Christopher reeve



I woke up early this morning…not quite use to the change in time zones yet…

which was lucky as i caught the full moon just before she set.


And sitting on our balcony…adding to the moon’s surprise…

I was also early enough to watch the sun begin to rise.


I have found there are many beautiful moments in my life difficult to put into words…

and so many of them occur when I wake up with the birds.


Today we headed to Mackinac Island…a Ferry’s the only way

and I took this morning as a sign that it’s going to be a great day.


The ferry ride was wonderful…the sky and the lake were blue…

and we were both amazed when the island came into view.


We stepped off the boat into an island so sublime….

Horse drawn carriages, bicycles, home-made fudge…

It’s like we were stepping back…somewhere in time.


Somewhere in Time was Deborah’s mom’s favorite movie

she loved Christopher Reeve’s final farewell…

and it turns out that movie was filmed right here 

at Mackinac Island's Grand Hotel…


It was one of Deborah’s mom’s greatest wishes…for years she carried this torch…

to come to Mackinac Island and sit in a rocking chair upon it’s porch.


To look over Lake Huron, feel the breeze in her hair…and before she had to leave…

perhaps, if she was lucky…run into Christopher Reeve. 


Alas, she never got that chance before her life ran out of steam

so it was up to Deborah and I, on this day, to help fulfill her mother’s dream.


And that’s just what we did…we sat upon that porch in a rocking chair

looking out over lake Huron and feeling the cool breeze in our hair.


It is here I have to mention something I noticed during our day on Mackinac Island:

Every place we went…it didn’t mater where…

next to us…wherever we were…there was always an empty chair…


An empty seat right next to us…even when stopped to sit upon a wall…

which made me wonder if that empty seat wasn’t empty after all.


As the ferry docked at the end of the day…and we were about to leave

I whispered into the empty seat next to me…

I hope you had a good time…and, please, say hello to Christopher Reeve.

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