Ode To My Valentine

Ode To My Valentine


Ode To My Valentine

Karyn Indursky 2/13/11


Ode to my valentine

who lacks eyes,

but extracts tears

from droplets to puddles.


Ode to my valentine

who can't hear,

but mocks me

relentlessly with laughter.


Ode to my valentine

who never touches,

but leaves me yearning

for hugs, kisses, and slow dances.


Ode to my valentine

who eludes fragrance,

but tickles my nostrils

for smelling love's garden.


Ode to my valentine

who ceases feelings,

but plagues my mind

even without existence. 

posted on 2013/02/28 - 15:09

Ode To Poems

Ode to Poems


Ode To Poems
Karyn Indursky


Ode to poems
expressing thoughts, emotions, memories.


Ode to poems
racing through my pen.


Ode to poems
nipping at my soul.


Ode to poems
connecting perspectives, lives, time.


Ode to poems
stroking the fibers of my being.


Ode to poems
helping me channel communications.


Ode to poems
guiding me through life.


Ode to poems
uniting friendships.


Ode to poems
eliciting reactions.


Ode to poems
teaching endlessly.


Ode to poems
inspiring others.


Ode to poems
roaming rungs of freedom.


Ode to poems
rippling interests.


Ode to poems
wandering through art.

posted on 2013/02/16 - 21:14

Ode To Thanksgiving 2013

Ode To Thanksgiving 2013

Karyn Indursky written with Ms. Dove



Tis the day of gratefulness we sit still

in our seats and bow our heads in a prayer

thanking the Lord that we have windosills

to sit upon; viewing our nature chair


The oven is filled with baked goods galore

Smells of pumpkin pie and turkey delights

We'll stuff our mouths till we're hungry no more

and thank God for the blessings of the Night


we'll be sure to thank Him for our friends who

made it to give hugs, chatter, and share platters

of artistic fruit flowers showing they knew

how to be creative and what matters


Thanksgiving is the great time of the year

To be thankful for the gifts we have here

posted on 2013/11/13 - 16:03

Ode To Thy Knight

Ode To Thy Knight

Karyn Indursky written with Ssmoothie


The night shade was drawn to envelop in dark 

a balmy evening so warm and thickly 

there were no others except the blue lark 

an eerie sense drew over one quickly 


making damzel beckon her knight

offering her safety and protection

he fought dragon winning the joust like dream

when he won he swept her into private section


in castle where he swept her into arms

he gave her forehead a butterfly kiss

and gently rubbed her white goose-bumped forearms

her sister was mad, letting out snake hiss 


so long as the unicorns fly our skies

thee fairy-tales will never pass us bye

posted on 2013/11/06 - 14:09

Ode To True Supporters

Ode To True Supporters

Karyn Indursky 

Ode to true supporters
when value my friendship 
as well as my sisterly allure 
with poems painting minds, 
touching hearts, inspiring others,
and showing you the depth of me.


posted on 2013/07/16 - 12:07

Ode To Umbrellas

Ode To Umbrellas

Karyn Indursky


Ode to umbrellas
that protect heads,
never anyone's feet.


Ode to umbrellas
that protect sandals,
not their painted toes.


Ode to umbrellas
that protect hair,
but not fragrance.


Ode to umbrellas
that protect bangs,
but not tendrils.


Ode to umbrellas
that protect shirts,
but not jackets.


Ode to umbrellas
that protect cotton,
but not leather.


Ode to umbrellas
that protect shorts,
but not pants.


Ode to umbrellas
that protect jeans,
but not suits.


Ode to umbrellas
that protect arms,
but not hands.


Ode to umbrellas
that protect shoulders,
but not fingers.


Ode to umbrellas
that protect overhead,
but in self-defeat.

posted on 2013/02/26 - 00:15

Ode To William Pearsall

Ode To William Pearsall


Ode to William Pearsall
Karyn Indursky


Ode to Pappy
Who was there
To guide me
From childhood
Into adulthood
With an untouchable
Acceptance and intelligent
That travels from
Me into my son
Along with blessed
Family, friends, animals
Who have been
Honored to have
Him to love
And we will
Always be here,
Whether he’s stubborn
Or embracing because
We can only
Dream of touching
His wondrous heart
As he has ours.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 12:58

Odie's First Kiss

Odie's First Kiss
Karyn Indursky
July 2012

In a boat
sat Odie watching Jon
fish while Garfield
schemed and plotted.

Jon felt a tug
on the line and
went to reel it in.

It was harder than expected.
Odie tried to help,
but Jon fell backwards
into his bucket.

Awaiting Jon's buttocks
was a crab
with razor-sharp claws.

Garfield pushed Odie
out of his freakin' way
and got the catch.

Jon got up
and Garfield threw the octopus
at his stunned face.

Odie was annoying.
He wouldn't stop barking
or trying to lick Garfield.

Garfield was hungry for lasagna.
Jon wouldn't comply
and Odie was too dumb
to leave him alone.

Garfield took control
of their boat
with Odie using the paddle.

However, to his dismay
at the end of the paddle
was an electric eel
that wanted to give him a kiss.

posted on 2013/03/05 - 17:30

Of An Improved Tomorrow

Of An Improved Tomorrow

By Karyn Indursky



I could sink into 
a bottomless 
pit of despair, but, if 
one day, I changed 
my mind, there'd be 
no turning back 
nor a shoulder for me 
nor a hand outstretched 
nor a heart courting friendship 
nor any chance 
of an improved tomorrow.

posted on 2013/03/09 - 20:33

Of Angel Wings

Of Angel Wings
Karyn Indursky

Pretty flowers bloom
beneath our sun
to shine down
upon us as
flapping birds fly
in rainbows across
crushed velvet skies
until golden halos
glow mysteriously without
believing eyes missing
their glorious flight
of angel wings.

posted on 2013/03/05 - 17:24

Of Being Alive

Of being alive

Karyn Indursky

I hear...
I feel...
I cherish...
and I love...
the way
music captivates
an essence of my being.
It takes me
to wondrous places
I've never imagined going...
behind my walls
of solitude and isolation
of exposing
feelings, emotions, yearnings,
desires, cravings, beckonings,
and so much more
that I can't seem
to express
on my own.
I need music
and want it so dearly.
I get lost in
an endless maze
of wander
and delight
of being set free
of unknown barriers
set forth by
society and me.
I love to be
and to give my all
in singing and dancing
all I feel, want,
desire, crave, and just everything
by being
in the music
of the Earth
brought forth from God
to set our souls
on fire from the passion
of being alive.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I was watching my friend, Matt, playing with his band, Theory of Stars, and got inspired to write this.

posted on 2013/03/05 - 16:50

Of God's Crafted Nature

Of God's Crafted Nature

Karyn Indursky


I walked through roads of emotions
crunching pieces of gravel
with Nike sneaker feet
not caring about small things,
but rather the bigger
like those beautiful trees
and the tears pour
until I'm a bear branch
without pretty leaf coverings
or my roughly grooved surface
capable of hiding secrets
confined like my sap.


I walked through roads of emotions
without a care about anyone
wondering where I've went
to be one with nature
when it's beauty is natural
and squawking birds is pleasant
amongst fields spreading their arms
for hugging me tightly as I
crumble inside, but my root
feet keep shoving me forward
while gentle wind caresses.


I walked through roads of emotions
alone as always, but colorful skies
smiled at me until my tears
made rainbows inside my chest
upon remembering fondly childhood
memories where nothing compares
to wondrous, freeing, liberating
recollections of climbing that
magnificent tree in my Grammy's yard
offering me a limb any time
I needed or wanted it
like a best friend
and I am that tree
moving forward fondly for
letting flowers blossom lusciously
upon the buds of my being.


I walked through roads of emotions
that got me discombobulated
and found myself literally lost
within an area of my home
where I normally don't explore
without the luxury of my car,
but I found my way through
my soiled thickets as I noticed fading
colors of the painted sky.


I walked through roads of emotions
one root in front of the other
until I found my way back home,
but emotionally I was not wiser
about what I set out for.


I walked through roads of emotions
only to be distressed
like deer seeking safety,
but I gained another perceptive
being a tree in a picture
of God's crafted nature.


posted on 2013/02/19 - 13:53

Of Growing Hollow Hearts

Of Growing Hollow Hearts

By Karyn Indursky



Snapping like a rubberband 
I am nothing, but a material 
lain across a floor 
to be trampled upon later 
by the uncaring souls 
filtering through curtain doors 
to the decaying grounds 
beckoning me to transform 
into fertilizer for our soiled grounds 
of growing hollow hearts.

posted on 2013/03/12 - 14:05

Of The Music

Of the music

Karyn Indursky


I like the way
you move your hips
with the sound,
beat, rhythm, soul
of the music.


I like the way
your arms move with your hips
with the sound,
beat, rhythm, soul
of the music.


I like the way
your body flows in movements
with the sound,
beat, rhythm, soul
of the music.


I like the way
your voice narrates your body
with the sound,
beat, rhythm, soul
of the music.


I like the way
your voice shares the story with your body
with the sound,
beat, rhythm, soul
of the music.


I like the way
they show and tell the story
with the sound,
beat, rhythm, soul
of the music.


I like the way
you set your mind, body, soul, spirit, etc. free
with the sound,
beat, rhythm, soul
of the music.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 16:24

Of This Butterfly

Of This Butterfly

Karyn Indursky

Oh to be a beautiful butterfly
soaring in blissful harmony every day
smelling sweet aromas of tempting nectar
begging to be a petal seat only
for precious creatures small enough to
spread their pollen from here to there
as these rainbow butterflies travel through
laughing children trying to steal freedom
from these glorious gifts darting before their
smiling eyes follow them wherever they
go with their prune feet getting dirty
with singing giggles leading them into
an awaiting forest of confusion when
they're forced to realize they're lost
and they gloomily return safely home
not having their butterfly in netting
while the witty butterfly keeps soaring
into what looks like oblivion to
people trying to capture a glimpse
of this butterfly.

posted on 2013/02/26 - 15:49

off track

How are we gonna get me back on track.

I feel lost out here in this place.

Don't even have any words to say.

Feels like I've run fresh out of play.

Please help me stay.

I'm not here to get layed.

I just want to write poetry okay.


posted on 2013/02/25 - 23:56

Oh Gawd


Oh Gawd


This is a strange world


There’s so much twisted shit going on


Your magik circle is quite interesting


Amazing that you could’ve made me sing


The thing is I already knew


Before we started


that that’s what it would come to


So realize this


I’ve known all along


You told me already


The ride I’d be on


So here I am


Acting as Pawn


In the name of art


Because it is funS


posted on 2013/01/22 - 03:10

Oh my

Oh my

Where has this rock been placed today 

Shoulders, back hidden perhaps

As the shadows move like grains of time 

Into my head where soon I'll find

That if I ever wish to fly

Than all my desires must surely die 


Oh my


A life that's beseeched my throne of horror

Moving with anxiety, in my abode I am a foreigner 

Direction lost as I set sail

Drifting freely yet I feel so alone 

As a sunray's radiance captivates 

The weight upon my back sinks to my nerves

As long fingers pluck them like guitar strings in melody 

My heart expansive such as the sky

But at the same time I deny 


Oh my 




posted on 2013/05/13 - 04:24

Old Friend Reunion

welcome home old friend

dearest companion

most loyal pal ive ever had

since grade school weve lived hand in hand

here you are again

here we are arm in arm

lost in each others eyes

both filled with saline joy

we cling tight

find love in each other

by candle light

in reflections off bright metal

with each touch we feel so close

in this sweet reunion bliss

welcome home heartache

please come on in

posted on 2004/09/14 - 04:14

On July 4

On July 4

Karyn Indursky


Beneath sparkling fireworks
stand beloved families
as they share
their love for
our freedoms in
America where liberty
still means something
and religion isn't
removed from society,
but embraced openly
whether it's held
in public places
or private gatherings
when we rejoice
on July 4.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 14:36

On Oatmeal Clouds (abstract)

On Oatmeal Clouds (abstract)
Karyn Indursky 

Tuck hugs in your pocket
for rainy days filled with misery
before planting my saved kisses
upon your lips smiling
at stored memories of how
they were obtained from me
instead of someone else
while your dragonfly light feet
guide you back to happiness
and now you are dancing
on oatmeal clouds.

posted on 2013/03/05 - 14:58

On The Menu

On The Menu


On The Menu
Karyn Indursky

Canned consideration.
Bagged brands.
Chipped compassion.
Cubed compliments.
Decorated diversity.
Paper personalities.
Aligned attitudes.
Receiving respect.
Helping hands.
Loaning listeners.
Jarred jokes.
Sliced sensitivity.
Charming chivalry.

posted on 2013/02/27 - 18:14

On The Tip Of Your Tongue

On the tip of your tongue

Karyn Indursky


Where do all those words and thoughts
go when you lose them?


Where do all those words and thoughts
go that you had ready to speak, write, sing, and what not?


Where do all those words and thoughts
go that you wanted to express so badly you could taste it?


Where do all those words and thoughts
go that you finally pulled out of your heart and not your mind?


Where do all those words and thoughts
go that you worked and yearned for so bad you thought you smelled your brain cooking?


Where do all those words and thoughts
go that you worked for?


Where do all those words and thoughts
go that you waited for an audience to hear?


Where do all those words and thoughts
go after you finally built up the nerve to say them?


Where do all those words and thoughts
go when they were just on the tip of your tongue?

posted on 2013/02/28 - 14:03

On Their Fingers Of Materialism

On Their Fingers Of Materialism

Karyn Indursky


Slide me down onto your finger
to be your sapphire ring
glistening under ultra violet rays
warming your skin deliberately for
making it smile with everyone
fantasizing about owning their own
expensive jewelry sitting lifeless there
on their fingers of materialism.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 16:38

On To Victory!!!

On To Victory!!!

Karyn Indursky


Run with your pounding
heart and feet
as your arms move in rhythmic motion
to keep your pace high
as your adrenaline soars
to make you excel
in racing up that mountain
for an attainment of
the heart of your soles smashing
against the solid ground
harder and harder as you're trudging
on to the victory!

posted on 2013/02/22 - 13:32

once a shadow

It used to be

she was a stalker


Followed him around

wherever he would go


but now...

she doesn't bother


for it hurt her head

when he knocked her down





posted on 2014/01/31 - 04:13

Once Upon A Star

Once Upon A Star

Karyn Indursky

You have no comments to approve.

Once upon a star...

peace was a reality.
love wasn't just a thing.
giving mattered more than receiving.
work came before play.
everyone belonged.
dreams came true.
smiling had meaning.
laughter sounded like music.
fear was extinct.
trust came with honesty.
problems were solved.
communication problems were unheard of.
money didn't control people and things.
race wasn't an issue.
joking was taken the right ways.


