#ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD #AllCaps

Genuine curiousity


This is a question for the writers who type in all caps. 


Why do you do this?


To be clear, I write in all caps due to a broken wrist, as writing in lowercase or cursive is very painful and unsustainable. 


However, when it comes to typing, I do not understand. It comes across as if the author is yelling, making it harder for the reader to peruse. It has been shown that the reader takes longer to process the text, delaying word recognition, especially if they have dyslexia, dysgraphia, or dyspraxia. 


If the author intends to convey special meaning such as grandeur, importance or tone surely the effect is lost if everything is in capital letters.


Perhaps it is a generational or cultural phenomenon. I am eager to understand the why, if you would be so kind as to respond.  


I do not mean to offend with this question. It is something that my autistic brain cannot move on from. 

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