#biological dad

Bio doesn't matter to her

New Me

In my daughter's eyes although I emailed her bio dad and gave him her phone number and said she likes to text and I keep her phone bill paid.

Her bio doesn't matter to her.

She says he doesn't love or care about her.

He denied even being her father.

Even though she looks like him.

Bio doesn't matter to her 

She has his number but remembers all the times he would call or text me all hours of the day and night requesting a DNA test. So I told him to tell the state to do it. He said no because if it came back she was his they would charge him more child support.

He knows she is his. I never cheated and was celibate before we met.


He hasn't paid child support in years. 

My future husband cares more for my daughter than her bio ever has and she calls him dad. Because he has been there for birthdays. Losses. He is moving to Kansas. 

I'm sure I will probably hear that I let my daughter call my future husband dad when she has a bio father, however there's a difference between being a father and a dad. 

Bio doesn't matter to her and part of me hurts my heart.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Max is my daughter's biological father. He has never seen her in the 13 years she's been on this earth. He says he's too busy. Due to DV issues in our past with him. We have supervised visitation. All he has to do is contact our child advocacy center in town and we we will schedule a time. However my daughter Faith doesn't want to even see him. She said he doesn't care about her so she doesn't care about him 

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