The only problem was...
I woke up.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 15:36

One Assumption

One Assumption

Karyn Indursky

One assumption.
Assumption mounting.
Mounting whispers.
Whispering rumors.
Rumors broadcasted.
Broadcasted gossip.
Gossip column.
Columned lies.
Lies spread.
Spread thick.
Thick silk.
Silk webs.
Webs tangled.
Tangled deceit.
Deceitful intentions.
Intentions crushing.
Crushing reputations.
Reputations tarnished.
Tarnished dreams.
Dreams fading.
Fading thin.
Thin tears.
Tears trailing.
Trailing red.
Reddened skin.
Skin soggy.
Soggy secrets.
Secrets kept.
Kept truths.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I listed this under Abuse because this mentally and emotionally abuses a person; which winds up taking a toll on their bodies. Even though they know the words spoken are fictitious they don't often speak out because they don't think anyone will believe them and if they do nothing can be changed. It's a fate worse than death to leave a life full of lies and mistreatment over someone's assumption.

posted on 2013/02/23 - 19:56

One Final Breath

come quick, please dont drag this on

heres a letter for my loved ones, pass it on

i will take your hand

i will grip it tight

ive been waiting for this since second grade

just make sure this ppage gets to them

this fragile set of words reaches their eyes

make sure they know ill miss them like hell

make sure they know its not their fault

this was my doing

this was my choice

i didnt know where to go

never learned how to rest

and as the clock plays master over my methods

two a.m. approached and i know its almost here

i wait, one last time

i wait, to see new life

as the sun begins another day

filling the world with life and light

it al goes dark inside my head

as i begin my final breath

posted on 2004/09/27 - 16:36

One for the road

Through the blinds light glimmers through the space it can find

I wish I could say such space existed in my mind


posted on 2013/05/04 - 21:04

One Last Slow Dance

lost in this maze of life

meandering down paths unknown

searching for meaning

on a quest for my happy ending

such an overwhelming mess

a tragic affair

a chaotic mystery

as i tread through deadly waters

i reach and end to this play in which i act

i recite my final lines

its not happy, but atleast its come to an end

as i drown in my own blood and tears

as me and death sing and dance

one last time

posted on 2004/11/17 - 03:17

One plus one is 1

You can simply see your thought

Or you can make it real

You can be at peace

Or you can be in hell.

posted on 2012/03/17 - 08:30

One Story

This is... one story,

Two young girls, two big dreams,

One willing to settle,

The other willing to fight,

As one slowly let go,

The other chased faster,

Two open roads,

One able to risk it all,

The other sheltered and scared,

A doer discovering who she is,

A dreamer wallowing in self-pity,

One story,

Two endings,

Maybe one only wanted big dreams,

The second wanted big things,

One story,

Of fear,

Of lonelness,

One surrounded by familiar faces,

Not knowing who really cared,

The other surrounded by unknown voices,

Faces with no names,

One story,

Two girls,

Two lives,

Two possible endings,

Only one outcome.

posted on 2006/02/21 - 22:25

One Two

Nothing is enough, being a pacifist came from being a thug, the more I spread peace the more they try to touch my anger and those who find my anger know it's too much for them to handle, again I'm lost, slowly going insane while you people laugh, I'm not strong enough, the little strength that I have it's used up to hold my anger back, I'm still a child, rebellious and flying like peter pan in the wild, and where is peaches? Carpentry or plumbing that name I only seen on a stripper, love is too complicated, to save the world it has to be plural because when focused on only one that girl will be the end of us all and also too many judas those friends that will fuck your girl, fuck it all, God I know you hear me again I'll fall, I really don't give a fuck anymore, IN THE WILD!!!! HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW, NO LOVE NO PEACE I DON'T GIVE A FUCK NOW KING OF THE CROWN!!!!, GOD CAME DOWN HOLY SPIRIT IN A MINUTE THE FLESH IN CONTROL NOW!

posted on 2014/10/24 - 05:04


one hundred flowers

   light reflecting, colors smile

she fills the room too

Author's Notes:
for anon

posted on 2014/11/24 - 19:16

Only A Poet

Letters make up words

Words make up lines

Phrases from the heart

But who am I to call them mine?

For I am only a poet

Writing of her lost dreams

But isn't that what everyone else is doing

To set their souls free

A young girl

Mixed up in a tragic world

Does this sound familiar?

Do these lines ever get old?

Written on every poet's page

Words like love, smiles, and tears


Through the world's ears

Who am I to say I am great?

Because of the way I string words together on a page?

There are millions of hopefuls

Holding onto their dreams

Conforming to society it seems

But I am only a poet

Who am I to judge?

posted on 2006/05/07 - 06:56

Only he

High as can be

At the top of this mountains peak

Holding tightly each other

So as not to freeze


We gaze out over the crest

A kiss is felt upon my neck

His warmth of breath

Sends chills down my spine


The root chakra lights

The second ignites

The heart bursts open

As Third eyes connect


Astral rains distant

hues of green seen brilliant

Fireworks display colorful

A dragonfly grants entry


Trusting the mystery

They dip into hot spring

Whirlpool surrounds

And they start to spin


Hand clasped in hand

Swimming within the mist

We enter the dream

Attached at the hips

posted on 2013/01/18 - 06:41

Only he is he

The art is dark

This imp is restless

she played with the shadows

but there's only one thing

she wishes to create...

an atmosphere of love

for her musing heart

her desire is but for one

only one...

yet she plays with puppets

within a strange world

a world of fantasy

not of reality

fun as it may be

to write these words with others

she only wants him

to be by her side

together as one

flying high...

riding the mystery

shared through third eyes

his voice resonates

within her being

unable to forget...

every man to her is he




posted on 2013/01/27 - 03:07

Only Thing Meant for My Lips

i think of every boy since then

or every boy during that then

journey my mind in lust for what they hold

that i will never hold in my hands

aside from the obvious element of your hand

i think of every curve of your lips

and every heavenly taste they behold

then i realize that they were never meant for me

then i kiss my wrist and take the taste of blood into my mouth

posted on 2004/09/14 - 04:14

Only you

posted on 2017/02/14 - 22:34

Open curtain

Society is built so that we can be dependent on a government and people that you'll probably never meet, root of all evil is the reason I felt hate because when it's not enough that's when I would have to take, they teach you how to buy-buy but never create, all the fake jews preach just to entertain and they want you wearing chains and in clubs they make it rain see them worshipping the bull no wonder they will feel pain, I used to be religious I was raised as catholic, then I turned to christian now what I believe is me, I've read many books and also the bible, I learned to forgive and never worship an idol, benedict stepped down and now francis the humble, it's sad the more people I meet the more I like being a loner.

posted on 2015/03/16 - 19:22

Open For Insight

Open For Insight
Unraveling poem
nudging at subconscious
awaiting insight

posted on 2013/09/20 - 11:32

Open My Canopy

Open My Canopy

Karyn Indursky

Seed planted with gardening hands
into a golden pot with fertilizing
aiding the growth process
with watering sprouting 
development of a stem...
to grow into a leaf
as the sun shines to
allow a tree to branch
into a green canopy.


posted on 2013/07/06 - 21:14

Open Page

Open Page
Karyn Indursky
July 2012

A sheet of paper
is an open ear
for raw emotions
to pour out essences.

A sheet of paper
is an awaiting embrace
catching eye movement
of rampent feelings painting art.

A sheet of paper
is a tissue wiping away tears
without casting
judgments, labels, or expectations.

A sheet of paper
is a window where readers can
see into the soul of a heart.

A sheet of paper
is a dream catcher filtering fiction
while expressing the subconscious.

A sheet of paper
is the canvas of
fidgeting, fumbling, fiddling diction
exposing riddles behind
a poet's eyes.

posted on 2013/03/05 - 17:31

Open Up

Open Up


Open Up
Karyn Indursky


Open your tongue
to free your mind.


Open your lips
to sing music.


Open your pen
to write.


Open your book
for solitude.


Open your ears
to see what your eyes can't.


Open your poetry
to express yourself.

posted on 2013/02/28 - 15:10


Si digo soy mas que humano preguntan que estoy fumando yo soy bueno yo soy malo soy un angel soy el diablo en cual tu estas pensando? Ja! Conosco a Cristo, tambien conosco vicio, no soy la herida ni tampoco la cura, soy el que asegura cualquiera que tenga duda la verdad es verdad que duele y duele mas si no la entienden el pasado y el futuro es similar es diferente, la union sagrada mi raza toda mi gente, toda la gente hispana mi pana para adelante, mi Dios es el primero el verdadero y quiere que alludemos los blancos tambien los negros a todos en esta mezcla, les habri la luna ahora a donde quieren llegar?

posted on 2015/06/22 - 21:47

Opened Talent‏

  • Opened Talent‏

    Karyn Indursky
Writing is not a sign of boredom,
but a gift to be unraveled 
like treasured conversations
or a song sung by musicians
belting out their lyrics
to be danced to
like an artist who painted
a masterpiece with talent
to be framed as people
are lucky enough to 
enjoy, view, and share.


posted on 2013/07/08 - 13:25

Opening Night Catastrophe

erase, erase, begin again

scratch this off, its not the end

pick the scab, it will never heal

but its okay, youre too numb to feel

you play your part, passing by

from dose to dose, high to high

this should be your starring role

yet as the credits begin to scroll

you are nowhere to be found

because youre sleeping underground

in this box office failure known as your life

posted on 2005/01/09 - 03:40

Opportunities Pending

Opportunities Pending
Karyn Indursky
Like a chameleon
adapting to environments...
Like a puppy
growing into a dog...
Like a shooting star
granting wishes...
You close your eyes
to make your wishes
and for a fresh start
to taste new opportunities
granted with a clean slate.

posted on 2013/10/03 - 13:41

Or Not At All

Or Not At All

By Karyn Indursky



Love me true 
or not at all. 
Love me true 
or don't have me at all. 
Love me true 
or be the man I never knew. 
Love me true 
or die fast in my heart of blue. 
Love me true 
or I'll move past you. 
Love me true 
or fade as my dream. 
Love me true... 
or not at all.

posted on 2013/03/09 - 19:47

Organic Tea for a better you

Do you feel tired and worked up after a long day? Are you counting calories for a healthy body and healthier lifestyle? We have a perfect head start for you. Its time you change your refreshment habit and switch to organic tea and enjoy its benefits. It can also be used as a homemade remedy for a glowing skin, softer and frizz free hair. Organic tea is cultivated without the using pesticides and fertilizers, these results in a high contain of vitamin E and vitamin C which is very beneficial for a fit body. The recent statistics has shown that the consumption of organic tea from the year 2015-2016 has increased more than 6% in Australia and globally around 30%.

There are varieties of herbal tea but if you are not into the too earthy taste of green tea neither into the strong taste of black tea then oolong tea is the best is what you are looking for to energize your mind and body.

Why herbal tea is need for a better body?

In this busy world, obesity is the biggest problem faced. A great way to control this is by drinking herbal tea as it has no side effects and is perfectly healthy for any age group. All you need to do for a slim-toned and charming body is to start sipping a cup of goodness. If you are looking for some flavor, try mint flavored oolong tea. You can check the variety here http://www.natures-slimtea.com.au/.

Herbal tea or organic tea contains high amount of antioxidants that cleanses the body internally, helps in cutting down cholesterol and keeps the heart healthy, reduces blood pressure and boosts metabolism rate. Be healthy and celebrate a great body with organic tea !

posted on 2016/08/19 - 05:38

Our Beloved Sky

Our Beloved Sky

By Karyn Indursky



Nothing captivates one's heart and mind 
like our creamy moon with marshmallow stars 
by night, but contrasting by day 
with a golden sun sparkling down on us 
with pillow clouds that hold our golden treasures of 
love, faith, God, and so much more... 
at the end of every rainbow. 
With a world so divine and universe wide spread, 
nothing is more beautiful than... 
our beloved sky.

posted on 2013/03/09 - 20:49

Our Blessed Angelic Love

Our Blessed Angelic Love

Karyn Indursky


Eyes of guardian angels
allure our senses
until we see
their mystical skin
coated with love
baring no color
in their extended hands
willing us to grasp onto
them to soar while their halos
light our heavens
containing our Lord's palace
allowing us to enter
any time we want
in our flight of protection
with golden wings carrying
our bodies, souls, minds, purified eyes
to see goodness in all,
not just ourselves,
for it is God
making us varied
for reasons to be cherished
instead of begrudged
in our acceptance of
Him, Us, Them
and with brings
our blessed angelic love.

posted on 2013/02/26 - 00:19

Our Friendship Will Last

Our Friendship Will Last

Karyn Indursky


I'm sorry you endured pain,
but glad
you became stronger.
I'm sorry you cried,
but glad you smiled after.
I'm sorry you felt solitude,
but glad you found refuge.
I'm sorry you were quiet,
but allowed yourself to write.
I'm sorry you were abused,
but glad
after all these years
your internal being is
losing its bruise.
I'm sorry about your past,
but glad
our friendship will last.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this to Amy Riberdy after reading her poem, "Living In a Lavendar Haze."

posted on 2013/02/22 - 13:45

Our Time Is Now

We all have dreams

Reach a hand to grab a moment of sheer perfection

From teh first breath to the last

We are constantly chasing that dream

Sometimes we sprint toward the vision of gold

Others, we want to fall and quit

We are all in a race against time

Through each passing moment

Often taken for granted

We are chasing our dreams

Unaware that our time is now

Not knowing that today is our time to shine

For who knows what tomorrow may bring

Do not blink

Or that moment could walk on by

Never fall and quit into a pit of regrets

That will sidetrack the search for your dreams

No matter how hard we fall

No matter how badly we break

We never stop chasing our dreams, although we don't often realize it

Grab your moment and go

Never forget that our time is now

Or none of us will ever know the true meaning behind the word glory....

Author's Notes:
"either we fight now as a team, or we will die as individuals." Rowing is my life, its what I do.

posted on 2006/06/11 - 22:44

Outdoor bar table setting

While several homeowners willingly shell out top dollar for outdoor furniture like tables as well as chairs, there is one form which is often overlooked. This is too terrible, because this type is really way more functional and actually a superior investment than all the rest. An outdoor bar table will give you extra time to relax, as well as save you funds, and possibly even your life.

Augment your relaxation time

Being able to spend time relaxing on your patio or deck is one of benefits of having a house. Though when it comes to being able to have the benefit of a cool drink on a hot summers' day, doing so can be quite a hassle. Having to make steady trips in and out of the house for extra ice and of course alcohol, can be exceptionally annoying. Unluckily, this problem multiplies exponentially when you have visitors over. More persons equal more drinks to fill and certainly to keep cool. And while taking care of your visitors drinks, often times it's hard to take pleasure in your own get-together. An outdoor bar solves that difficulty easily. They can offer you with storage for bottles; a sink, ice, and a fridge, in addition to many even have lights installed. There are a ton of various options available depending on the brand as well as model you choose. However they all keep the proprietor from having to run around. An outdoor bar will maintain you with your guests and not missing out on the conversation or the fun, enabling you to get the most relaxation as well as have the most fun with your guests, since all of your supplies are in one convenient place.

It saves you funds

One of the reasons a lot of people actually overlook outdoor bar setting is because they believe they are too expensive. And while some custom bars can simply run into the double digit thousands, outdoor bar sets are normally only a few hundred dollars and they even come with stools. With the use as well as advantages of owning an outdoor bar that price is simply recouped and actually allows you to save a ton of money. Since you own one, it means that you can simply host your own parties and events at home. You won't have to rent out a restaurant or a space in a banquet hall like everyone else. Deciding to have even one party at home as a substitute of renting, can save you thousands of dollars, which means with a party you have made back the cash you spent on buying your bar and generally even more. Just imagine how much cash you can save if you have some parties.

It can save your life

One more great reason to own an outdoor bar is that will save you even more money as well as possibly your life, is the fact that you'll no longer need to go out to a bar to have a drink. No more expensive cocktails and expensive bar tabs. And even more significantly, not having to leave your house means you won't have to be anxious about drunk driving. Driving home after some drinks obviously can be fatal. And at the very least it can price you thousands of dollars in insurance, fines, as well as lawyers' fees, not to mention in damages. An outdoor bar keeps you secure at home and your capital in the bank. You can't say that about any other kind of outdoor furniture.

posted on 2016/08/19 - 07:22

Outer Space

I'm on a place 

Called outer space

Where no one lives and

No one forgives

No one goes there 

Cause no one knows where 

You can see all the planets 

But you can't see any bandets

You can't put your feet down

But you can turn around


posted on 2014/03/12 - 17:22



By Karyn Indursky



Open your arms. 
Close your eyes. 
Breathe normally. 
Stand still. 
Clear your head of all thoughts. 
Don't worry. 
It'll be fine. 
I move forward. 
I smile. 
I watch you. 
My breathing is normal. 
I open my arms. 
Thoughts in my head disappear. 
Worries are gone. 
I hug you. 
I say, "I'll be here for you." 
You tell me to go away and leave you alone. 
Our friendship is over.

posted on 2013/03/08 - 16:43

Over It

Over It

Karyn Indursky


Tossing back wavy wine hair
with royal blue eyes taunting you
as she sashays across the room
in her leather strapped high heels
matching her midnight blue stretch
velvet draping over her slim, curvy body.


Tossing back wavy wine hair
with royal blue eyes flickering mischief
you watch as she talks with a
handsome gentleman and you wish
for a miracle to take back the things
you never told her from the
pours of your emotions.


Tossing back wavy wine hair
with royal blue eyes smiling passion
she is slow dancing with her
pearl arms around his neck
and  pressing into him as together
they glide around the room
and you sip your martini wondering
what could have been.


Tossing back wavy wine hair
with royal blue eyes waving good-bye
she is walking out the door
with her gentleman holding open the door
and you know this time it final,
but your legs are cemented
after you drank too much to help
your mission to get over it.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 19:29



By Karyn Indursky



Am I overbearing? 
Do I talk too little or not enough? 
Is my voice too high or too low? 
Am I conceited or too humble, noble? 
Do I take too much or too little? 
Do I give too much or too little? 
Do I smile too much or too little? 
Do I laugh too much or too little? 
Is my laugh too loud or too soft? 
Are my hugs too close and long 
or too distant and impersonal? 
Are my words too expressive or too formal? 
Do I speak too much fact or too little? 
Do I speak too much from my heart or too little? 
Am I evaluating myself too much or too little? 
Is it safe to be myself or do I have to worry 
of being 

posted on 2013/03/08 - 16:13

P.S. Don't Forget the Rain

grey sky days fill my life

like this poisoin fueling my black heart

i look through the breaks in clouds

i look, get lost, pray

pray for it to rain down on me

for the water to storm down

wash away the pain tonight

rinse and repeat until this slate is clean

grey sky days, shelter me

from the bright and harmful sun

and dont forget to bring the rain tonight

dont forget so i can bathe under the moon

posted on 2004/10/23 - 00:00

Pack Of Lies

Pack of Lies

Karyn Indursky


Another pack
of lies
and an enteral
but this time
it's from me,
not you.
I'm tired
of taking your
packs of lies.
Now, I'm giving
you something,
but it's not
forgiveness or acceptance
this time.
This time
it's my
final good-bye.
Save your
pack of lies.

posted on 2013/02/28 - 14:22

Packs Of Wolves

Packs Of Wolves
Karyn Indursky
June 2012

Roaming beneath scarlet skies...
Howling at the midnight moon...
Wild creatures of the night...
Running with muses...

