US Government Passes Law Giving Military the Right to Disappear Americans

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WolfLarsen's picture
Joined: 2011/02/08

US Government Passes Law Giving Military the Right to Disappear Americans
by Wolf Larsen

Recently, Congress passed a law giving the U.S. military the right to disappear Americans. That's right, the Congress in Washington passed a law giving the military the right to detain Americans indefinitely without a trial. President Barack Obama signed the legislation into law.

Our rights are disappearing! First it was the war on drugs. Then it was the Patriot Act. And now the military has the right to disappear Americans!

It is completely hypocritical for the politicians of both political parties to talk about a war on terror when in fact our government is preparing a war of terror against the American people! Already at this time one out of every four people in jail in the world is in jail in the United States of America! And now the politicians of both political parties want to do the same to the American people what they have already done to the peoples of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam! The politicians of both political parties want to unleash the military against the American people!

Of course, government repression is nothing new. You've already seen the brutal police brutality that terrorized the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators. You've already seen brutal police brutality terrorizing the longshoremen of Longview, Washington. You've already seen brutal police brutality terrorizing people in this war on drugs. The war on drugs is a war on our civil liberties!

And how long before we start seeing predator drones over the skies of America? How long before our government starts vaporizing Americans in cold blood?

Technology in the hands of repressive governments is scary. Already, video cameras have face recognition technology. The government has the means and the technology and now the laws in place to hunt down Americans at will and imprison them indefinitely without a trial or even kill them in cold blood.

Of course, there's nothing new about the terrorist US government attacking anybody who stands up to its repressive rule. The Black Panthers were shot down by the government in cold blood. Working-class whites and blacks have been brutally attacked, imprisoned, and even killed by the police and National Guard for going on strike and defending their unions.

But now with all these repressive laws in place, and now with the greater power that all these laws and technologies give the repressive apparatus of the American police state, the American people are in greater danger than ever before from the US government.

And who are the intended victims of all this police state terror? I'll tell you who – the American worker! The bourgeoisie will never be satisfied in their quest to rob more and more from the American worker! They will not be satisfied until they have smashed or weakened every union in the country! The bourgeoisie will not be satisfied until every American is working for minimum wage! They want to take away your Social Security so that when you're old you're eating out of the garbage can, and meanwhile the rich and the corporations hardly pay any taxes! Instead of going to quality public education your tax money is going to building a giant police apparatus that is there to terrorize the American worker into submission.

The increasingly repressive and terroristic police state is there to protect the interests of the privileged 1%. The only solution is to smash the capitalist police state into pieces and replace it with a workers government.

When that happens we will have a true democracy. We will have a WORKERS democracy. Right now we have a democracy of & for the rich.

The politicians of both political parties are nothing but prostitutes of the wealthiest 1% and the big corporations. The time has come to throw the politicians of both political parties out of office. Let them get a job! Let them flip hamburgers for a living! And take away the ill-begotten wealth of the bourgeois thieves and let them get a job too!

avoice's picture
Joined: 2011/12/23
I agree, what's happening is

I agree, what's happening is very very bad. It worries me as well. It disturbs me because of how powerless I am over everything.

WolfLarsen's picture
Joined: 2011/02/08
If you are working class...

The working class is not powerless. The working class has tremendous power. The working class can seize power for itself and run the world! What we need is a workers government - a workers democracy!

We don't need the rich, and we don't need the capitalist politicians/dictators/& royalty - they are just extra weight. They are like 19th century French royalty. We don't need them.

The road of Marx, Lenin, & Trotsky is the way for the working class to seize power for itself!
