Recent Fixes/Improvements

2 replies [Last post]
admin's picture
Joined: 1998/07/13

Fixes and Improvements that were made today:

  1. You can now edit your posts using a rich text editor allowing for different fonts and colors and layouts.
  2. A bug that prevented some users from being able to delete comments from posts has been fixed.
  3. Several performance enhancements have been made.

Please report any issues via the contact form or email:

Jason Minton
PostPoems Admin

Joel's picture
Joined: 2002/08/14

Postpoems has come a long way...

Thank you Jason for these improvements!!

"You think Einstein walked around thinking everyone was a bunch of dumb-shits?"

admin's picture
Joined: 1998/07/13
You are welcome my friend!

You are welcome my friend!

Jason Minton
PostPoems Admin