Fierce as fire...
Brave as soldiers...
Inspirational as royalty...
Strong as steel...

Lurking eyes of electric blue...
White paws of imaginations...
Gray furs of protection...
Packs of wolves.

posted on 2013/03/05 - 17:26



Karyn Indursky

Flipping through the pages of minds
with a drafters hand scribbling
their ideas into stanzas.  
Paging through the chapters
of vocabulary, accenting, and invigorating
motions of essences deftly
across horizons of literature. 
Flipping through pages of molded
art colorized by tonality 
and with the writer's formatted 
dancing attributions to decorating 
a masterpiece before you is...
paged animation.


posted on 2013/07/02 - 13:11

Pages Of Poetry

Pages Of Poetry

Pages Of Poetry
Karyn Indursky


Eyes glaze openly
upon naked souls
exposed expressively on
pages of poetry.


Eyes ignite flames
onto canvas spirits
displayed creatively upon
pages of poetry.


Eyes trail downwards
upon parting lips
tasting pieces of luscious
pages of poetry.


Eyes light candles
of interpretations across
fields of friendships exploring
pages of poetry.

posted on 2013/02/20 - 21:56


              pain hurts past memory 

       pain lifes past legacy 

       pain  a place called purgertry

       pain when all is to much

       pain just cant touch 

       pain justs a constant reminder 

       pain for i will never find her

       pain i deserve to suffer

       pain i never meant to hurt her

       pain self in flick the remedy

       pain no time for sympathy 

       pain a short dose of reality 

       pain never to be free of it 

       pain i share the nite and day with

       pain it has no pillow

       pain bends me over 

       pain cry like a weeping willow

       pain the bitter pill to swallow

       pain makes it all so hollow 

       pain but alas for something to follow 

       pain all gone need to find my tomorrow




posted on 2013/01/09 - 00:24

Painful Love

I thought this love was for real

But I was yet again so wrong

I thought this love was sain

But all this love has caused is pain

I thought this love would last

But turns out this love is a pain in the a**

I thought this love was mine

But now I just want this love to die


posted on 2014/04/14 - 17:56

Pains Of Love

What can I do?

What can I say?

To be able to will all this pain away

It started out fun

Seemed like a game

But when you deal with the heart

All you find is pain

Love is like a glass

Dropped onto the floor

The pieces still lay there

To lay there evermore

I feel so afraid

To let another in

When one romance ends

Where does another begin?

There are only so many sad songs

To push me through the night

Only so many tears I can cry

From our last lovers fight

Things don't seem normal

Everything is wrong

I thought I could still find you

But you were too far gone.

posted on 2006/05/07 - 07:15

Paint My Imagination

Paint My Imagination

Paint My Imagination
Karyn Indursky
July 2012


Unicorns are taxi's...
Dragons are planes...
Fairies are wagons...


Flowers of pixies...
Trees of trolls...
Fields of elf's...


Sketch my ideas...
Draw my muse...
Color my dreams...


Paint my imagination.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 15:26

Paint the Town with My Last Breath

invaluable art work documents visual history

pathethic teenage poetry logs the story of a life

with my words, i paint a picture

with my pen, i compose the lines

yet these words, this art

will never see a museum wall

the only display they shall recieve

is when they are sprayed along the wall

in blood, brains, and a single bullet

posted on 2004/10/02 - 03:10

Painted In Masks

Painted In Masks

Karyn Indursky


I'm an ostrich
with my head
buried deep within
the gritty sand
never wanting removal
for if I
dare extraction from
my beloved haven
I will see
judgments, labels, criticisms
of my world
given to me
by my God
not to destroy,
but to love
no matter what
lies on surfaces
painted in masks.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 15:42

Palettes Of Friendships

Palettes Of Friendships

Palettes Of Friendships
Karyn Indursky


Ivory integrity...
Cashmere communications...
Oak brown honesty...
Cotton connections...


Chocolate eyes...
Vanilla hands...
Nutmeg hugs...
Honey diction...


Teal trees...
Yellow flowers...
Blue violet skies...
Crimson horizons...


Smudges of charcoal...
Tints of turquoise...
Shades of fuschia...
Flushes of pink...


Accents of muses...
Blends of creativity...
Mixtures of art...
Palettes of friendships.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by my friend, Matt M.

posted on 2013/02/25 - 16:01

Pallets Of Friendships

Pallets Of Friendships


Pallets Of Friendships
Karyn Indursky


Violets of diversity...
Daises of diction...
Roses of acceptance...
Sunflowers of smiles...


Exquisite as eclipses...
Gorgeous as gratitude...
Elegant as rainbows...
Beautiful as blossoms...


Connections of eyes...
Cultures of hands...
Communities of communications...
Pallets of friendships.

posted on 2013/02/17 - 13:33

Pamper Me

Pamper Me

Karyn Indursky


"Pamper me,"
she tells
the man,
who she
claims to love.


He does
his best,
but it's
never enough
for her.


"Pamper me,"
she tells
the man,
who she
claims to love.


He works
night and day
just to
give her
all she wants.


"Pamper me,"
she tells
the man,
who she
claims to love.


He gets
loans as
he works
for her
and now the bank.


"Pamper me,"
she tells
the man,
who she
claims to love.


His body
can't take
it anymore
nor can
his heart.


"Pamper me,"
she tells
the man,
who she
claims to love.


He's ready
to move
past her
as he
shuts the door.


"Pamper me,"
is what
she's telling
her new


on his own,
but he
has God
and friends.


"Pamper me,"
is what
she's telling
her new


found himself
and happiness
with a non-materialistic woman.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 22:53

Panther Prowl

Panther Prowl

Karyn Indursky 

In the jungle 
a panther's eyes growls
before she attacks 
in a lightning bolt speed
and gobbles down her prey
in pure satisfaction
as she licks her paws clean
with a mighty yawn when the prowling panther
transforms into a snuggle mama
for her cubs.

posted on 2013/07/15 - 17:58

Paper Cups

Paper Cups


Paper Cups
Karyn Indursky


My feelings are mixed and shredded.
My eyes are burdened and curious.


My heart is crying,
but seeking healing.
My hands are cups
catching emotions to change
into love, courage, acceptance.


My paper is my poetry
molding your spirit with mine.

posted on 2013/02/28 - 23:05

Paper Thin in April Showers

grass stained jeans and a black tainted heart

flowers bloom as spring brings life, i face death

in this weakened state i am paper thin

carried away in a gust of wind

rain outside, a storm within

running streams, drifting dreams

all lead to nowhere

all lead to nothing

as i am led to tears

posted on 2006/08/20 - 14:13

Papers Of Your Life

"Let yourself move to the next chapter in life when the time comes. Don't remain stuck on the same page."

posted on 2013/09/21 - 12:59

Parades Of Friendship

Parades Of Friendship


Parades Of Friendship
Karyn Indursky

Feathers of skins.
Rainbows of sexualities.
Wines of genders.
Horizons of ages.
Blends of nationalities.
Mixtures of heritages.
Cheers of acceptance.
Walks of pride.
Banners of comfort.
Flags of trust.
Hugs of endearment.
Parades of friendships.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to my friends, who are various races, ages, sexualities, etc.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 21:50

Parades Of Muses



Parades Of Muses

Parades Of Muses
Karyn Indursky


Marching like goats...
Wiggling like penguins...
Laughing like roosters...
Dancing like hens...


Colorful like parrots...
Striped like raccoons....
Ruffled like turkeys...
Fluffy like hamsters...


Tall like ostriches...
Short like chicks...
Towering like giraffes...
Hidden like caterpillars....


Radiant like peacocks...
Dull like snails..
Brilliant like cardinals...
Camouflaged like frogs...


Loud like elephants...
Quiet like whales...
Thunderous like lions...
Silent like dolphins...


Fast like horses...
Slow like turtles...
Accelerating like panthers...
Crawling like lizards...


Struts of creativity...
Gallops of imaginations...
Displays of art...
Parades of muses.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 01:20

Paragon Paradox

The shrill of your voice gets louder;

Your river’s a poison,
That I gladly swim in.

Caught in a maelstrom,

Ideal torn to pieces,

Only the heart can be followed,

The mind merely breeds panic and caution.


So let the drum beat louder,

Don’t falsify your conscience to suit another,

Journeys end and begin on the same note,

A person has to lead in a dance between two people;
I’ve forgotten my position,
So take my hand,
I can be the strength for both of us,

Just not always for myself.

Just not when I’m on my own

Left to my own devices,
I spontaneously combust.

Author's Notes:
I can protect those I love, but I find I can allow myself to be the target. An imperfect paragon of virtue.

posted on 2013/08/14 - 15:36

Parchment Safe

Parchment Safe

Karyn Indursky

I'm a diary blotched in red
marks to hide blurting emotions
about all the things you have
failed to be speak and show
for festering fears of being
truly seen beneath your elegantly
sequined veils before I feel
felt-tip pens etching deeply into
me without any reservations this
time because no one's around
to spy on you confiding in your
parchment safe.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this after reading, "But Here I Am," by Martha Cecilia Mejia.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 22:18

Pardon for our Crimes


Don’t tell us what to say; we know what to do,


Voting for a criminal to slide in snake boots,


Your hissing and reprobation makes to silence debate,


No offering for a solution,


Creating problems, dressed in the art of rhetoric.


The word is that the war is left with right,


I’m ambidextrous and ambivalent,


With a mouth sewn shut, so I start a bonfire.




No lies can derail us,


A puppet’s wires spun, and spun.


Convince us of your reason; cannibals of national pride.


We work until our tendons become unravelled,


Victims of legislation, but our rights are read to us, forced to abide,


We seek shelter, but you offer a mass-produced following,


Your factory is industrial; we escape on digital enterprise,


The truth is what is mine is yours;


A criminal in a suit profits more that you, or I.


Author's Notes:
Old world poltics are falling apart. Left VS Right no longer applies - people's minds have expanded, information increased widespread. They're not serving their country, just wrestling to get back control.

posted on 2013/07/29 - 17:06



Karyn Indursky


Think critically.
Remember examples.
Recite knowledge.
Answer questions.


Think critically.
Evoke emotions.
Recite experiences.
Answer questions.


Think critically.
Analyze discussions.
Recite symbolism.
Answer questions.


Think critically.
Debate topics.
Recite thesis.
Answer questions.


Think critically.
Write brainstorms.
Recite criteria.
Answer questions.


Think critically.
Frequently volunteer.
Recite requirements.
Answer questions.


Think critically.
Communicate ideas.
Recite quotes.
Answer questions.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 19:25

Passages To Poetry

Passages To Poetry

Passages To Poetry
Karyn Indursky
June 2012


Tunneling through minds...
Digging through diction...
Searching through emotions...
Passages to poetry.


Floating towards imaginations...
Soaring towards art...
Channeling towards creativity...
Passages to poetry.


Trails to muses...
Canals to expressions...
Seas to souls...
Passages to poetry.


Eyes for interpretations...
Hands for communications...
Hearts for muses...
Passages to poetry.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 13:51



deep felt warmth

hidden inside

hot rush flows

lost breath

as i lay beside

passion so sweet

but for a moment

just to meet

to feel to taste

deep felt warmth

no time to waste

posted on 2013/01/03 - 07:05



Karyn Indursky


Crossing the line seemed right to Annebel.
Injustice beckoned to be corrected.
Laws didn't bother her any.


Annebel sought out to do the right thing.
In her heart, she knew what had to be done.
Being brave gave her courage to go on.


Guiding people to speak out was not an easy task.
She knew it would be worth the work.
Relenting didn't occur, which got her her help.


Working together achieved getting the statue built.
Loyalty to the nation was now shown.
No one realized Annebel had broken into places for information.


Annebel had no intentions of keeping any secrets.
She turned herself in.
The statue remained the emblem of the nation's passion.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 16:43

Passion Fruit Kisses‏

Passion Fruit Kisses

Karyn Indursky

Scorched golden brown curls travel
southwards on an autumn leaf lace
as it covers designer high heels
beneath New York lights before he
slips his hands on the small of her
back and her arms go around his
neck for slow dancing to blues
tunes played by nature's orchestra
while sparks of chemistry show intimacy
unlike anything they've felt previously
until velvet green eyes heat from
desire after he has lifted her chin
up to share silent promises of intimacy
and slowly he is  moving slowly lower
towards her awaiting mouth for sharing
passion fruit kisses.

posted on 2013/03/05 - 17:28

Passion Into Poetry

Passion Into Poetry

Karyn Indursky


Ideas into thoughts.
Thoughts into inspiration.
Inspiration into motivation.
Motivation into pen.
Pen into paper.
Paper into syllables.
Syllables into words.
Words into sentences.
Sentences into stanzas.
Stanzas into passion.
Passion into poetry.

posted on 2013/02/23 - 16:22

Path Ways

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters...compared to what lies within us."  Ralph Emerson

posted on 2013/09/18 - 23:07

Paths Of Poetry

Paths Of Poetry

Paths Of Poetry
Karyn Indursky


Vessels of visions...
Gravels of expressions...
Rocks of courage...
Trees of ethics...
Planets of prayers...
Moons of wishes...
Stars of dreams...
Wagons of interpretations...
Roads of muses...
Pebbles of relationships...
Struggles of diction...
Clocks of memories...
Flights of alterations...
Lakes of eyes...
Oceans of attitudes...
Atmospheres of personalities...
Seasons of friendships...
Cliffs of hope...
Boats of styles...
Trains of tonalities...
Buses of rhythms...
Transportation's of communications...
Paths of poetry.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 13:00

Paths Of Regret

Paths Of Regret

Karyn Indursky


Seeing through eyes of pain
everything is tainted forever
no matter what is
said or done because
nothing erases vivid memories
even if it is
forever desired to save
us all from blinded
paths of regret.

posted on 2013/02/20 - 21:28


If these rappers are god well then I guess I'm the devil, illuminati up is down so the warrior is humble, in life I took so much that now I gave it all up, halley dropped me off and molly helped me stay up, mary jane keeps me sane cause I'm a mothafucking monster turn your wife to a widow and turn your kids into bastards but then something happened, no thorns on my head they were placed on my heart, wanted to save princess peach but the girl is a slut, so I went to the ark, but I read it wrong it was the dark horse call her the spark, waiting for the day I can go back to the stars, the day is fast approaching but it's not soon enough, I watch the sands of time I don't hate I love.

posted on 2015/03/16 - 22:05

Paws For Poetry

Paws For Poetry


Paws For Poetry
Karyn Indursky


Creative as a cheetah...
Expressive as an eskimo...
Imaginative as an iguana...


Playful as puppies...
Serious as snakes...
Fun as flamingo's...


Soft as a starfish...
Cuddly as a cat...
Loyal as a lion...


Paws for poetry.

posted on 2013/02/16 - 21:27

Peanut-Butter Pie

Peanut-Butter Pie


Peanut-Butter Pie
Karyn Indursky

Impatient fingers grab
silver fork
to dive into creamy peanut butter
while caressing appetites
with tantalizing eyes
falling in love with
peanut-butter pie!

posted on 2013/02/23 - 15:13

Pearl White Eternality

Pearl White Eternality

Karyn Indursky

Floating to heaven with wings of faith...
Fluttering wings of spirtiuality guiding...
Soaring wings of courage.

Floating to heaven with wings of compassion...
Fluttering wings of acceptance seeking...
Soaring wings of love.

Floating to heaven with angels...
Fluttering wings meet God... 
Pearl white eternality.

posted on 2013/04/08 - 12:10

Pearls Of Girls

Pearls Of Girls


Pearls Of Girls
Karyn Indursky


Strands of conversations...
Bracelets of laughter...
Clasps of secrets...
Necklaces of support...


Delicate like pride...
Treasured like faith...
Uniting like gossip...
Cherished like hugs...


Displays of compassion...
Strings of understanding...
Rings of sympathy...
Demonstrations of sisterhood...


Valued like soldiers...
Appreciated like trust...
Respected like warriors...
Reciprocated like resolutions...


