your diet or anything simple and natural ever suggested as an option...

Look for naturopathy, functional medicine that gets to the root cause and actually solves your problem, herbal rememdies, supplements,organic food, energy medicine...so many  much better options out there...explore...

The health care system is broken. They forgot about the Hippocrates oath...First do no harm....

Do your own research. Look for alternative natural ways to actually get well not continue to have the same problem with masked symptoms from the drugs and then add a few more problems from all the side effects. It's crazy.

I remember being told as a kid do what the doctor says...well that doesn't seem to work very well for me...

I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. My patience has run out...I no longer trust that failed system.

It's pretty simple to energy test  everything before you put it in your mouth...food,supplements,drinks,hair and skin care products. We live in such a toxic world. Best eat organic.Filter your air and water. Try energy medicine exercises. So many much better options out there. Explore...

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