I've every reason in the world to be happy, aside from the fact that my family life is hell and the majority of my peers despise me. I'm just a kid, and I know it's normal for kids my age to be down from time to time but... I have been extremely depressed for three years now. Even when I am happy and content with my life, I am still haunted by this depressing sad feeling. It disallows me to have a relationship, friends, hell, even my family is beginning to stray from me. I've the ability to love people and to care, but I can't love myself. My constant negativity and acceptance of death bothers so many people. It's like I have to act constantly. If I were to portray how I feel inside, I would be alone all the time, wallowing in my odd emotions. I am not sure what to call this, I'm not even sure if this is depression or some sort of medical disorder. Does anyone else feel like this?