Illuminated with eyes.
Shown with smiles.
Worn with love.
Pearls of girls.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by one of my girls, Shannon Burritt. Love you.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 16:28


Time to rebuild the temple. Love and worship your women. No more suppression

posted on 2016/04/23 - 23:22

Pensive Patience

A speeding calypso of pinning panic,

Stone-skinned armour is reduced to dust.

The ringing alarm is your voice guiding my mind,

A passing watcher of dreams and the stars,

To see them we must set explosions across the sky,

With glimpses of perfection, seen only with the inner eye.


I cast my worries aside the bridge I was burning,

Only to be swept by the river, then gathered to rain.

I stand rooted, stunted, as each muscle is failing,

For what was once forgotten has quenched the victory flame.


I sat down by the bomb and waited,

But when the time came, nothing happened.

Author's Notes:
That realisation that things might actually be ok after all, just keep going...  

posted on 2013/02/08 - 16:29

People Bring Happiness

"The HAPPIEST people don't have the best of everything, they just make the BEST of everything."

posted on 2013/09/22 - 12:31

Perceptions Of Poetry

Perceptions Of Poetry


Perceptions Of Poetry
Karyn Indursky


Thoughts to ideas.
Ideas to muses.
Muses to hands.
Hands to paper.
Paper to technology.
Technology to eyes.
Eyes to perceptions.
Perceptions of poetry.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 21:58

Perfect love

I don't have to do shit. People know I'm the king. Everyone knows I'm the shit. I tell it just how it is even if I changed my mind. I'm loco. You didn't know? Phenomenal. Amazing. My window is to the stars the olympians came to meet me. I am the vessel for Jesus. I am Christ soy de Christo. The holy spirit in the flesh so constantly masterbating. Trying to be celibate. I'm my room just waiting. Waiting for my true love. The one able to save me. I forgive the world because I know she will forgive me. All of my mistakes just like God without a payment. That'll be the day God is just not a reflection.

posted on 2016/09/11 - 17:29

Person's Purpose 6/22/08

Person's Purpose 06/22/08

Karyn Indursky

Everyone and everything
has a purpose
and is part of
God's plan.
If God didn't want someone here,
the person wouldn't be here.
You can try to help someone,
but that's a serious issue
he/she is going to have to
deal with themself.
When the individual wants help,
there's plenty to be had.
He/she can
sing, write, draw,
paint, talk to a therapist,
talk to friends, etc.
But you can't help the person
if they don't want it.
You can't change him/her.
The person has to
want to be alive
and want help to
change themself.
But God bless you
for remaining a good friend
and not deserting him/her
in their time of need.
I've been where they are
and I moved forward.
In my opinion
anyone can do whatever I do,
if not better.
Believe me
there's help
for those who
want and accept it.

posted on 2013/02/16 - 21:16

Personal Outlets

Personal Outlets
Karyn Indursky

Above all...Pray.

posted on 2013/03/05 - 17:15

Personalized Sockets

Personalized Sockets
Karyn Indursky

When battling with business problems
plug-in the radio
or seek a CD.

When dealing with medical
take a walk, stretch, ask
and remember it's not your fault.

When coping with personal
grab a pen or keyboard
to write.

When struggling with men
refer to movies, friends, pets
because you don't know if he's worth it.

When guiding through life
find God and He will
provide refuge.

posted on 2013/03/05 - 17:13

Perspective Inspection 911

Perspective Inspection 911


Perspective Inspection 911
Karyn Indursky 12/10/08


Biased by flaw detection
you fail to see a quest
led to triumph misery
instead of constantly being
bulldozed by your every depiction
of you think is a flaw
when in reality
it's a figment of what you want to see
because you can't handle
my positive qualities
blinding your sparkling eyes of mischief
taking immense pleasure
from attempting to tarnish
my self-esteem, respect, confidence,
but I'll be condemned
for I won't go down
without a fight
because I'm not a victim
willing to tolerate
your verbal lashings
day in, day out,
but a survivor
of life's adaptations
when God's in my heart
and listening to my prayers
not to be shackled
for undeserved ridicules
when all you have to do
is remove your sunglasses
to see my positive qualities.

posted on 2013/02/23 - 16:20


Jokers of daylight

pests of the dawn

Stepping upon glass impaling as I yawn

For the expectations leave me short and I grasp for a choice

I end up with nothing and thus no cause for rejoice

I poise in readiness for an attack of sadness

The madness this pattern has come to be

 Racing through my heart scraped from the trees

Numb fluffy ticks of tricks lick my attention

I tought my indulgence in such was in remission

Seems all my reality derives from superstition

posted on 2013/06/20 - 04:43



    Karyn Indursky
Flower petals open 
to give denim butterflies
a habitat to love
before they fly into baby girl pink
skies and the petals pucker up
to kiss nature's fans.


posted on 2013/07/11 - 20:30

Petal My Page

Petal My Page

Karyn Indursky


Like rose petals thy poet is gentle

with diction and tender tonalities

touching thou through soft voice sentimental

sounds soothing thee shy personality


Words fall down thee page with purple petals

softly entwining emotions with me

as feminitity is settling

thee fluttering butterflies of silk trees

Like yellow rose petals catching thy eye

poetic license will smile in motion

caressing your senses with ocean blue skies

running fingers through your poem lotion


So long as roses grow in new gardens 

thy poetry will never need pardons

posted on 2013/12/13 - 18:46

Petaled Poetry

Petaled Poetry


Petaled Poetry
Karyn Indursky
June 2012


Hair like silk...
Eyes like velvet...
Lips like suede...
Hands like cotton...


Touches of honey...
Splashes of sugar...
Tints of tonalities...


Velvet voices...
Daffodil diction...


Petaled poetry.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 13:22

Petals Of Friendship

Petals of Friendship

Karyn Indursky

Pluck my sweet red wine petals
with your baby-breath fingers. Allow your
rhythmic fingers quilt my pattern. Turn
my fragnence into perfume. Make me into
dangling ears. Turn me into a quilt. Sew into
a bed sheet or blanket. Have me be a charm
on your necklace. Pay a jeweler to make you
an anklet with my color and design. Alter me
into a hat. Sequin me into your scarf. Sweep
your chlorophyll eyes over me as they swing
dance in the sheer enjoyment of how I
flourish your essence. Use your smoky white
caresses to feel how soft, luxious, and beautiful I am.
Wear me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by Kristen Nicol when she described to me how friends are like clothing to be worn for different amounts of time and occasions. I'm hoping to be an outfit for Kristen all the time because I love her dearly and want to be there for her good times, but also the bad.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 12:52

Petting Cats Syndrome (Haiku)

Petting Cats Syndrome (Haiku)

Karyn Indursky


Nestled against me.
Purring. Vibrating. Rubbing.
Always wanting more.


Louder the purrs grow.
My ears are ready to burst.
Petting cats syndrome.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this about my family's cat, Dora.

posted on 2013/02/26 - 00:06

Petting Simber (Tanka)

Petting Simber (Tanka)

Karyn Indursky

Laying with spread legs.
She cries for me to pet her.
She rubs against me.
Caving into her demands.
Stroking her delicate fur.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was written for my family's cat. Simber. She loves getting her belly rubbed.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 13:17

Phoebe Is Queen (Haiku)

Phoebe Is Queen (Haiku)

Karyn Indursky


Princess on her throne.
Bow down to her on your knees.
Kiss her paws and head.


Be obedient.
Or she will scratch you and hiss.
Phoebe is the queen.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to my family's cat, Phoebe.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 15:59

Phone Tag

Phone Tag

Karyn Indursky


She wonders what his voice
feels like upon her nectarine
body. She wonders what sound
his thoughts would make against
a glass elevator. She wonders
what his firm lips would
taste like if her tongue traced
every millimeter of them. She
wonders what it would be like
to touch his taut body with
caresses of a billowy soft
flower. She wonders how long
her heart will stop aching
until she gets her first
glimpse of him without his
cell phone.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 16:03

Pick A Fresh Idea

I am filled with fresh ideas everyday."

posted on 2013/09/20 - 23:06

Picture Perfect

Nancy was the picture perfect girl,

Living in her picture perfect world,

But behind closed doors,

She drowns in alcohol,

Tears stain her dress,

As she wobbles to the door,

But misses the doorknob,

Feeling safe at the bottom of a bottle,

Wearing her rose colored glasses,

At rock bottom she finally feels okay,

A little less lonely,

A little less scared,

She's so far down,

Nancy doesn't want to hear the words being thrown by her parents,

Love shattering into pieces,

Just like the good china that just hit the wall,

But Nancy,

Picture perfect as can be,

Hidden behind the bottle,

Blinded by the double vision,

Stumbling around,

Painting a twisted picture on her white walls,

Everyone will ask What ever happened to this picture perfect girl?

posted on 2006/02/20 - 07:33

Pictures By The Sea

Pictures by the sea

By Karyn Indursky



"Draw me pictures by the sea. Show me how you want 
it to be. Will the sun be out or hidden? Will the 
public be forbidden? What would it feel like to 
have your dream come true? Would it cheer you up 
when you're blue? Would this be your burning secret? 
Would you have any feelings of regret?" 

Annie drew me those pictures. They had her family 
and friends in it. Color jumped out of the page, 
showing her zest for life. The sun gave me a warming 
feeling. Her dream had come true. 
She had gone to the beach. When she came back, 
she was drained. She told me stories. Her new 
pictures were even lovelier. She could die in peace 
and happiness. She did a few days later. 
\As a momentum, my wall is full of pictures by the sea.

posted on 2013/03/08 - 00:00

Picturesque Sisters

Picturesque Sisters

Karyn Indursky

Friends are whittling art
nipping at your heart
to be yourself
and let your creativity craft. 

Friends are jewelry
to be cherished 
as your ruby heart. 

Friends are pens scribbling
their personalities into
your poetry's sentimental value. 

Friends are flowers
sprouting seeds of sisterhood
with planted roots of loyalty
to grow into gardens
of beauty, enchantment, and
picturique memories.


posted on 2013/06/06 - 12:54

Pieces Of Animation

Pieces Of Animation

Karyn Indursky 

Fabrics of personalities

stitching cloths of artistic expressions

embroidered by muses

entwining emotions colorfully

to warm the hearts of poetic friends 

across the skies of molding word puzzles

of animation to create graphic beauty...

of writer's essences.


Author's Notes:
Inspired by Dove.  "Animation Creation: Carefully being molded like a Piece of Clay."  http://www.postpoems.org/authors/dove/poem/960653

posted on 2013/06/18 - 16:05

Pieces Of Diversity

Pieces Of Diversity


Pieces Of Diversity
Karyn Indursky


Skins of cashmere.
Coats of leather.
Shirts of suave.
Blends of ivory.


Sights of Lima-beans.
Scopes of bluebirds.
Views of chestnuts.
Eyes of elephants.


Thick as trucks.
Skinny as strings.
Curvy as pears.
Shapes of beauty.


Melting differences.
Establishing unity.
Merging hearts.
Pieces of diversity.

posted on 2013/02/17 - 13:28

Piercing A Heart

Piercing A Heart

Karyn Indursky

When I touched you
and you flinched,
when I kissed you
and you moved away,
when I came onto you
and you chose the TV,
when I wanted you
and you didn't want me back,
when I tried to console you
at the funeral
and you moved away,
it hurt more than a dagger
piercing a heart.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written about one of my ex-bf's.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 15:22

Piloted Poetry Plane

Piloted Poetry Plane

Piloted Poetry Plane
by Karyn Indursky

Hop abroad the Plane of Prepositions!
Strap on your pronoun seat belt.
Your synonym luggage is above.
Listen to your antonym flight attendant.
Keep your anthology children under control.
Relax in your novel chair.
Fall asleep before our liberated landing.
Flip through your rumbled revision hair.
Buy your fresh copy flowers.
File your bestseller nails.
Leave your problems abroad freelance clouds.
Dance in your published ballet music.
And, as always, come again!

posted on 2013/02/22 - 15:21

Pin (abstract)

Pin (abstract)

Karyn Indursky

You wear me
upon your shirt
to display before
gawking eyes shimmer
with envy as
they compliment you
until your stern
lips smile from
ear to ear
for having me
be nothing more
than a bronze

posted on 2013/02/21 - 15:25

Pinch of Reality

Dazeless accounts of turmoil

Lights like candles

Glowing softly in windows

A shadow of peace

Washes at the shores

Of a small little town

Fallen out of place

Of a fabric of time

The needle missed the thread

On this page of linen

On this endless string of time

No one is stranger

Violence is legend

Sin is a myth


To this quaint, entrancing town

Only the magnificent live there

Streets paved of silver and gold

Uncomparable image of perfection

Our world lacks this creativity

I resided there for years upon years

Until I felt the stinging

Pinch of reality

posted on 2007/01/15 - 06:55

Pine Tree Christmas

Pine Tree Christmas
Karyn Indursky
How can I compare sonnets thy pine trees
waiting for Christmas decorations hanging
hopes of miracles laying beneath these 
branches of opportunities clanging
bells of religious freedom across lands
with silver tinsel adding it's flavor 
while lights need a helping set of white hands 
singing thou Christmas songs like engravers
to pave thee way to merriment today
and balls on the pine tree smile with thee 
for celebrating Jesus' birth leading ways
into ornaments singing hymns for free?
So long as we believe in Jesus Christ
Christmas will have thee power to entice.   

posted on 2013/11/29 - 20:05

Pining No More

Pining No More
by Karyn Indursky
I pine no more
for the man
that will sweep me off
my feet.
I pine no more
for the man,
who can accept compliments
and on occasion give them.
I pine no more
for the man,
who shows up at my house
to not only interact with my son,
but also me.
I pine no more
for the man,
who's lips I desired
and arms I ached for
that wouldn't give me affection.
I pine no more
for the man,
who I yearned to
tell me he missed me
and loves me too.
I pine no more
for the man,
who I dreamt about
night after night.
I pine no more
for the man,
who captivated
most of my time.
I pine no more
for the man,
who can love my son
even though he's not
his biological father,
but can't love me.
I pine no more
for the man,
who only came over
when it was convenient.
I pine no more
for the man,
who could spend
a few hours
for a play date,
but couldn't take
one minute of his time
to change a diaper.
I pine no more
for the man,
who can't say
the word "love"
to me or written
write it.
I pine no more
for the man,
who isn't meant
for me.
Author's Notes/Comments: 
Let's just say that after someone rejects your mind, body, and soul you learn not to pine for them and move forward.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 20:05



Karyn Indursky


Take this pink
vale off my face.
I can see what's out there and what's not.
I don't see a protective covering of truths.
I see what's there and I don't just accept it.
I look at it for what it is and what it could be.
I analyze it until I understand it and have learned.
I'm not stopping that anytime soon either.
It's not about being protected
or feeling secure
or harvesting bad feelings...
it's about being open enough to be honest.
It's about more than meets the eye.
It's all those underlying messages sent out through eyes and body language.
It's about facing facts and letting go of the bad to let in the good.
It's about begin me and not being who you wish I was or who you want me to be.
It's not about you anymore.
It's about me...all about me.
So, take this pink vale and use it on yourself
because I don't need nor want it.
I want to see and understand everything.
If you can't handle it,
keep the vale.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 13:39

Pink Hearts

Pink Hearts

Karyn Indursky
May God bless
us with the hope
of finding a cure...
May God bless
us with the faith
to keep trying...
May God bless
us with the courage
to encourage the victims...
May God bless
us with love
to cherish their memories,
but celebrate the survivors...
of breast cancer.

posted on 2013/10/13 - 18:17

Pink Prayer

Pink Prayer

Karyn Indursky

Upon a shirt you see a pink pin

or maybe it's the pin on a baseball cap
that grabs your breast cancer awareness
to pray for those who have lost the fight
while celebrating those who have survived.
Upon a shirt you'll see pink designs
or ankle socks they'll be pink emblems
representing the Walk For Breast Cancer
and hopefully to find a permanent cure.
Upon a bag you'll see words of encouragement
reminding us not to lose our
hope, faith, love, courage
to not give up and find a solution together.

Upon prayers you may find pink
as we all stop to think
about what's to come and when they say, "thank you"
it's a heart-felt welcome.


posted on 2013/10/28 - 19:36

Piss Off‏

  • Piss Off‏

    Karyn Indursky
Being a friend 
isn't to be shit upon. 

Don't lie to your best friend 
and stab them in the back. 

Being a sister is lucky by chance
and held sacredly.

Being a friend is obtained 
when you act 
like one first. 

But when your 
morals, ethics, honesty, 
and value of best friends/sisterstood ceases
to mean anything to you...


Don't call me. 
Don't come around.
Don't waste my time.

posted on 2013/07/24 - 11:10

Pitta Padder

Pitta padder.

