# courage

Courage Within

In trembling shadows of the soul's dark night,

Where fear and doubt in endless dance unite,

There blooms a courage, timid, yet so bright,

That dares to face the tempest's fiercest might.


Though heart may quiver, like a fragile leaf,

In winds of doubt and pain, it seeks relief,

It knows that bravery, in fear's motif,

Is not the absence of, but sweet belief.


For courage, like a candle in the storm,

Illuminates the path where shadows swarm,

Though terror's tempest tries to deform,

It stands steadfast, a beacon to inform.


In trembling steps, it marches through the gloom,

Each flicker in the dark a bold costume,

In quiet whispers, it dispels the doom,

A trembling heart, yet brave, it does consume.


So let us cherish courage's gentle grace,

For in our fears, it finds its sacred place,

A humble flame in the darkest space,

A radiant hope that time cannot erase.


In being afraid, we find our way to soar,

And in our trembling hearts, we learn much more,

To brave the storm, to seek the distant shore,

For courage lives in us forevermore.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

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