When The World Ends

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Go-a-Green-a's picture
Joined: 2010/12/08

When the world ends
I will not hide
around the bend,
fear by my side.
I will not close my eyes
and cower.

I'll watch the sun rise
and stand that very hour
with a telescope,
at home,
I won't need hope.

I know that I will die
with the others,
but I won't cry
while angles hover,
I will stand tall
And I will watch the world fall.

If you know you're going to die, for me there's no more need for fear. You may as well enjoy you're last moments. Imagine what falling stars look like as the sun rises.

Conundrum's picture
Joined: 2011/03/30

Don't really know what to say, never spoke to a corpse before. Not quite sure if that was funny or depressing. To be brief, I must say I thoroughly enjoyed that poem and I would like to leave you with a thought.

The Death of Me

A new beginning some may say
T'is bright as the day
To rise from the ashes
In this world that burns and crashes

History rights itself, so they say
I’ve grown weary of this foul play
I live everyday like it’s my last
Trying to feel and not dwell on the past

Even if it's all black and gloom
And all you feel is a pending doom
When your mind is racked with grim despair
When every breath is a gasp for air
Why don’t we sit down and relate
If our strength is in numbers, why not communicate
This long tunnel in which you grope
For around the bend is a ray of hope

Just give itself another day
Do not let yourself decay
This is life, you can make a new start
By ignoring the brain just follow the heart
Everyone has their mountain some harder to climb
Build on your hope, one day at a time
living in the present and refusing to mope
Stars twinkle when your living in hope