Karyn Indursky

I want to hear
the sound
of children's feet.
I want to hear
their laughter
as they run
wildly free
into the grass-
so fresh and new
to their
pure and innocent
I want to hear
their laughter
ring high in the air
like a love song
with a melody and harmony
to embrace
with my own
heart, laughter, and grace.
I want to feel
their arms
wrap around me
as together
we are wild and free
to be ourselves
in a chaotic world
where people
pretend too much
and forget
what it's like
to be real.
I want to feel
this embrace
for eternity
until it's time
for us
to run
wild and free
to meet
their dad
on the other side
smiling at us
with love and grace.
I want to feel
the grass
below our feet
tickle our souls
as we join
their dad
and together
we run
wild and free
off into a distance
when it's just us
in a world
more divine
than we ever imagined
with God and us.
we can
join and embrace
to later
run wild and free
with our feet
making that sound...
pitta padder.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 15:18

Plagued Fear

Plagued Fear

Karyn Indursky

Fear is people believing
you only smile
because they're assuming
you're thinking about sex...
Fear is have people
stereotyping, labeling, judging,
and discriminating against you...
Fear is having readers
raping you or having people
tell you you're lucky
you're not killed...
Fear is people not being able
to stop being mean, insensitive,
and downright selfish...
Fear is feeling you can't
be yourself and never being
able to write poetry again...

Fear is worrying about
your friends, family, pets...
Fear is finding who you
can truly trust
to be there for you
without talking shit
behind your back and who's going to be there
no matter what... 
Fear is the struggle of keeping 
your depression/anxiety under control 
and having medications available...
Fear is people tarnishing your reputation
with rumors and telling everyone
you have "issues'", need "therapy,"
and are a "robot", not a person,
especiallly when it couldn't be further
from the truth...
Fear is people who can't stop messing
with you and finding it 
as "fun" and some kind of "big joke"...
Fear is people not being to 
refrain from verbally assaulting you...
Fear is people not truly
understanding you or accepting you... 
Fear is people bruising 
you from the inside out... 
Fear is a million things
that causing a plague
that needs to conquered.


posted on 2013/06/18 - 16:14

Planning For A Future

Planning For A Future

Karyn Indursky


Harboring tears.
Suppressed fears.
Erupted memories.
Raging emotions.
Past returning.


Closed eyes.
Beckoning strength.
Losing disguises.
Feeling alone.
Past returning.


Vicious nightmares.
Never forgetting.
Fighting subconscious.
Needing numbness.
Past returning.


Burning tears.
Walls crumbling.
Emotions igniting.
Internal destruction.
Past returning.


Acceptance hanging.
Mourning winning.
Truths unleashed.
Unconditional love.
Past retreating.


Healing slowly.
Ignoring others.
Being honest.
Allowing freedom.
Past retreating.


Seeing tomorrow.
Having faith.
Obtained hope.
Maintaining composure.
Past retreating.


Horizons brightened.
Inner peace.
Tranquility grasped.
Plunging forward.
Past retreating.


Mixing past and present.
Conquering turmoil and loss.
Breathing in courage.
Moving into new territory.
Planning for a future.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this about me trying to cope with my cousin's death on Jan. 20, 1998. God bless you, Anthony Romig and may God bless you as you have us.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 17:57

Planted Animation

Planted Animation

Karyn Indursky

Nature sprinkles poetry 
in a movement of growth 
as waves of diction generates 
foundations of muses building 
communication amongst cultures
in an artist's eyes configuring 
plants of animation.


posted on 2013/07/06 - 21:21

Plastic Protectors

Plastic Protectors


Plastic Protectors

Karyn Indursky



Eyes are sunglasses

tainted by perceptions.

Eyes are buckets

overflowing from gossip.

Eyes are daggers

cutting its victims.

Eyes are roses

budding with stories.

Eyes are tender

like a Mommy's caress.

Eyes are hidden

behind moorages.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 16:52

Plastic Room Key Collection

i have always been the traveler

moving from town to town

meeting people along the journey

of whom i never want to leave

but in the actuality of it all

i am alone

i am without home

just hotel keys and ten digit numbers from around the world

and from room 3230

i dont want to leave this time

dont want to leave behind

this rare find

but onto room 824 i go

stopping "home" inbetween the next combination of digits

and every little bit of all the people that i meet

become a part of me

and if i could, id trade in all these plastic cards

each and every of my guitars

just to remain with you

posted on 2004/09/14 - 04:15

Plastic Surgery an important treatment in California

Those who always want to look young, plastic surgery will do the job for them. Many famous movie stars have used this treatment to look beautiful and ever young. An age comes when the skin starts getting wrinkles and they create a negative impact on the personality. To avoid this, plastic surgery is preferred by many people. Laser hair removal san fernando valley is also good option for hair removal. To know more about facial surgeons in California, this website can be very helpful: http://www.dermatiqueskinspa.com/
Always prefer an experienced surgeon:

These days many people are suffering from different facial issues. As plastic surgery is the matter of skin treatment, so it must be kept in mind that always, go for an experienced surgeon. Many great surgeons like facial plastic surgeon westlake village . They use quality instruments for the treatment. Sterilized setup is necessary for surgery otherwise; it can create many problems like infections and swellings. A surgeon who is not qualified or experienced enough might cause great problems for the patient. The patient might have to face severe pains. A qualified plastic surgeon would ensure that patient is satisfied and is not feeling any difficulty due to treatment. Otherwise, it is a good and easy way of removing scars from the face.

posted on 2016/08/20 - 04:37

Platters Of Personalities

Platters Of Personalities


Platters Of Personalities
Karyn Indursky


Pickle green...
Zipper silver...
Jasmine blue...
Butterscotch orange...
Marigold yellow...
Hunter green...
Hazel brown...
Pacific blue...
Almond brown...
Tanned khaki...
Plum purple...
Burnt hazelnut...
Lip pink...
Rosebud red...
Walnut brown...
Warmed honey...
Golden white...
Blue bonnet...
Violet purple...
Deep fuschia...
Black raspberry...
Cedar red...
Oak brown...
Sired red...
Strawberry streaks...
Sunkissed pink...
Baby blue...
Iguana green...
Melon red...
Lilac purple...
Lilly-pad green...
Crackled white...
Black cement...
Pavement gray...
Acorn brown...
Sunny-side yellow...

posted on 2013/02/22 - 12:53

Playing God, The Creator

from behind closed doors

i craft my identity

i create myself

in my own image

fuck god

fuck creation

fuck the big bang

this is the dawn of all time all over again

i fight everything

the ignorance of man

the growing melodrama

this awful excuse for existance

fuck it all

cobain and lennon are in my basement

alive and well

despite guns

despite murder

despite the lies of drugs

despite it all

despite so caled suicide

i have the solution

refill your fucking prescription

check your mirror

fuck keeping your eyes on the road

keep them on you

keep them on the god you see in you

and drive right off this cliff

this cliff that calls out to me



bleeding, the life escapes me

suicide is painless

i let the life flow

from this worthless mess of flesh and bones

paint the town with my decaying organs

the portrait

the legacy

just remember

i created you

i created this hell

shallow, yet deep

emotionally masochistic

your god

yet unlike christ

who will remember me

when im gone

posted on 2004/09/27 - 16:08

Playing the Role of Indifference

he wakes up in the morning

touches his head

remembers its not there

remembers shes not there

remembers he let her go

was she my one good thing?

he plays with the grass and pretends not to care

posted on 2004/09/14 - 04:15

Pledge To Poetry

Pledge To Poetry

Karyn Indursky

I pledge the allegiance
to my poetry
of the United States Of America
and to the Republic
for which it stands,
one nation under God
with liberty and the freedom
to write for all.
I pledge the allegiance
to my poetry
of the United States Of America
and to the Republic
for which it stands, 
one nation under God
for literacy and creativity
to express for all.
I pledge the allegiance
to my poetry
of the United States Of America
and to the Republic
for which it stands, 
one nation under God
to always to be true
to my muse where
the flag of America
will always ring international pride.
Author's Notes:
"I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all."

posted on 2013/06/12 - 23:24

Pluto's Care Package

Pluto's Care Package


Pluto's Care Package
Karyn Indursky
July 2012


Riding down the street
on a tractor
Super Woman was on a mission
to deliver dog chow.


The meddling Dick Dastardly
was too lazy to shop
and set a trap.


Super Woman's tire popped
from the sharp, rusty nails
he threw in the road.


She was in a hurry,
decided to ditch the tractor
and hitch-hiked with Dirty Harry.


Dirty Harry blasted music
with the windows rolled down
and Super Woman sang karaoke.


Dick Dastardly was a hater
and broke the speakers
before he grabbed the chow.


Enraged, Dirty Harry punched
him in his face,
which made him damage the can.


Dog chow went everywhere!
Super Woman was in a bind,
Pluto was starving.


She made Dick Dastardly into
dog chow with a side order
of Dirty Harry biscuits.


Super Woman swiped a motorcycle,
took it to Micky's,
and Pluto licked her face in gratification.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 16:44

Pocket Poetry

Pocket Poetry

Karyn Indursky

Pieces of language
are sewn together
from fragment ideas
into woven words
to add embroidered imagery
as the fabrics of relationships
navigate from your
eyes to ears to interpretations
and you tuck what my poetry
quilted into the confines
of your pocket to
hold me dear in your heart.

posted on 2013/09/20 - 21:48

Poem Loveliness

Poem Loveliness

Karyn Indursky with Dove


Poems are lovely, please let me count the ways
where the ideas of fresh plants grow from seeds
leaves of opportunities fly each day
skies of imaginations sprout like weeds


Shall I count my fingers or my toes too?
Ways words express librating freedom
singing from the hearts of writers true
where meters of words beats like happy drums


Oh shall I count flowers to see thy rose?
tell me how to love poetic petals
enchantingly on paper words transpose
inked personality, fragrant petals


so long as thy day grows with white roses
thy cheeks will blush like reddened noses

posted on 2013/11/21 - 13:40

Poems Of My Soul

Poems Of My Soul

Poems Of My Soul
Karyn Indursky
March 2, 2010


Your words
Are a river
Flowing through my mind
Until I’m consumed
By the rapids
Of my pen
Traveling the crests
Of  your carefree journey
Drips typically upon
My soul.

posted on 2013/02/27 - 23:24

Poet Support?

Poet Support

Karyn Indursky


I look around me.
And, what do I see?
I see
people supporting
but me.
I don't see anyone
giving me aide
for my
poetry conventions,
but I see people,
who are on
and other things
getting hand outs
when most of
these people are
milking the government
for all
they can
as they
don't work,
try to get out,
make it on their own,
or pay back.
I see
Aids families,
getting support
as I,
the working poet,
get nothing.
I'm not saying
they don't
deserve anything,
but I
am saying
I deserve it, too.
Where's my help?
Where's my finance?
Where are my walks?
Where are my ribbons?
Where's my pride
motivating others?
Where's my share
of all of this?
Why is that
I work
full time,
write poetry full time,
attend college full time,
pay bills full time,
to make it
on my own,
but I can't
get the help
I need
because others
are hogging
the governments support?
Where is my
cut in this?
Why can't I get
my awards?
Why can't I have
what I've earned
just because
I can't attend
these conventions?
Why is it that
I support
other people
while I get
I take
the time to
other poets
and they're not
helping me.
They're not
giving me
The governments
not giving me
a scholarship
for my writing,
but they can
certainly feed
these out
like chips
to athletes
(a.k.a. jocks).
Why is it that
I can't
get support by
the government,
other poets,
or anyone else
for that matter
even though
I hand
it out?
Where is my
poet support?

posted on 2013/02/19 - 13:47

Poetess Paint

Poetess Paint

Karyn Indursky
A writer's mind
ponders with creativity
nudging at imagery
explored by diction
chiseling art from hearts
until your eyes
feast upon a poetess masterpiece.

posted on 2013/05/30 - 13:23

Poetic American Passages

Poetic American Passages

Karyn Indursky
Word conversions build
emotions painted by constructed
language with undercurrents
of vibrant font eyes touching interpretations
before the wings of our
American eagle glides 
into passages of history
marking skies of democratic
clouds for angels looming over us
with love, protection, saviors
as we soar in the light of the mystic moon
to capture the view of the Statue Of Liberty
with profound love, pride, respect  
and we thank God  
for family, friends, and cherished pets.


posted on 2013/06/09 - 13:40

Poetic Conquests

Poetic Conquests

Karyn Indursky


Barefoot thoughts thread emotional
tides. Ripples of water squeeze
between libel toes. Shudders of writer's
block torture the spine. Parchment legs
accelerate up the steep slander hill.
Each typing hurdle is higher than
the last. Velocity pen jumping pays
off and leaps. Landing after a pronoun
back-flip, swinging from newspaper vines
starts and every single fiber of the editor
threatens to snap.  A little fall into murky
ethics puddles gives a dingy taste. Wiping
it off it's up the publicist mountain. Upon
the approval of a new book the sight beneath
is astoundingly beautiful.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 15:23

Poetic Eclipse

Poetic Eclipse

Karyn Indursky

Poetry is an eclipse
of emotions 
hanging expressions of weathered imagery
to be painted on canvas
from sequinned nights
to loom in your heart
and express your artistic eye.

posted on 2013/05/30 - 13:16

Poetic Essence

Poetic Essence

Karyn Indursky


Weave your needle through
parchment carefully to avoid
pricking your finger and
let your embroidery outline
your essence of being.


Weave your needle through
banana paper delicately for
displaying your shimmering sequins
and adding texture to
pictures of your essence.


Weave your needle through
the rungs of your book
with God's strongest bonds
for eternally keeping your
poetic essence.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My essence of being is forever displayed in my poetry. I find my poetry to be a book capturing my thoughts, emotions, and so much more. I hope you can see it conveyed here as I encourage others to embrace presenting their essence of being in their own book.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 16:37

Poetic Eyes

Poetic Eyes

Karyn Indursky

Sweet red delicous berries dip

into mounds of dark chocolate

with creamy dark goodness,

tantalizing taste buds into glorious delight

making consumers quake into temptations

of strawberry smoothie sensations

quenching thirsts for skies of imaginations

painting eyes of poetic eyes.

Author's Notes:
Inspired by poetic friends: Wolf, CactusWoman, Ssmoothie, and Dove.

posted on 2013/03/12 - 20:09

Poetic Framed Animation

Poetic Framed Animation

Karyn Indursky 

Unravel flower petals
of the sweet nectar 
color its beauty
for a bird 
to peck its seeds
to grow 
flowers of splendor...
with singing breezes tickling
their buds 
until they giggle
with dancing leaves 
entrancing the audience 
to be captivated by poetic animation
framed by hands, hearts, eyes
of a writer.


posted on 2013/06/20 - 12:18

Poetic Life

Poetic Life

Karyn Indursky


Dress nouns in dainty adjectives
for visibility of dancing verb legs
encased in adverb stockings with
its pronoun hair bouncing from
prepositional phrase arms moving
in tune with jazzy grammar music
adding punctuation mark background
with editing choirs singing proofreading
lyrics  while erasing vague emotions
without needing thesaurus suggestions
when one word  touches each person
while the performer's thoughtful eyes
fill from one word completing its
banana parchment masterpiece for
poetic life.

posted on 2013/02/20 - 21:45

Poetic Navigation

Poetic Navigation

Karyn Indursky

Poetry thuds in heads
with budding ideas
growing with tonalities
groomed with diction
to be tweaked with formats
wrapping your eyes
upon the craft of an artist
to be put into a vase
of interpretations
for views to conjure 
the blooming of my essence
before thorns of haters
rip at the petals of my display
for not everyone is a fan,

but those who value it
surpass haters and caress
my tender mind with artistic hand
to be myself and let my poetry soar
into spectrum's of souls.

posted on 2013/05/31 - 13:05

Poetic Pictures

Poetic Pictures

  • ViKaryn Indursky

Let mildew words fester on harboring
hotel hosts for productive parasites
spreading rancor odors to sensitive
nose hairs while shocked eyes
widen with their mouths gaping
open with ill hearted memories
at hearing glass breaking from
dirtiness defeating lovely little tales
of wild horses prancing farm lands
before they're drinking graciously
out of Ontario Lake blue ponds
without slurping down pollution
and poetry seeps out everywhere
until mixing vividly in painting
poetic pictures.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 13:54

Poetic Wings

poetic wings


Karyn Indursky


Peacock feathers spreading...
Eagle wings soaring...
Vultures diving...
Wings of poetry.


Turkey feathers falling...
Male cardinals flapping...
Pelican's feasting...
Wings of poetry.


