Fitting (my first poem :) )

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lewriter241's picture
Joined: 2013/09/13

It's a hard balance, this, 

Trying to fit in with everyone, 

But people don't get it, do they;

A puzzle piece fits only with a destined few. 

They say they shan't judge, they say they shall not be biased,

"Come child, come! Speak thy heart!"

And when the truth comes pouring out, 

People shut their ears and 

Call out your truths (lies in their eyes); 

Thrust their words into your mouth instead 

Until you gag on them, and are left 

With no choice but to stay gagged. 

How far have we reached, again?

Have we moved ahead?

"All the world's a stage" aye, 

But with people playing their own different minds; 

Trying to be pieces in puzzles they don't belong in. 

It's a wonder the world hasn't gone off the rails yet:

Oh wait, it already has. 


lewriter241's picture
Joined: 2013/09/13
Thanks a lot! :) I shall put

Thanks a lot! :) I shall put up more soon :)


9inety's picture
Joined: 2003/01/01

You succeed at giving the audience to a view of irony, I encourage you to expound on these themes and continue to write.We poets are enticed to leave some works unwritten through a fear of not having been understood by all comers. Do not become a theme seeker, let the matter come to you, in real estate it is location, location, location… In poetry, in my estimation, the essence is imagination, imagination,





"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot