I am...

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dancergirlrox's picture
Joined: 2011/08/29

A lover,
a dreamer,
a don't-stop-believer;
A helper,
a friend,
a firm outstretched hand.
I'm crazy-
But I'm loving the game.
Getting lost
in the day
going the right way;
With my feet
on the ground
I walk to my heart's sound.
I'm living
by dying
without even trying.
I have only
one fear,
yet shed many a tear.
So I'll keep
my heart true
and keep searching for you.

WhatIAmOrWillBe's picture
Joined: 2012/01/18
I like it.

very encouraging. Uplifting and a pleasant read. Nice writing.

WolfLarsen's picture
Joined: 2011/02/08
Nice poem. I don't always

Nice poem. I don't always like poems that rhyme, but I like this one. Simple and powerful in a nice way.