Bluejay feathers floating...
Pigeon's flying...
Stork's delivering...
Wings of poetry.

posted on 2013/02/15 - 23:20

Poetic Words

Poetic Words

Poetic Words
Karyn Indursky


Liberating. Repulsive.
Exotic. Cliche.
Motivating. Vaine.
Sensual. Vulgar.
Intoxicating. Exclusive.
Addictive. Boring.
Sacred. Venomous.
Shared. Private.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 16:36



Karyn Indursky

Poetry doesn't have to be conformed.
Not all poems rhyme.
Some are long, but others short.
Syllables shouldn't have to be in set pattern.
Points can be clear or hard to find.
Poets look to express thoughts, perspective, ideas, emotions, fantasies, memories, etc.
Each poem should reflect upon the author as an individual.
Stories can be told.
Everything can be shown from the heart yet written by their hand.
Making it neat or "proper" shall not be a concern.
I'll stick with my freestyle.
No limits or restrictions or conforming.
I'd rather be myself than just another poet.
Ideas are sparked by a mood, day, insight, reading or seeing or feeling something, etc.
If I was meant to be like everyone else, I wouldn't be me.
So, my poetry style is free.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 21:55

Poetry (Cinquain)

Poetry (Cinquain)


Poetry (Cinquain)
by Karyn Indursky


Sonnets. Cinquain. Diamante. Limericks.
Flowing across parchment in shift glides.
Freedom singing from the soul’s heart of desperation.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 13:29

Poetry Biting Me

Poetry Biting Me

Karyn Indursky

White out sneakers thread through
preposition forests cluttered with
tangled brainstorming twig ideas faster
than flocking verbs sticking to
denim jeans brushing aside subjects
while adjectives weigh down
fleeced pronoun arms moving in
adverb rhythm before picking up
speed and seeing editing light blinding
eyes and scribbled words etch
into awaiting parchment paper laughing
at me thinking I have outrun
poetry biting me.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 14:52

Poetry Crossing

Poetry Crossing

Poetry Crossing
Karyn Indursky

Chugging along at a furious speed
Is my black-ink caboose
Trying to express locomotive ideas
Faster than my railroad track fingers
Can handle, but I’m not the conductor
When my muse high-jacks my soul
For poetry’s delivery.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 20:21

Poetry Dress Up

Poetry Dress Up

Karyn Indursky


Peanut butter ripple pants.
Mint chocolate fudge tanks
Chocolate cheesecake swirl cocktail dresses.
Raspberry swirl sandals.
Butter pecan stockings.
Blueberry ties.
Neapolitan cosmetics.
Chocolate banana hair ties.
Raspberry lemonade braids.
Strawberry daiquiri hairdryers.
Mudslide flat irons.
Peppermint curling irons.
Spearmint breath mints.
Jujyfruit ballroom dancing poetry.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 13:03

Poetry Embraces Sonnet

Poetry Embraces

Karyn Indursky 


poetry shall wrap me up in a hug

for thou chosen words are a sweet embrace

molding the shapes of my ideas bugging

to be shared upon parchment paper chases


of how fast my brain will lead my fingers

to mold thou imagination spreading

thought juices writing images lingering

word paint showing thou emotions threading


through pools of transistions flowing like ink

across my page drawing your dreams come true

in sugar sweet flight from thou fairy pink

sprinkling the magic of poetry blue


so long as thou precious pen holds its ink

thou poetry shall always make you think

posted on 2013/11/26 - 16:13

Poetry Emerges

Poetry Emerges

Karyn Indursky

Laced words. 
Woven emotions. 
Embroidered inspiration. 
Inspiring writing. 
Writing poetry.


posted on 2013/07/06 - 21:10

Poetry Exchange

Poetry Exchange

Karyn Indursky

Take me on a journey
with the rhythms of your voice
sharing your poetic essence
upon my eyes to alter my perception
and lose myself in the adventure
of poetic muse nudging me
to take my hand to craft my words of art.


posted on 2013/06/16 - 12:31

Poetry Harvesting

Poetry Harvesting

Karyn Indursky

Dig up random thoughts before
planting adjective seeds between
into freshly plowed verbal soil awaiting
you quickly covering up adverb ground
with flowering verbs more beautiful
than those pesky prepositional weeds
to be pulled out with direct objects
for allowing your conjunction sunflowers
sunshine beneath article rays warming
them ahead of tender noun raindrops
falling actively unlike scribbled hail storms
causing blooming pencil petals access to
smiling grammatical eyes looking up
dictionary answers being bottled for
poetry harvesting.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 16:04

Poetry hurts sometimes

The pain cuts like a knife

POETRY why do you have to hurt me so?

Must I feel pain for inspiration

Is this what you need from me Poetry?

The muses confuse me I have too many

Poetry Poetry please set me free

My heart wants you 

And only you 

But you do not exist as human

You encompass all of humanity

And I cannot possibly have all of thee

Poetry you stab a dagger through my heart

But I can't help but love you as I fall apart

posted on 2013/01/27 - 06:24

Poetry Impersonator?

Poetry Impersonator?

Karyn Indursky


Am I really a poet
or someone pasting words on a page?


Am I poetic
or merely writing done thoughts?


Am I a poet
or someone with a scrambled brain?


Am I poetic
or slapping lines together like clay?


Am I a poet
or someone with too much time on my hands?


Am I poetic
or someone wasting my time, energy, passion?


Am I a poet
or someone looking for a title?


Am I poetic
or just a wannabe-published-amateur?


Am I a poet
or a stranger dressed in fancy words?


Am I poetic
or an idiot trying to sound intelligent?


Am I a poet
or a nobody looking for a hobby?


Am I poetic
or someone claiming to be?

posted on 2013/02/27 - 23:40

Poetry Is Awareness

Poetry Is Awareness

Poetry Is Awareness
Karyn Indursky


Memories flood dreams
like a never-ending nightmare.


Memories consume thoughts
like an everlasting punch.


Memories pour positivity

down the drain.


Memories sink confidence
like an anchor.


Memories destroy values
exceeding externalities.


Memories barricade hearts
from fully mending.


Memories guard feelings
like a glove.


Memories taint visions
of happily-ever-after's.


Memories tear lies
to shreds.


Memories can't be undone.
Words can't be extracted.
Actions can't be dismissed.
Poetry is awareness.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 16:45

Poetry Is Like The Bible

Poetry is like the Bible.

Karyn Indursky

Poetry is like the Bible.
There are many
different interpretations
and no one person
or idea or feeling of it
and whatever have you
is just right
or wrong.
It's left up to us,
the individuals,
to bring forth
it's meaning
and give it clarity.
we interpret
is wrong,
but we must
be able to stand
by what we say
with supporting evidence.
comes through
in my poetry
and it's not
to offend anyone
who doesn't believe,
but He's in my heart,
He's here to stay,
I want Him that way,
and it's my own
that He does
exist with
angels, guardian angels,
and they all
look down
upon me
to help
guide me through
the pillars or obstacles
or transitions or milestones
or however you want to put it
of life.
I don't try
to push off
my believes
on anyone,
but I also won't
criticize someone
on what or who
they believe in.
To me,
the only fair
thing is to
leave it up
to us
to each find
for ourselves
what is right or wrong...
without passing judgments
upon others.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 12:53

Poetry Jitters

Poetry Jitters

Karyn Indursky


Poetry Jitters


Blotting out mistakes.
Erasing wrong words.
singing off key.
Painting too heavily.
Sculpting too aggressively.
Scrubbing off mishaps.
Fixing rhyme patterns.
Correcting word choice.
Proofreading editor choices.
Restructuring stanza lengths.
Preparing print outs.
Decorating front covers.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 15:44

Poetry Martini

Poetry Martini

Poetry Martini
by Karyn Indursky

Atop my head you go
with a quick tumble of
fingers and arms reached
to majestic skies. Your spun
silk hugs my body and tickles
my senses as I stare in domestic
mirrors of the unknown. Topaz
hangs in my cleavage at grazing
level and your jaw drops in
harmonic mystery. My legs are
bare like my stripped soul of
limerick musings. Half way
down my back whips golden
hair of harvested tomorrow's
and promised swinging jazz
hip sashays. No stockings
today, but you can bet your
last green dollar bill my sonnet
feet are dancing in sandaled
beats. My fingernails tap with
jiggling ruby haiku bracelets
from borrowed shadows of
editing perfection. A dab of
masterpiece perfume makes
me sultry in a waltz to your
eyes drinking down another
glass of my jasmine poetry.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 14:32

Poetry Medleys

Poetry Medleys

Karyn Indursky


Frail as a feather.
Gentle as a baby's grip.
Tender as butterfly kisses.
Softer than apple sauce.
Smoother than silk.
Whispy like the howling winds.
Delicate like taped hearts.
Loving as an innocent child.
Lovely like your eyes.
Refreshing as a midmorning waltz.


Revealing your thoughts.
Scattering showers of ideas.
Crunched chocolate sprinkle raindrops.
Flip-flopping feet rhythms.
Giggling gumdrops of strawberry daydreams.
Tracing crushed velvet goals.
Tying shoelaces of lyrics together.
Playing peek-a-boo with poetry.
Embracing acceptance.
Feeling God's miracles.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 22:16

Poetry Misconceptions

Poetry Misconceptions

Karyn Indursky

There are so many
poetry misconceptions
out there.
People honestly think and believe
that there has to be
a rhyme scheme,
set pattern,
a specific topic for all of an author's work,
and many other things
that just aren't true.
Poetry isn't about
rhyming or patterns or syllables or stanzas
or quotations or specified topics or anonymous writers
or famous authors or people from only one era of time
or about confusing the readers or anything like that.
It's about expressions
of the mind, body, soul, religion, spirit,
and whatever else that can't be orally
uttered from one's mouth.
It's about being true
to ourselves and exposing
what's deep within us
and letting it all go.
It's about being true
to what we're feeling, thinking, desiring,
craving, wanting, needing, seeking, fantasizing,
and so much more that goes beyond
our words from our mouths
that are clearly missed everyday.
It's about being true
to what's inside of
you and me and whoever have you.
It's about being true
to society and ending hiding
what means the most...
It's about being true
about our lives.
It's about being true
to what we believe
and what we stand for.
It's about being true
to the world
as we're setting ourselves free
by simply being fully honest
instead of harvesting
it all inside of us
each day to slowly eat at us
or nag us or annoy us or frustrate us
or kill us from deep within and all that
stuff that makes us ready to scream.
It's about being true
to all this and more
as we're stopping
ourselves from hiding in shelters
of defensive walls we built around our hearts
to achieve the goal
of being free.
It's about being true
and sharing this all
with you and everyone else
to prevent, stop, and block more
poetry misconceptions.

posted on 2013/02/15 - 23:23

Poetry Network

Poetry Network

Karyn Indursky

Let our eyes explore
the endless possibilities we
encounter as we, the poets,
broach various topics presented
to us every single
day, night, year, decade, century
by our world's beautiful canvas
giving us an assortment of choices
scattered before us to paint
with the brushes of our words
giving each poem its own life
from the moment we think about
what effect it will have on
all of us, not only ourselves to
how to nurture it over time for
an allowance of it grow out of a stemmed idea
into a matured poem of excellence
over time as we hold hands in
our circle of poetic friends to
learn, grow, mature, experiment, etc.,
together as we're forever searching for
a deeper, higher, urgent, necessary understanding
of everything around and inside
every one of us,
the poetry network.

posted on 2013/02/27 - 23:43

Poetry Oath

Poetry Oath
Karyn Indursky
I pledge to write 
from my mind,
but listen and follow
my heart until diction forms.
I pledge to write
poetry to free my thoughts
as I unlock the depths
of my muse.
I pledge to poetry
to be creative, original, enlightening
as an adventure 
though poetic license.
I pledge to poetry
not to remain stagnant,
but alter with time
to explore poetic writing.

posted on 2013/10/13 - 11:47



    Karyn Indursky
Muddling muses. 
Innovating ideas. 
Eclipsing expressions. 
Tangling thoughts. 
Blending beauty. 
Coloring chronology. 
Presenting personalities.
Contrasting creativity. 
Exploring essences. 
Uniting understanding. 
Accenting authors. 
Ravishing readers. 
Poetry portrait.


posted on 2013/07/08 - 13:56

Poetry Potion Sonnet

Poetry Potion Sonnet

Karyn Indursky

How does an imagination fly like kites

catching the winds to write new creations?
With chambered emotions unlocking it's view
poetry spills upon my page like leaves.
There's nothing shaded or hidden from you,
but undressed for expanding your beliefs.
The poems lines set sail to deliver 
special packages to your reading eyes
handed to you from your direct giver
without it wearing any disguises.
Before you sits a poem raw with love
exposing vulnerable emotions;
begging you to let your love soar like doves
upon pages of poetry potions. 

posted on 2013/11/26 - 19:48

Poetry Sketches

Poetry Sketches

Karyn Indursky


Picturesque moments
Obtaining internal beauty
Etchings of the soul
Tantalizing lyrics
Revealing secrets
Yonder meanings

Sculpting words
Kettledrum rhythms
Eating luscious poetry
Teetering truths
Children learning
Helping expose art
Evening hues
Silhouetted love

posted on 2013/02/26 - 00:05

Poetry Tidal Waves

Poetry Tidal Waves

Karyn Indursky
Shall I compare thy muse to ocean tides?
Thou are more temperamental and free.

Like swimming in pools of a writer's pride
feeling tonalities wash over thee
thy pen's ink flows happily on its ride
as watcher's marvel at what they can see.
Currents of personality begin
flowing through words of delta deposits
as swift as surfers riding white crests in 
rhythms of stanzas leaving composites.
As long as the sun rises tomorrow
thy poetry will travel through morrow.

posted on 2013/10/26 - 15:28

Poetry Tribute To God‏

Poetry Tribute To God

Karyn Indursky
Thank you to our God, 
who always watches over us,
protects us from harm,
listens with his ears and heart,
guides us to the right path.
God loans us strength when we're too weak,
offers us insight when we fail to see,
comforts us unconditionally,
nurtures us with love, support, encouragement,
and gives us courage to NEVER give up.
Grateful are we to have 
God listening to our prayers,
helping us succeed,
never casting judgment,
and being our savior.
Lucky are we to have God
giving us the Gift of Life,
true friends to bless us,
animals to love and befriend us,
and be the best Father.

posted on 2013/10/05 - 12:03

Poetry's Blender

Poetry's Blender


Poetry's Blender
Karyn Indursky

Sugar white...
Mustard yellow...
Marshmallow white...
Peanut-griddle brown...
Ripened blueberry...
Custard yellow...
Mango orange...
Shrimp red...
Citrus orange...
Cotton-candy pink...
Crabby red...
Zucchini green...
Ruby red...
Eucalyptus green...
Antarctic blue...
Straw yellow...
Rusty red...
Charcoal black...
Raven black...
Dusty rouge...
Fungus green...
Leopard brown...
Zebra black...
Toad green...
Rhino gray...
Bleached blonde...
Mousy brown...
Birch brown...
Weeping-willow green...
Spicy red...
Sour-lemon yellow...
Peanut-butter brown...
Acorn brown...
Dutch-chocolate brown...
Watermelon green...
Cantelope orange...
Pineapple yellow...
Cider brown...
Cherry-cheesecake red...
Sherbert orange...
Chicken yellow...
Chicken-nugget brown...
Potato-chip yellow...
Pretzel brown...
Artichoke green...
Mint-chocolate-chip green...
Corn yellow...
Poetry's blender.

posted on 2013/02/27 - 23:16

Poetry's Branch

Poetry’s Branch

Poetry’s Branch
Karyn Indursky


Dark brown tree bark
Etches into my soul
Like a pen
Grabbing my hand
Demanding me to write
Whether it’s inspirational, informative, or humorous
For poetry controls me
Day, night, storming, sunny,
But when I try
To force it to arrive
It’s faster than a cheetah
Fleeing a predator
And scarcer than food, water, money.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 01:12

Poetry's Chamber

Poetry's Chamber


Poetry's Chamber
Karyn Indursky 03/18/09


Words splattered across
your face
as graffiti to be removed
and abruptly forgotten.


Expressions painted upon
your skin
for body wash
to be scrubbed away like debri.


Sentences dangling form
your neck
to be carelessly broken
while you purchase something better.


Syllables delicatly piercing
your earlobes
beneath fumbling fingers
before breaking into nothingness.


Pronouncations slither towards
your shoes
crunching as gravel
when poetry's locked away and neglected.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 16:48

Poetry's Concoctions

Poetry's Concoctions


Poetry's Concoctions
Karyn Indursky

Cherry cocktail muses...
Chocolate pudding formats...
Vanilla cake fonts...
Neapolitan diction...
Baked ziti personas...
Apple dumpling ideas...
Rainbow sherbet sharing...
Mini eclairs expressions...
Mashed potato sensations...
Cranberry sauce colors...
Cauliflower explanations...
Fudge languages...
Banana split critiques...
Blueberry sundae intellect...
Caesar salad media...
Ranch dressing distances...
Sausage link configurations...
Cheesesteak proses...
Hoagie salad daydreams...
Cheesecake creativity...
Banana cake demonstrations...
Lemon cookie examples...
Taco salad art...
Bow-tie pasta alliteration...
Italian bread publications...
Chicken patty variety...
Ham sliced terminology...
Bacon capitalization....
Mozzarella stick grammar...
Meatball motivation...
Chicken casserole delights...
Green bean servings...
Coffee filter personifications...
Iced tea topics....
Angel hair tonalities...
Chicken noodle soup alphabets...
Baked bean humor...
Orange juice senses...
Bouquets of friendships...
Poetry's concoctions.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 19:13

Poetry's Creativity

Poetry's Creativity

Karyn Indursky

Creativity carries me away
with its sail across oceans
of emotions put into words.
Creativity carries me away
with its hot air balloon
holding me on the verge
overcoming my fear of
heights. Creativity carries me
away with flip-flops flapping
on the pavement as I watch
a toad sitting on a lilly pad.
Creativity carries me into
angels wings sheltering me
through storms of abuse.
Creativity carries me into
a lowered draw bridge to
enter a castle where magical
legends live on. Creativity
carries me into riding surf
boards of depression. Creativity
carries me into parades of
happiness and carefree love.
Creativity carries me a forest
of burrowed treasures. Creativity
carries me into radiant sunshine
where smiles break internal barriers.
Creativity carries me into
believing everything and anything
is possible. Creativity carries me
into taking off my blinders until
I'm seeing the world in new

posted on 2013/02/19 - 14:42

Poetry's Deposits

Poetry's Deposits


Poetry's Deposits
Karyn Indursky


Chugging through minds...
Cabooses of imaginations...
Traveling through hands...
Freights of grammar...
Delivering through communications...
Railroads of diction...
Directing through complexities...
Destinations of muses...
Poetry's deposits.

posted on 2013/02/16 - 21:29

Poetry's Display

Poetry's Display

Poetry's Display
Karyn Indursky


Rivers of flowers...
Meadows of dreams...
Bridges of prayers...
Poetry's nature.


Bananas of interest...
Cucumbers of laughter...
Kiwis of solutions...
Poetry's fruit.


Cherries of smiles...
Watermelons of eyes...
Zucchini's of laughter...
Poetry's emotions.


Keys of diction...
Formats of personalities...
Styles of expressions...
Poetry's technology.


Violets of freedom...
Roses of liberality...
Sunflower's of diversity...
Poetry's display.

posted on 2013/02/15 - 23:24

Poetry's Diversity

Poetry's Diversity

Poetry's Diversity
Karyn Indursky


Assortments of races.
Bouquets of nationalities.
Mixtures of cultures.
Bunches of languages.
Gardens of emotions.
Bundles of blessings.
Volumes of perceptions.
Books of interpretations.
Herds of critiques.
Flocks of families.
Fixtures of generations.
Foundations of friendship.

posted on 2013/02/15 - 23:17

Poetry's Frame

Poetry's Frame


Poetry's Frame
Karyn Indursky


Emotion's of a poet
vary like weather.


Topics of a poet
change like seasons.


Feelings of a poet
run deeper than oceans.


Spirits of a poet
run deeper than cores.


Friendships of a poet
florish like gardens.


Dedication of a poet
bloom like rose-buds.


Appreciation of a poet
wilts like time.


Acceptance of a poet
fades like the sun.


Sensitivity of a poet
evade eyes.


Thoughts of a poet
allude ears.


Understanding of a poet
dicates relationships.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 14:00

Poetry's Freedom

Poetry's Freedom


Poetry's Freedom
Karyn Indursky


Structured or splattered.
Gorgeous or grotesque.
Sincere or sarcastic.
Charming or cruel.
Appreciated or appalling.
Rhythmic or rhyming.
Funny or frightening.
Tough or tender.
Fictional or factual.
Complimenting or cynical.
Blunt or broad.
Opinionated or objective.
Vague or vibrant.
Noble or naive.
Credited or criticized.
Helpful or hurtful.
Insightful or insensitive.
Pulsating or plain.
Dull or detailed.
Poetry's Freedom!

posted on 2013/02/23 - 16:19

Poetry's Horse Race

Poetry's Horse Race

Karyn Indursky


Trotting ideas graze across
banana paper. Hooves of words
cut into grassy marsh pits
where sentences lie. Pebbles crunch
beneath the weight of ramped
running emotions. Emotions collide
with obstacles of debate over
adjectives, participles, prepositions,
adverbs, conjunctions, articles, verbs,
syllables, adjectives, etc. Galloping
motivation and determination trudge
the rider onward until launched
by sheer inspiration hurdles are
overtaken. Writer's block erased.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 16:59

Poetry's Illustrations

Poetry's Illustrations


Poetry's Illustrations
Karyn Indursky


Canvas conjunctions.
Colorful comprehensions.
Drawn diction.
Painted pronouns.
Paper prepositions.
Erasing errors.
Pencil punctuation.
Glittered grammar.
Acrostic adverbs.
Aligned adjectives.
Marker memories.
Glued gestures.
Fabricated formats.
Nailed nouns.
Stapled synonyms.
Pictured personification.
Feathered frames.
Sequinned syllables.
Highlighted homophones.
Neon narratives.
Abstract alliterations.
Captured cinquain.
Defined demeanor.
Adjusted antonyms.
Illustrated interpretations.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 15:19

Poetry's Muse

Poetry's Muse


Poetry's Muse
Karyn Indursky


Wiggling into minds...
Dripping onto pages...
Shrinking discrimination...
Illuminating artistic portraits...
Poetry's muse.


Coiling around thoughts...
Lunging into rhymes...
Tackling emotions...
Pedaling through time...
Poetry's muse.


Painting memories...
Capturing cores of souls...
Singing depths...
Expanding expressions...
Poetry's muse.


Masking personas...
Disguising personalities...
Combining stanzas...
Saluting warriors...
Poetry's muse.


Jogging at dawn...
Rampaging at night...
Flowing methodically...
Structuring communication...
Poetry's muse.


Drawing creativity...
Applying imaginations...
Sinking negativity...
Promoting equality...
Poetry's muse.


Tempting eyes...
Perking lips...
Thinking ears...
Reposing laptop's...
Poetry's muse.


Touching lives...
Uniting cultures...
Smelling of liberality...
Ringing freedom...
Poetry's muse.

posted on 2013/02/15 - 23:29

Poetry's Musical Fonts

Poetry's Musical Fonts

Karyn Indursky


Rhythms of colors

sashay across pages

accenting emotions with

assortments of dictions.


Beats of colors

cascade down paper

with harmonic voices

blending tonality.


Choirs of colors 

sing rainbows of

soaring imaginations

for embedded lyrics.


Embedded lyrics dance

from the soul

like dances of poetry.

posted on 2013/03/11 - 15:14

Poetry's Nature

Poetry's Nature


Poetry's Nature
Karyn Indursky


Lovely as a petal...
Precious as a gift...
Delicate as silk...
Crafting poetry...


Running out my mind...
Dripping onto pages...
Absorbing into souls...
Embedding poetry...


Beautiful as planets...
Unique as stars...
Fragile as wishes...
Poetry's nature.

posted on 2013/02/16 - 21:10

Poetry's Personalities

Poetry's Personalities


Poetry's Personalities
Karyn Indursky


Strung similes.
Motoring metaphors.
Clung couplets.
Silhouetting stanzas.
Accelerating alliteration.
Plunging personas.
Tip-toeing tones.
Rattling rhymes.
Significant symbolism.
Intersecting interpretations.
Clever comprehensions.
Published perspectives.
Casting critiques.
Steering styles.
Fueled formats.
Abundant abstractions.
Carving Cinquain's.
Hinging Haiku's.
Swaying Sonnets.
Typing techniques.
Dancing diction.
Molding minds.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 21:52

Poetry's Renaissance

Poetry's Renaissance

Poetry's  Renaissance
by Karyn Indursky


Poetry's a mother's
sweet caress
stroking her child's cheek
as wiping away tears,
replacing them with kisses.


Poetry's an infant
taking baby-steps
until its runs rampantly
into your arms
to be cherished.


Poetry's an album
displaying portraits
from your worst moment
to the ultimate glorification
as you grow and develop.


Poetry's a locket
worn sacredly
for reminding you
how you truly express
what lies in your heart.


Poetry's a journey
traveled alone
in a quest to share
expressions of paged souls
living beyond our morality.

posted on 2013/02/16 - 21:40

Poetry's Salvation

Poetry's Salvation
Karyn Indursky

Forever I've wandered
why I've had to endure
so many hardships
in my life
from vision to friendships
into the oblivion
because most people
haven't been through
what I have
or continue to deal with
what I do,
but I've learned
to share my acquired experiences
with my poetry,
which not only helps me,
but others too.

posted on 2013/03/05 - 17:14

Poetry's Transformations

Poetry's Transformations


Poetry's Transformations
Karyn Indursky


Eyes of a poet
mold your soul.


Ears of a poet
crunch your inhibitions.


Hands of a poet
caress your page.


Words of a poet
mold your perception.


Tonality of a poet
tickles your emotions.


Formats of a poet
adjust the rhythm.


Personas of a poet
ignite your creativity.


Adjectives of a poet
enhance your interpretations.


Themes of a poet
test your character.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 16:31

Poetry's Variations

Poetry's Variations

Karyn Indursky
Strength of eagles...
Courage of lions...
Bravery of tigers...
Determination of soldiers...
Innovation of patrons...
Motivation of mentors...
Bold like jaguars...
Fast like cheetahs...
Clever like foxes...
Enlightenment of writers...
Creativity of authors...
Imaginations of audiences...
Characteristics mixing...
Perceptions blending...
Comprehensions pending...
Poetry's variations. 

posted on 2013/10/04 - 18:35

Poets (are beating the odds)

Poets (are beating the odds)

Karyn Indursky


are beating the odds
each day as they
continue to write.


are beating the odds
each day as they
don't let this art die.


are beating the odds
each day as they
bring forth recognition, love, devotion, etc., to it.


are beating the odds
each day as they
head new poets into the future.


are beating the odds
each day as they
pull new readers in.


are beating the odds
each day as they
expose themselves in their work.


are beating the odds
each day as they
share their passion.


are beating the odds
each day as they
leave a legacy to you and everyone else.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 16:13

Pond of Poetry

Ponds Of Poetry

Karyn Indursky
Waterfalls of faith
Trees of trust
Brushes of art
Pens of penmanship
Flowers of femininity
Doves of daintiness.
Markers of mediation.
Lands of language.
Dragonflies of technology.
Butterflies of boundaries.
Color pencils of creativity.
Crayons of imaginations.
Ponds of poetry.

posted on 2013/10/05 - 21:27

Pools Of Dreams

Pools Of Dreams

Pools Of Dreams
Karyn Indursky


Cloudy blue emotions...
Murky hazel expressions...
Flirtatious pink communications...
Sizzling red attraction...


Stormy blue electricity...
Dripping hazel connections....
Crushing pink smiles...
Playful ivory hands...


Thunderous temptation...
Quaking desires...
Teasing sensations...
Pools of dreams.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 16:57


Tu sabes que te quiero. Mi amor yo a ti adoro. Ven con migo y te enseño. Un amor que es perfecto. El ecstasy es eterno. Pasito duro y lento. Flotando por el tiempo. Es nuestro paraiso, es nuestro paraiso, es nuestro paraiso, es nuestro paraiso, esto es el paraiso, y no me mientas baby. Si lo haces paren eso. Un amor verdadero sin mentiras es el cielo. Es el amor que siento. Lo tiene la que siento en ese trono ella es mi mundo. Linda como maria. Pura como era Christo. Amor ahi si enseña guerrero con su guerrera.

posted on 2017/06/24 - 01:03

Positive Coping

Look, hear, see, and find positive mechanisms even if it's from someone or something you least expect it.

posted on 2013/09/19 - 19:54

Positive Epiphany

Caught in the moment,
Sometimes we forget to breathe:
A simple thing to forget,
When life drags you by the knees.

They say that life is all perception,
An individual vision to direct and command.
Expect the unexpected,
Make the most of what you have.

Author's Notes:
Simple but effective methinks.  

posted on 2013/03/18 - 17:09

Postcards from the Grave

from a blood filled coffin

i make my drowning cries

muffled by crimsoning wood

and this incision across my neck

as i breath in, just to cough back out

the toxins contained in my tainted veins

bloodletting and isolation proved fatal

this time



youd think id think of something better after a decade of this

rinse and repeat

slice and bleed

excuse for life

posted on 2004/09/14 - 04:15

Pot Of Greed

Pot Of Greed

Pot Of Greed
Karyn Indursky
September 2012


Once upon a time there was an assassin
hired to kill Queen Penny
and he traveled the world
with a gun tucked into his pants....


Queen Penny was ugly
and when he laid his eyes upon her,
the gaze he saw turned him
into stone.


Having expected Queen Penny
to be capable to retaliate the assassin,
Sir Nickel had an alliance, Sir Quarter-back,
who didn't need a gun at all.


When this hideous Queen tried to
destroy him with her penetrating gaze
he showed his shield of a mirror,
which turned her into a pile of copper.


Sir Quarter-back was all about cashing
her in for his reward of a pot of Gold,
but Leo The Leprechaun who hired them
had no intention of paying anyone.


Instead, the greedy, lying, cheating Leprechaun
took his assassin, Sir Nickel, and used his
new stone as a pendant to wear upon
his chest with pride
and with his "lucky charm" of "magic"
he turned Sir Quarter-back into dollar bills
to put into his safe with Copper Penny.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by Dove.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 16:46

Pouring Out Expressions

Pouring Out Expressions


Pouring Out Expressions
Karyn Indursky
June 2012


My muse is a rampaging tempest
burning with desire to be expressed.


My muse is a demanding wizard
casting spells upon readers.


My muse is a untamed lion
roaring to be heard.


My muse is a sassy mistress
begging to be unveiled.


My muse is a leather lasso
catching life and making poetry.


My muse is a steamy vixen
seeking passion to be felt.


My muse is a uncontrollable geyser
pouring out expressions.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This isn't to be taken seriously or literally. It's FICTION.

posted on 2013/02/26 - 00:18


Macheaveli Creed

amoral greed

brotherhood of devilish deeds

born from demon seeds.


Real power roles from the darkness

of the “...Shadow’s Fist!”


Hiding in creepy dark places

from the light



in the night.


Crawling cowards undercover

acting in cowardice

with stolen rights.


Creeping unseen

amongst the dead living.

Waiting in silence



Leaching high

off corpse’s blood

of the innocent dead

in mockery of any religious hymn.


Slashing wide and deep

with it’s excarrabin.

To administer the viper's death sting

in crippling fright

on moonless nights.


With bellowing thunder,

and a bolt of lightning.

It strikes covertly,

undercover of darkness

in the absence of heavenly light.


The band of Brother Hood,

the unholy Creed

want you to believe

that only them,

and them only

has needs.


While the innocent

are dropping like flees.

Take heed,

bow down your heads

in total submission

on your knees,

and prostrate yourselves in defeat.


To beg for mercy

mercy, mercy please;

for the devilish Clan’s

respectful abuse and foul use.


Devouring your rights

like a carnivwhore

in a fresh meat grocery store.


The unfolding of armageddon,

in the malicious pouring rain

for the Shadow’s unholy gain.


The Shadow’s minions,

who follows the dark direction

for their vile gains

with compound expense

of the innocent’s pain.


The Shadow who owns their soul

and had given them their gold.

Allowing them to hover above,

and beyond society's moral codes.


To act outside,

and against the RULE OF LAW

for evil things are hidden

when the Shadow calls.


If you don’t have the Shadow’s protection;

your innocences will not save you,

your riches will be forfeit for the grave,

and your illustrious fame will be maimed.


Not even the UN’s civilized codes

will give you a safety hold

when the Shadow decides to act bold,

and strike you down dead cold.


An invisible ruling class,

that stomp and munch on the lower cast  

who members empty hearts

are stitched together

with cantankerous yarn of dark’n souls

to form an evil gummy web of sort.

A strangling grip

administering pestilence and sin.


If you go to school

the shadow rules.


If you flee to the Police

there is the Shadow

in the midst of them

pretending to enforce the peace.


If you seek assurance in the bank

the shadow has full rank.


If you run to the court

to defend your freedom and claim your right

the Shadow will make you a sport

of an unrepresented spectacle of sort.


Beg the Human Rights

for relief of inhuman pain,

and they will cast you into Hades purgatory blob

dispensing an evil gray mist

far beyond the “River Styx”

without a slight hiss from the lips.


Try your Politicians

for they will not listen.

The dark puppet strings

are pulled from within

the deep cold burning blackhole.


Ruling the world

from their dark closet in the abyss.


Real power roles

from the “...Shadow’s Fist”


We were all fooled

into thinking the people rule.

Coned with a constitutional hug for our fleeting plights,

and the betrayal kiss of guaranteed inherent rights.


Kings and peasants

Lords and serfs

Oligarch and the human property

they sit on

in the claimed country they love to wrong.

A beast of burden none the least.

Slavery is still slavery,

and it comes in many insane names.


Try stepping on the toes

of the Shadow’s goals.

From their layer

in their spawning holes.


They will strike you down

stone cold

with a screaming gatling gun,

in the stinging rain

of laughing hyenas impacting pain.


Where Corbiest in a never ending sight

feast on cadavers in delight,

and vultures in their black white collar robes

enjoy the festival of the innocent living bold.


In a world where people are told

equality is the rule

Freedom-Rights are taught in schools.


There in the same,

in a dark corner of the glass prison room.

A blood sucking black mold

that swims freely in the world

defiling Gaia's pure green pearl.

That make widows want to die

and babies want to cry.


We may call it the Shadow,

which live in the black void hole.

Leaving amoral decaying slime

of foul stench and decadence




That all the waters of Niagara falls

could never hope to wash off.


For only the Shadow knows

from whenceforth it came

to conquer this domain

and rule in it’s thousand year reign.


When the Shadow calls

from the cracks in the dark corners in the halls.


There is no escape

except to fall,

and lament in unsilent protest

without any rest,

and a benign defence.

Leegal Poet

posted on 2015/10/27 - 18:07

Power To Change

"No matter what has happened in your life, you have the power to change what that event means to you. Thus, you can change your experience; emotionally and physically. There lies your power heal."

posted on 2013/09/20 - 22:54

Powerful hi

posted on 2017/01/20 - 13:01

Praise Starts...

Don't only encourage, help, and praise others, but also yourself.

posted on 2013/09/18 - 21:37

Prayer For Love

Prayer For Love

Karyn Indursky
May God bless women
with the faith
not to give up
on finding their soulmate.

May God bless men
with the strength
not to give up
on courting their lady.

May God bless women
with the courage
not to give up
on finding true love.

May God bless men
with the bravery
not to give up
on protecting, defending, supporting their woman.

May God bless women
with the love of
their lives and men
with the love of their destiny.

posted on 2013/05/25 - 18:42

Prayer For Phoebe

Prayer for Phoebe

Karyn Indursky


Prayer for Phoebe

May the gates of heaven
allow you the freedom
to play fetch with plastic toys
as long as your feline heart desires
and may your soul soar
beyond what you've left behind
to make you comfortable for
resting in peace
before we meet up again.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written for my mom's deceased cat, Pboebe. May she rest in peace and live happily ever after.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 19:10


One’s mind is both grave and a home.


If my biological clock should stop,

then stand still it will!


If I must live a thousand years to conquer,

then live I shall!


If I should sustain myself

for a thousand years to affect victory,

then live I shall!


If I should fight a thousand years to effect change,

then fight I will!


If I shall fight a thousand wars to effect restitution,

then fight I must!


If I should forsake the grave to be triumphant,

then death has no hold on me.


As the world turns,

while the sun burns.


From weakness to strength,

from strength to strength.


Stronger and stronger I shall become.


Child  of impregnated furnace,

regenerated for vitality.


Forged to be living steel.

Pushed into the life of a phenix.

For self deprecation has no purpose.

Surrender has no meaning.

Defeat has no place.


I imagine my victory

I smell It!

I see it!

I reach out and touch it!


Then I grasp it!

I embrace it!

I lay claim to it!


Making it my very own.


Leegal Poet

Wayne Ferron . All rights reserved @ copyright

posted on 2015/04/09 - 12:41

Prayer For Tiffany Miller

Prayer for Tiffany Miller

Karyn Indursky


May your friends bless you
by holding your hands
to give you support
in your time of need.


May your beloved family
provide you with unconditional love
through the obstacles ahead
and carry your spirit.


May God bless you
as you have blessed
all of us around you
and, especially, those in your heart.


May flowers bloom radiantly
all around  you as you recover
and find yourself stronger than yesterday
to embrace happier tomorrow's.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 16:02

Prayers For 2009

Prayers For 2009


Prayers For 2009
Karyn Indursky 01/08/09


Allow religion into your blistering
heart seeking success
in spiritual glorification
while smelling rose petals
of never-ending love
conquer all your ailments
whether it's financial, medical, emotional.


Accept faith into your glistening
soul as a mother's caress
for sparkling eyes of genuine happiness
throughout your year
and when you think your hope
is lost in other pants pocket
slip into a new pair
that fits molds your beautiful
body in the right places
for nothing is stagnate,
but you won't be alone
for God, family, friends, animals, prayers
will keep you company.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 17:56

Prayers For Ginny Wiersma

Prayers for Ginny Wiersma


Prayers for Ginny Wiersma
Karyn Indursky 05/02/09

God graced me
with a true friend.
With your soft eyes
and tender nature
you are special.
Your sensitivity
confuses me at times,
but is welcomed.
But in your time
of need,
I'm here for you
in thoughts, prayer, and love.
Endless love
of life and God
will carry you through.
Throughout it all realize
no matter what occurs,
what's involved,
or your company
I'm here for you,
Ginny Wiersma.

posted on 2013/02/25 - 23:45

Prayers For God

Prayers For God

Karyn Indursky
May God bless us with ears
when we feel deaf.
May God be our eyes
when we get blinded.
May God be our nose
to smell the roses.
May God be our hands
to hold onto hope.
May God feel
when we're confused or overwhelmed.
May God give us strength
when we feel weak.
May God grant us courage
when emotions cloud us.
May God give us freedom
to be ourselves and accept it.
May God grant us adaption
to be open to change, but know what not to.
May God give us confidence
when we feel insecure.
May God remain
in our hearts.
May God remain 
receptive to our prayers.
May God remain
to lead us when we're struggling or to dance in celebrations.
May God remain
able to help give receptiveness.
May God remain
able to answer our prayers.

posted on 2013/10/06 - 20:30

Prayers for Rain

looking towards the midday sun

i sink to my knees and fold my hands

offering up sweet prayers to their God

in hopes this plan will not fail

i know of my success when i taste sulfur in the air

and fire rains down over me

a dried up piece of fire wood

not quite what i wanted to be when i grew up

posted on 2004/09/14 - 04:16

Praying Mantis Dreams

Praying Mantis Dreams

Karyn Indursky

Over an oak bed he bends
to kiss his toddler delicately
after brushing away stray hair
and he stands there after
watching his beloved child
giggle, roll, breathe
from leaping out of consciousness
into grass leaves to embrace
Praying Mantis dreams.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 18:10


Karyn Indursky
Hugging, kissing, snuggling
are aides for
beloved children
providing them with
comfort, security, love
yet their
parents, grandparents, caregivers
feel frustrated, helpless,worried
until God guides us through
to prepare for the next journey.
Author's Notes/Comments: 
Dedication: Written about my son, Conner, when he was sick last night and I was rendered helpless.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 15:04

Present Exchanges 2008

Present Exchanges 2008

Present Exchanges 2008
Karyn Indursky


It's not about what you get.
It's about the
thought, emotion
behind it.
Even if someone
doesn't spend a cent,
it doesn't matter.
What matters is
you had the blessing
of spending your
time with them.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 15:29

Preserve Your Flower...

Preserve Your Flower...

Karyn Indursky

Preserve your flower,
dear girl.
For once gone,
there is no returning
and taking it back,
dear sweet girl.
Keep your
seeds and nectar sealed,
dear sweet innocent girl.
Guard your gate
to your garden
for it is only yours,
dear sweet innocent delicate girl.
Allow no one
entrance as you
continue your blossoming
of your nectar, seeds, flower,
dear sweet innocent delicate supple girl.
Bloom with time,
but never show and share
your garden,
dear sweet innocent delicate supple elegant girl.
Your garden is
to be fertilized
with the soil of your being,
not by snakes with quick tongues,
dear sweet innocent delicate supple elegant beautified girl.
Preserve yourself,
dear girl.

posted on 2013/02/26 - 00:17

Pressure on the Wound

Put pressure on the wound,
Although it won’t stop bleeding,
Insecurity has a hold around my neck,
As reflexes punch and kick.
Trying to get to the surface of a crowded mind,
Paranoia whispers chaos formed when silent and alone.
Too scared to lose what was always wanted,
Grip so tight it breaks under the demand for an answer.

Submerged in the chemical breakdown,
Six feet underwater, lungs heavy and full,
Sinking below what you once knew was true,
Lost in the anxiety that comes with the withdrawal.

Love is a dangerous drug; intoxicating,
Always leaving you wanting more:
Too much will kill you,
Without it we’d never feel alone.

Walking into a reality that shatters all form of sanctuary,
The ugliness of a lover’s hold that once felt safe,
Leaves a bruise of an embrace turned restraint.
Fear is a cunning manipulator,
Planting seeds that grow the inevitable tumour:
Put pressure on the wound and hope it stops bleeding.

posted on 2013/10/02 - 16:07

Pretending this is a Better Tomorrow

laying with a bleeding heart

lying to myself and everyone else

blood soaking through my pores

flooding every shred of my dry, cracked skin

yet i pretend its alright, imagine im fine

fantasize of a day i wont feel dead inside

posted on 2004/09/14 - 04:16

Priceless Conner Moment

Priceless Conner Moment

Karyn Indursky


Conner was being naughy again by constantly going into the cabinets and I asked him, "Conner are you being a little shit?" To this, he replied to me (clear as day), "Yes." He was looking right at me with his gorgeous blue eyes and big ass grin on his face. I couldn't believe my ears and asked my mom if she heard it too. She did. In stereo we started cracking up.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written on 3/10/08.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 18:07

Prices Of Poetry

Prices Of Poetry

Prices Of Poetry
Karyn Indursky
July 2012


Rampant muses...
Hurdling imaginations...
Stampeding diction...
Riddling styles...


Tags of imaginations...
Codes of comprehensions...
Bars of imagery...
Labels of creativity...


Exposed essences...
Tangled emotions...
Knotted expressions...
Swirled perceptions...


Minds of memories...
Hands of personalities...
Fingers of fiction...
Touches of tonalities...


Prices of poetry.

posted on 2013/02/15 - 23:35

Pricked Fingers Cry

Pricked Fingers Cry

Karyn Indursky

Pricked fingers cry
out in misery
long after my
preying needle ducks
its ugly head
back into darkness
not to be
brought out until
it's absolutely needed,
but calloused fingers
try to hide
from self inflicted
wounds time and again
for nothing more
than a merciless

posted on 2013/02/23 - 16:06

Prince Charming

Prince Charming

Karyn Indursky

Crispy apple cinnamon hair hangs
loosely in spiraling silk waves
upon malted milk ball fabric
wrapped around slender curves
before drifting down tucked legs
as a croaking frog gazes into her
ocean green eyes shimmering with
dreams of finding true happiness
wherever it may be hiding when she
chases after male butterfly souls
without realizing she cannot catch
what is not hers or anyone else's
to selfishly feast upon at another's expense
of giving their essence for hollow
living in a large world waiting to
crunch its big feet on their tiny beings
like goats smashing ants below their feet
and slimy toad feet tickle her palm
while orange cream lips kiss
this miracle of life blindly
in undoing a witch's curse
after many long years of resented
captivity faster than a blinking eye
exposing his human form proving
he is none other than her
Prince Charming.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this while thinking of a movie, "Prince Charming," which was played on TNT.

posted on 2013/02/17 - 23:37

Princess Dove's Intoxication

Princess Dove's Intoxication


Princess Dove's Intoxication
Karyn Indursky
August 2012


Upon a chocolate banana
sat Princess Dove soaring
the land of Candy Land...


She couldn't help herself,
but sink her teeth
into a dark chocolate flower.


The flower was so delicious
she had to gobble down
a white chocolate butterfly.


Flutters of chocolate tickled
her spirit until her mouth
watered for milk chocolate dragonflies.


Milk chocolate set her heart
on fire and without hesitation
she indulged in special dark chocolate trees.


Her taste buds were singing
a sweet love song
and her emotions were soaring.


Princess Dove grew thirsty though
and had to find a
creamy white river.


In the creamy white river
there was milk
and she drank in her
chocolate intoxication.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by my poetic friend, Dove. Hope this helps satisfy your sweet tooth.

posted on 2013/02/22 - 17:08

Prints Of Muses

Prints Of Muses


Prints Of Muses
Karyn Indursky


Roaming muses...
Flickering minds...
Sashaying imaginations...
Cruising creativity...
Flaring communications...
Wiggling diction...
Galloping inspiration...
Prancing motivation...
Etching fingers...
Exposing essences...
Prints of muses.

posted on 2013/02/21 - 18:05


Caught in a time warp,

being stuck in the past.


Bound by denial.

You are a prisoner of the past.


Snared by a paradoxical web,

of time and traumatic events.



to your shackles

of suppressed

unresolved problems.


You are imprisoned in your own consciousness,

and not a master or guest.


Free your mind,

then yourself,

and enjoy pending success.


Leegal Poet

Wayne  Ferron

Wayne Ferron.All rights reserved @ copyright         

posted on 2015/02/13 - 14:59

Problem Solving

Problem Solving


Problem Solving
Karyn Indursky


posted on 2013/02/22 - 14:51


"There's a solution to every problem."

posted on 2013/09/20 - 23:00

Problems Suck

Problems Suck
Karyn Indursky

No one wants problems...
No one likes problems...
No one can handle them alone...

Listen to each other.
Care about people. 
Be compassionate. 

Problems suck.

posted on 2013/05/01 - 20:27

Problems, situations and in between.




gander at the reality of all of it, look beyond it, look deeper


Inside the minds of us all stands vigilance and weakness, a performance to be played to portrude into existence

Surface play to be distinguished as part of our role and to dictate our emotions for the rest of our lives

I say stop!

Go silent, let the observer within' shine and let all that lies in front to be seen from a place of truth and life

Honor the grace and amazing nature of the fact that you are here, now. 

Question not what you believe anymore, but stumble upon the questions pertaining to a deep core truth, that's always present. 

That never leaves. 

That strips you of all roles, ideas, images, beliefs, emotions that have been stitched to you and have limited your ability to see pure love. 



posted on 2013/08/25 - 18:49

Process Of Writing

Process Of Writing


Process Of Writing 

by Karyn Indursky 6/6/12


Drifting mounds of minds...
Wafting aromas of jasmine...
Doodling ideas of creativity...


Tearing up emotions...
Leaking drizzles of lemonade....
Containing imaginations....


Whisking through riddles...
Nestling against fluent lines...
Crafting paper...



Proof-reading galore....


Process of writing.

posted on 2013/02/18 - 14:42



Karyn Indursky


Right now.
In a minute.
A few more minutes.
An hour.
This morning.
Later today.
Next week.
Next month.
Next year.

posted on 2013/02/16 - 21:06

Product of My Imperfection

The product of my imaginary fears

Is the scent of imperfection

Displayed neatly by golden flasks

As bubbling liquids overflow

Into another world I go

Falling faster


A wreck

That is what I call myself

An imperfect wreck

A problem

A waste of precious time

I lost control

Emotions stole my breath

Tumbling backward

Down a spiral staircase

My weakness, my sensitivity

Pours down, as I violently collapse

Weak in the knees

No more strength, all spent

Moving so fast

Moments flashing by

Like a train at full speed

Preparing to crash

Brick wall hinders the path

Death upon impact

posted on 2007/03/17 - 00:47

Progressions Of Poetry

Progressions Of Poetry


Progressions Of Poetry
Karyn Indursky


Humming muses...
Singing souls...
Dancing diction...


Swishing stanzas...
Swaying styles...
Tilting tonalities...


Consulting friends...
Vocalizing voices...
Chorus communities...


Styling imaginations...
Exploring expressions...
Creative communications...


Expanding comprehensions...
Flourishing minds...
Sharing art...


Progressions of poetry.

posted on 2013/02/15 - 23:10

propbly she is...

She's crazy!

n' now, she's on the loose

moving forward

avoiding the noose

she will not be stopped

by a broken heart

she'll come back on top

for her heart light sparks

you can try

to drag her down

but you'll lose your grasp

and she'll make you frown

run while you can

away from the light

she'll only bring darkness

as you enter the night


posted on 2013/06/18 - 03:19

Prostitute? Excuse me.

Prostitute? Excuse me.

Karyn Indursky 



posted on 2013/07/10 - 18:57

Proud Peacock

Proud Peacock

Karyn Indursky


I'm a proud peacock.
Let me show off my baby.
Look, but no touching!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to my son,Conner.

posted on 2013/02/19 - 13:59